
The Winter Den

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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira June 20th 2011, 8:49 pm

Kira's coal ears swiveled to the side as she heard Altair approach, her icy gaze soon following as she watched him lay his head on his paws and let out a breath. She shook her head, laughing slightly before curling her tail against her side. The fae's ebony paws lay outstretched in front of her, her white paws blending in the with the snow.

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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 20th 2011, 8:57 pm

"Don't laugh at me," Altair said lightly as he flicked his tail.

His head was turned slightly towards the ebony fae and his pale amber eyes were alight with laughter. He carefully crossed his white paws and brought his face closer to his chest. The snow felt slightly cold on his thin belly fur but with his back legs tucked neatly under him, he was elevated; the cold didn't affect him too much.

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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira June 20th 2011, 9:09 pm

"You can't seem to stop moving, is all" Kira laughed, shaking her head to rid it of the snow that had covered it in the hours she had lay there. She parted her muzzle in a yawn as she stretched her paws in front of her.

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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 20th 2011, 9:23 pm

"What can I say? I'm a busy guy." Altair replied with a smile before sobering again.

His stomach let loose a loud growl; he jumped when he heard it. A burning sensation ran through his veins, he was embarrassed. He coughed and cleared his throat.

"I guess I'm hungrier than I thought." He said sheepishly.

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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 20th 2011, 9:25 pm

Taru carried the limp rabbit in her jaws, blood occasionally dripping to the ground as it slipped from the carcass. The female's pale eyes scanned the territory, searching for the one called Maiara. Her eyes locked onto a female a few yards away, curled up as if about to sleep. Perhaps this was her? Moving over to the resting wolf, she dropped the rabbit with a thud next to her. "Are you Maiara?" she asked, then began to puff herself out to make herself look bigger. Holding her breath, Taru waited, cursing her need to appear larger than she was to the dominant of the pack. If this was not the one known as Maiara, the head ache wasn't worth it.

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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira June 20th 2011, 9:37 pm

"What can I say? I'm a busy guy." Altair replied with a smile before sobering again.

Kira laughed slightly, "Ah, so the loner is a social butterfly?" she said, stifling back the urge to laugh again. Hearing his stomach growl she realized how hungry she was herself, "Luckily, the hunters are going to hunt now" she said, flicking her ears towards Falco and the small group that had gathered to meet his howl.

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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Maiara June 20th 2011, 9:39 pm

The soft thud of the rabbit's carcass on the frozen ground grabbed Maiara's attention well enough, the scent of fresh prey wafting over to her nostrils. Twisting her head back around she saw a small dark female perhaps even a little smaller than herself, truly an acchievment, standing in front of her. Her chest was puffed out, full with held breath in the attempt, she assumed, to expand her small frame. A good defense mechanism. When intimidated, or trying to for an impressive first opinion it would be put to excellent use. However, too tired to be irritated by what appeared to be a show of dominance, or intrigued by the action, it did little more for the foreign female than to make her eyes bug out slightly.
"Are you Maiara?" she asked
"Yes, I am," she responded with a friendly smile, "What can I do for you?" Her eyes blinked slowly a few times to keep her weariness away, but otherwise the dark loner had her full attention. At least, that which the tempting smell of rabbit had not already stolen.


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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 20th 2011, 9:56 pm

"Ah, so the loner is a social butterfly?" she said, stifling back the urge to laugh again.

Altair nodded at Kira's words. He was a social butterfly but not one who would spill secrets about anything. Conversation with other wolves made him feel like he belonged therefore, he tried to do it as often as he possibly could. A lone existance would never be for him not after what he had discovered about the price of it all.

"I hate being alone," he admitted slowly. This was one thing he had never shared but there it was, in the air for Kira to hear and know. "It just . . . Bothers me. I could never live alone."

His paws were shuffled once more. This was an uncomfortable experience for him. He usually did not lay anything out to anyone, the only thing they were to see was the happy-go-lucky Altair. But he had a dark story.

"Luckily, the hunters are going to hunt now" she said, flicking her ears towards Falco and the small group that had gathered to meet his howl.

Altair nodded to her words. He was not going to speak if he didn't have to for fear of another hidden secret making its way out to the cold, merciless winter air.

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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 20th 2011, 10:44 pm

Taru grinned, finally she had found one of the dominants of the pack. She let go of her breath and spoke quickly, "I'd like to join as a Scