
The Winter Den

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 17th 2011, 11:25 pm

Mahina lifted her head as Kanae started licking her fur. She thanked the female silently in her head, and when the scout took a protective stance, she looked behind her. "Dakota?" She called, her saddened eyes widening in surprise.

((I sense much drama...))


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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver June 17th 2011, 11:29 pm

Silver's head snapped up, and she noticed dimply that her sister was now lying beside her as well. Standing, she turned to watch the scene unfold, pinning her ears. Which side would she take, should a fight break out?

Dakota's back? She asked herself, and Amethyst turned and stared in surprise.

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Spirit June 17th 2011, 11:34 pm

Spirit couldn't help but smile at Soran's words. Curiosity had its way of getting to her at times; this was just another example of it. She closed her eyes, letting out a content sigh, listening to the environment around them. Winter had truly come to the territory. The chilling breeze blew across the snow, picking up the flakes resting on top and spreading them across the area. Tree branches were coated with snow and the occasional icicle hung down from their tall perches; she could hear them as they creaked whenever a gust of wind whipped by. She heard the faint sound of voices nearby, she strained her ears as she tried to pick out some of the voices. Silver?... and maybe Mahina? The name made her wince slightly, feeling sorry for the bright she-wolf. She could only imagine the pain the she-wolf must feel.

The white she-wolf flinched as she heard a snarl rake through the air. Her eyes flashed open as she saw a strange brown she-wolf staring at her and Soran. Her hostility shocked Spirit, making her feel uneasy. What had they done that was so wrong?... A nervous wave washed over Spirit though she tried to hide it. Pulling her head away from Soran's fur slowly Spirit looked over at the newcomer.

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 17th 2011, 11:41 pm

Jaws parted in a wide gap that allowed air in and snarls out, angry saliva dripped from Dakota's ivory teeth. It hit the snow below her in a rush of steam and violent hissing, the hot spit clashing with cold snow. No words came from her opened maw, the huntress didn't need any. Her golden gaze didn't falter as others seemed to recognize her or fear her. Either one was fine by her, for the only thing she looked at, truly looked at, was the problem. Soran and Mahina cannot be split up. Its not how it works, Dakota thought, her mind beginning to lose steam and hostility as the sorrow she felt began to well up inside her. All she had fought for, all she had done, would always tear her to pieces. But this was not the time to relieve her personal nightmare, this was the time for action.

The paws that had carried her back to her rightful pack twitched with anxiety. One moved forward one step, but the others would not follow. Her ears were erect, jaws taught, and head low. Everything on her body screamed threat. Everything in her mind screamed kill. One thing on the outside screamed silence. Dakota was waiting on one thing, before she would launch herself into a reckless fight. Mahina's ok was all she needed.

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 17th 2011, 11:50 pm

As Mahina watched Dakota, her own feelings of anger took over her one's of utter sorrow. Inside, a boiling hatred for the new couple threatened to explode. It didn't erupt, but it passed through her with a dip of her head. Dakota had the okay.

((Lame, but intense... like camping! Razz))


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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 17th 2011, 11:52 pm

Elysia was walking slowly, though she wouldnt say her paws were dragging. That was just a little too dramatic and Elysia wasn't a fan of drama. She was a fan of things, such as Pallatsera and being warm and Taru and more recently - Soran. She had her ears perked, walking in silence in an attempt to hear what went on between Soran and Spirit. She was hoping maybe Soran would confess to his best friend Spirit that he found the new scout Elysia to be enchanting or mesmerizing or some such very nice word. What she heard instead, well it concerned Soran and love - but not how Elysia had planned it out in her mind. Her jaw dropped for a moment, having been a bit oblivious to Spirit's feelings. Her ears and tails drooped for a moment and she sighed, turning to Taru who padded beside her.

"Guess all your hard work went to waste there." Elysia wasn't so much crushed or heart broken as she was dissapointed. She hadn't exactly loved Soran. She found him attractive, and brave and bold. Truth be told, she had never actually spoken to him. How could you love someone without knowing them? So though she was dissapointed, she wasn't nearly as upset as Mahina - or apparently this new brown female who looked on the verge of attack. Elysia glanced over her shoulder, her eyes widening in surprise. She glanced between Rune, Taru and this new angry female, making a quick decision. "Introductions have to wait, I think." She turned, running swiftly to join the small group. She looked around, between Soran and Spirit and Kanae and Mahina. She couldn't tell where the anger was most central.

Elysia gathered herself, her courage and her tranquility as Pallatsera would have done. She stepped forward calmly, a neutral expression on her lips and her voice quiet. But for fur color, she was Pallatsera reborn. There were times when Elysia just couldnt control her fiery nature, and others where she shone as Pallatsera's light. She looked to the female, speaking calmly. "You are obviously upset, but I am sure there are those here who can help you." She paused, unsure if it was actually her place to be speaking at all. Who was she, but a lowly scout.


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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira June 18th 2011, 12:03 am

Kira's gaze lifted quickly as she heard snarling and immediately recognized the female as Dakota, a smile spread across her muzzle before realizing what was happening. She looked slowly between Mahina and Dakota, closing her eyes slowly before opening them once more, taking in what she had just acknowledged as her gaze hit Mahina's. She simply stared, her paws unable to carry her to Spirit's aid. Could it be because she had felt that same pain that she now saw in Mahina's eyes, now? Or was it merely that Mahina was her friend? Regardless of the reason, her paws remained planted firmly on the ground as she made no attempt to move.

((lame Dx ))

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 18th 2011, 12:07 am

The beast that was Dakota felt the presence of another she had not felt in a long time. Her eyes left the wolf known as Spirit only once, searching for the wolf talking to her. A small, petite female that registered the name Pallastera in her mind was talking. This tiny memory sparked instant hatred. The one who had stolen her right as dominant female, who had plotted against her, who she had attacked in full blood. She stood right before her. Golden gaze catching the ok signal from Mahina made her muscles release their taut posture. Her legs split the space between her and Spirit, jaws aching for blood and flesh.

In a few paces, Dakota was upon the female, eyes locked on her neck. She was going for the jugular, for her life and every ounce of it. The huntress was simply doing what she did best, hunting. With brutal force, her teeth snapped down. She had missed. In the seconds her teeth had entered Spirit's neck, she knew her teeth had missed the jugular. From years of hunting, the female knew her bite was not lethal.

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 18th 2011, 12:16 am

Elysia actually thought her plan might have worked for a second. She was all prepared to feel so proud - maybe even rebell against oxygen like Taru and puff out her chest a bit. For a moment, the violent female's expression seemed to go slack with surprise. But then, all her fury and hatred were back, perhaps stronger than ever. She lunged, clearly not at Elysia. In any case, Elysia moved. She scooted back quickly to Taru, backing away from the fight. This was not her fight, nor her place. But perhaps she could watch and gain some inter-pack relations info. She settled down, lying in the snow. She looked up at Taru, blinking. "There's nothing to do but watch, trust me I'm not messing with that dark female." She rested her chin on her paws.

She knew she might look uncaring, but it wasnt her place. Wouldnt they perfer she not become involved? She watched the dark female go for Spirit's jugular, biting her neck. Elysia felt tense, finding herself siding with Spirit and silently cheering the female on. As Elysia watched, looking between Soran, Mahina, Kanae, Spirit, Taru and this new female - she made a decision. She would wait, anxious but knowing it was not her place. But she would be ready - should an order be given. She scrambled to her paws, standing at attention. If anyone needed something, she would be there.

But until then, well she would watch the fight. And puzzle over the surge of hatred the female had displayed when Elysia stepped forward. She had gotten a lot of reactions in this pack from her resemblance to Pallatsera, but so far no one actualy hated her. Mahina had delivered the death news. Maiara and Rune wished her well. Derek, well he understood and protected her. Soran seemed oblivious. And some had never even known Pallatsera at all - and thus she was brand new, her own person.


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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Spirit June 18th 2011, 12:20 am

Spirit froze, her calm expression turned to one of shear shock as Mahina nodded to the female as an okay to attack her. She knew the dark she-wolf was hurt but she didn't knew it would all come down to this. Thoughts flashed into Spirit's mind and memories flew by - she felt as though this may just be it... The end of the road. But Spirit barely had time to breath before the brown she-wolf was upon her, tackling her backwards and onto the cold snow. She pushed up against the female in an attempt to push her off but it was useless. She yelped as severe pain raked through her as the female bit down into her neck, her white ivories sinking into her flesh. This was unexpected... all so sudden. The only thing Spirit could be happy about right now was that she had missed her jugular. Otherwise she would've been killed.

This was no longer the peaceful and relaxing moment it had once been with Soran. This was all something new to Spirit. Never had she felt such terror. She had been so close to happiness only moments ago and now she pinned to the snow, her blood staining it red as she began to bleed. Spirit didn't understand why things happened or how they did but this was not fun and games. It was a matter of survival, one she'd either win or lose. Spirit squirmed beneath the larger she-wolf raking her claws into her abdomen. If she couldn't free herself perhaps she could at least inflict some kind of pain on her foe.

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 18th 2011, 12:31 am

Dakota felt the sharp nails of back claws tear through fur and dig into her flesh. Her jaws loosened and seemed to slide off of the female. Was this all the other female could do? This problem was all her fault and she could not even properly defend her own life? A sneer coated with Spirit's blood played on her black lips. She began to circle the poor wolfess, golden eyes finding her next spot of choice. Perhaps she would go for her stomach, aim to rip through organs and such. No, for Dakota disliked the taste of innards, they were foul and unclean. She would go for something that would leave her mark on her forever, the ear. Blood and spit pooled below Dakota's jaws, melting a growing circle in the snow. With her next words, the pale crimson liquid flicked from her jaws to land in numerous places along the ground, "You will die."

Her voice was as cold as the snow that coated the battle grounds. With that notion of fear inflicted, the hunter lept again, aiming to close her jaws around her right ear. Her intention was to fully rip off the listening device, to leave Spirit fully deaf in on ear. The ivory fangs connected to the warm flesh short of their destination, taking the half of the ears with it. Dakota slid across the snow, her tongue hanging out of her bloody jaw as she panted. The clump of fur that was Spirit's ear fell from her maw with a few drops of blood and spit. Dakota analyzed the damage, deciding that Spirit could probably still hear out of the ear. Then again, why did she care if she could still hear? Who needed to hear when they were dead?

Last edited by Dakota on June 18th 2011, 1:05 am; edited 1 time in total

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Soran June 18th 2011, 12:38 am

Soran stared blankly as he noticed the female that approached him, glinting ivories bared in hatred and blood lust he had so often seen in the hunt. It had happened too fast for him to process; Elysia, And Silvers arrival, followed quickly by the one he had not once expected to meet again, though he hardly missed the sight of Dakotas fangs raking Spirits neck, staining the blinding white snow a bright vermillion.

In an instant, the hunter was on his feet, moving through the snow at a quick sprint before ramming into the bronze she-wolfs side with such force it send then both skidding across the snow a few feet. No explanation was needed as soon as Soran realized what he had done by accepting Spirit as his mate. It was unacceptable, most likely dispicable by Mahinas standards, and he knew this was not his fight.

Face devoid of all emotion, he gave the single thing he could only give to Dakota at that point, silence. Why had she come back if just to kill? He found himself staring at what he barely recognized as his friend from so long ago, waiting her to return the lash, and bloody him as well.

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Spirit June 18th 2011, 12:46 am

Spirit took a deep breath as the female released her hold of her neck. She was still under shock, her mind felt fuzzed and she couldn't think straight. She had never been of the fighting type, it simply was never really her thing. Peace. That was where her skill fell. But now, all that seemed to shattered. She coughed, feeling the taste of blood rise in her mouth, which unsettled her. The white she-wolf attempted to roll over and get up but before she could the brown she-wolf rushed again, biting down onto her ear and ripping a good chunk of it off. Spirit held back a yelp as pain once again roared through her. This attack didn't scare her as the first had, it merely angered her.

But before she could do anything Soran charged at her attacker, sending them both backwards a few feet. Taking the opportunity Spirit rose to her paws, blood dripping from her ear and neck. She was in pain and wanted nothing more to find some comfort for her wounds. She felt the whole pack had betrayed her, no one seemed willing to help. Spirit stood where she was, steady as stone as she watched the brown she-wolf and Soran intently, refusing to flee.

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 18th 2011, 12:58 am

Dakota felt the blow of another wolf. Who dared intervene with this fight? A snarl rippled from her bloody jaws. The female turned towards the attacker. Her golden eyes found someone she wished they hadn't. Soran stood before her, breathing heavily from the blow he had caused Dakota. Anger still caused the poison known as adrenaline to pulse through her veins and put an edge on her muscles. Why wasn't he talking? Soran needed to speak! To speak to her, to say anything to Dakota, would have cleared her head a little. She needed the voice of her friend, the advice of her friend. He was her friend! Wasn't he? Dakota's memory was as clear as if she had never left the pack, as if she had stayed through everything. In an instant, her teeth stained with Spirit's blood latched onto Soran's shoulder.

A growl escaped through her clenched teeth, gurgling up through Soran's newly exposed blood. She held her awkward stance. Teeth dug into his shoulder, the female was haunched over while standing. "You said," the wolfess began to speak, only couldn't find the rest of her words. She tightened her grip, forcing all her energy into the one bite. Everything will be as it was before. This will fix it. Everything will be as it was before. Destroy the differences and it will be the same. Nothing has changed. Just keep fighting it. The thoughts of denial plagued her mind like the poison adrenaline.

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver June 18th 2011, 1:04 am

Silver snarled, her pearl canines showing in a bright contrast to her grey muzzle. This was too much, she hated fights. Hated fighting. Hated skirmishes, she wanted it to stop. Anxiety and pain churned inside her, and then it turned to anger. Anger at herself. She should have stopped it sooner. Now, blood marred the snow from her friends and pack mates. It had to stop.

Silver thundered forward, her arctic wolf form suited for running at such speeds through the snow. In a swift arc, the blue or white and grey wolf plunged into Dakota. She tumbled with what was once her role model into the snow, she had never laid a paw on Dakota. Never.

Jumping up and sliding on her feet, she made a move to pin the female to the ground. Her green eyes were like ice and flames, and her teeth were bared.

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Soran June 18th 2011, 1:13 am

Soran remained where he stood as Dakota lunged towards him, digging her sharp ivories deep into his shoulder. A grimace of pain crossed his face, but he dare not move an inch, if this is what Dakota had become then what would happen when this fight was over? The hunter clenched his teeth in a tight line as her bite was forced farther and farther into his body, breaking tissue, muscle, nerve, and soon to be bone.

As he opened his mouth to reply, he felt the splitting blow of impact as a white form rammed into Dakota’s side. Surely it wasn’t Spirit, as she seemed to still be staunching the flow of blood from her right ear. As Dakota went skidding into the snow, she took Soran’s shoulder and him along with her. His eyes closed for a moment as he hit the snow with an uncomfortable thump; and he recognized Silver’s form as she attempted to pin the bronze female under them.

With a heavy breath, the male turned his head the best he could to face Silver, shaking it from side to side. “No Silver, by attempting to stop the fight, you are going to start a new one.” He said, a mild tone creeping into his voice; “It can be handled.” What was he saying, did he truly believe that himself, perhaps one of them would be killed before the actual fighting ceased, but those who had caused this mess, mainly him, held a higher risk of death then any other, even Spirit.


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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver June 18th 2011, 1:17 am

"No..." Silver growled, as she placed her paws atop the female, staring her in the face.

"Dakota, this is not right. Think. Do you want to kill one of your friends in this rage? Calm down. Control yourself. I understand your anger, I truly do, but what you need to grasp right now is not forgiveness but your sanity. Please, don't hurt anyone any longer. Just... Don't. You were once my role model, I looked up to you as a pup... But no more. " She stopped, and then broke her gaze. Stepping off, she backed, standing between Dakota and the other two.

"If you feel you must, attack me instead. Not them. They don't deserve to be punished for finding a reason to enjoy each others presence. "

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Spirit June 18th 2011, 1:26 am

Spirit watched - much to her grief - as Silver charged into the brown she-wolf sending all three wolves sliding. She frowned seeing where the dark she-wolf had bit him; watching it bleed was too much for her. Spirit sprinted forward, stopping by Soran's side. At this point she didn't care about the dark she-wolf or what her anger may lead her to do. She looked down at Soran, concern filling her gaze. What had just happened? It all seemed so quick... She laid down beside him, but kept silent. She didn't know what to say, she felt there was really nothing she truly could say. "I'm sorry..." She said softly, burying her face in his fur for a brief moment before pulling away slowly, shaking her head slowly in disbelief at recent events.

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 18th 2011, 1:35 am

Dakota felt the weary exhaustion spread over her body as the anger faded. Silver had knocked her away from Soran, his shoulder's flesh still in her jaws. Her ears did not absorb Silver's words for a long moment. Something about a role model? Ha! Dakota was nothing of the sort. She rose from the bloodied ground. Her legs shook with hatred once again. Golden gaze locked onto the pair that sat together, no words could be found. There was no changing the present, for it seemed no spilled blood was going to change Soran's mind. What had she wished to come back to? The pack full of everyone she knew. Soran and Mahina still happily together, raising her pups. Everyone happy and loving as they were before. What had she come back to? Nothing she had wished for.

"You said," Dakota tried to find words again, eyes digging into Soran. She found no words, for Soran had never said anything. He had never promised that things would be the same when she returned. The dread that overwhelmed her made the she-wolf feel faint. "You said nothing," she breathed, her pattern of inhaling seeming to be rushed and tired. Her rump sunk to the ground, finding a place in the snow. Golden gaze locked on a bloody piece of ice that rested in the snow, Dakota looked at no one.

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver June 18th 2011, 1:49 am

Silver stared blankly at Dakota, then turned around. She glared at Soran, feeling loathing wash over her before the emotion disappeared on her face. She held nothing against Spirit, but Soran? He had hurt Mahina. Hurt her friend. Hurt his previous mate.

Staring at him, emotions masked, only one sentence escaped her muzzle.

"You hurt Mahina. " She said, before turning and running into the forest. She heard Amethyst following her, but payed no heed. She was faster. Her paw steps echoed through the forest as she struggled to escape the hatred and sadness.

Love is stupid... Stupid and reckless... It never lasts. She thought, in spite of herself and the face that she had a mate. But she hadn't seen him. Maybe he didn't even exist. She lost Amethyst, and curled into hiding near a tree covered with snow, and curled tightly and hid herself from the world in the snow. She left earth, jumping into the chasm of her dreams.

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira June 18th 2011, 1:56 am

The irony taste of hatred fell upon Kira's tounge as she relished at how Mahina must feel, Soran had left her when she needed him most and apparantly he showed no remorse. A low growl escaped her muzzle as she stared at the two before turning and trudging into the trees once more, the cold pellets of frozen water clinging to her coat as she kept on.

((lame DX))

Last edited by Kira on June 18th 2011, 2:03 am; edited 1 time in total

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Soran June 18th 2011, 1:59 am

Soran remained still in his position half buried by the snow, the wound on his shoulder seeping a brilliant vermilion carpet on the surrounding snow. The wound itself, however deeply she had bit into his shoulder, wouldn’t kill him, though he realized his hunting techniques would need to broaden without full use of his shoulder. An image of Aethos standing over him with teeth bared, ready to deliver the final bite as he slept, crept across his vision; until disappearing just as quickly as it had come. He acknowledged Spirit with a brief brush of the muzzle, “You have only a need to be sorry if you were the cause of such events; your apology will not do here.” He replied, before turning his dark eyes back to the bronze Dakota he had once feared and respected.

“You know that life can either be accepted or changed. If it is not accepted, it must be changed. If it cannot be changed, then it must be accepted. You influence more change then I think you realize. Whether you know it or not, you have woven a part of yourself into each of our lives.” He replied, realizing that these were the words he had been holding back when she left, never expecting she’d return with a vengeance strong enough to attack former friends.

As Silver spoke up, this time addressing Soran, a brief expression of loathing crossed over her face as she said the words he knew he could not escape. Instead of retorting, the male merely stared as she fled, her sister trailing her heels. His eyes looked down at his own paws, covered in crimson stains from who knows whose blood. Mina could express her pain as much as she wanted to Silver, scarcely realizing that while she had left with no message, he too had felt the sting of loss. For a moment, his eyes caught Kira’s as he attempted to regain his bearings, but by the way she was staring at him, he realized that he was slipping away from those he still called friends, with hardly a foothold to cling to.


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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 18th 2011, 2:12 am

Dakota took the words in silence. It was all she could manage at that point. Woven into lives? She needed to talk to the weaver then. Her stitch would need to be removed. "Soran," she began, breaking her long silence. "I.... can't accept or change it. What do I do?" the female asked in a shaking voice. He had chosen his words carefully, speaking of influence and change. It sickened Dakota. She rose to her paws, as if to leave again, to walk straight through the forest and out of the territory. But, she couldn't do that again, not now or anytime soon. "I learn to accept it I guess," Dakota spoke wistfully, suddenly jerking her head towards Soran as if he was vanishing soon. Her heart race slowed as she realized he was still there, by Spirit's side. Blood in her mouth taste foul and cold, causing her to lurch suddenly in a gag. The female pulled herself together once again. She needed to clean up the mess she had caused for herself.

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Spirit June 18th 2011, 2:41 am

Spirit sighed as Soran refused her apology she had known the moment the two words left her mouth that he would simply reject them. Though her was right, she truly hadn't caused anything though she may have been a trigger. She looked at Soran's wounds, still concerned for the hunter. Maybe this would have all been better if she hadn't spoken about anything in the first place... no one would be hurt and bleeding like this. No, that wasn't right. There would still be those hurt and whether it was now or later, someone would feel the pain.

"You hurt Mahina. " She said, before turning and running into the forest. She heard Amethyst following her, but payed no heed. She was faster. Her paw steps echoed through the forest as she struggled to escape the hatred and sadness.

Spirit watched as Silver's form disappeared into the white oblivion of snow. She glanced at Soran who seemed troubled by the white she-wolf words. It only made Spirit feel worse. He was losing everything, so it appeared. While she knew she was hated by some she didn't know them as well and it wouldn't affect her as much as it would him. She noticed Kira's cold stare, feeling a small spark of anger rise in her though she quickly turned away. Many events seemed to have taken place within this pack before she had joined; many that were unknown to her. Spirit longed to know, so maybe she could try and help heal this mess. But asking for one to tell her of it was simply foolish. To make them relive the pain simply so she could learn of something?

Her gaze look back up scanning the faces around the den, finding Mahina. She didn't feel she could look at the she-wolf the same again... not for a while. While she felt sorry for Mahina she couldn't help but feel some hatred towards her. She had been open and trusting towards the female and yet... it seemed it was all lost. Spirit searched to find a reason to justify her feelings. Confessing her feelings to Soran while seemingly tragic for Mahina was something big for Spirit. She had been so delighted to learn her had felt the same for her... yet all that joy and comfort... it had been lost. Her new beginning stolen by what?... Jealousy?

Spirit shook her thoughts away as a chilling new one crept into her mind. Would all of this cause Soran to reconsider? Would he leave her after all of this bloodshed? Spirit hoped the answer was no. The pain of seeing him leave would hurt more than the wounds she had recently received. Beginning a new chapter of her life only to have the pages ripped out and the story book slammed shut. That couldn't possibly be then end... could it?

The white she-wolf once again fell subject to her worries and fears. The sound of Dakotas voice brought Spirit out of her thoughts. She listened to what the female said, considering it even though it wasn't really directed at her. Spirit sighed, looking down at her blood soaked fur. It was already drying making her fur stiff with dried blood. She was going to need to clean up, she could go walking around a bloody mess but she wouldn't go anywhere without knowing Soran was coming to. Besides that, she was not the only one with a wound that needed cleaning.

[[ Sorry... long rant. ]]

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The Winter Den - Page 7 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kaiana June 18th 2011, 3:41 am

Kanae made her way over to Spirit and Soran, her eyes showing only concern. Quickly, she began to clean the wounds that the pretty young fae had recieved. The iron-like taste of blood filled Kanae's mouth; she cleaned more gently as she realized how deep the wound on the throat truly was. It had only missed the main artery by a few inches; Spirit had been very lucky to have escaped without a more serious, untreatable injury.

The snow was stained with blood. Spots of the red liquid blossomed in various places where the battle had started. The familiar iron mixed with copper scent hung heavily in the stagnant air; Kanae tried not to choke on it. This bloodshed was nothing new to Archangel, the Fighter but Kanae had not been that wolf for a long time. She was simply Kanae, the Scout, unless Archangel resurfaced at critical points.

"It should have been me," she murmured. "I told you to tell him; I should have been the one to be punished. Not you. Not while you stand here as proud and beautiful as Isis herself."

It was the first time since departing from her homeland that Kanae made such a comment about her brother's mate. Never had she seen a wolf nearly as beautiful as the Talonhowl's only heir.

"I am so sorry," she hung her head and swallowed. "Everything is my fault."

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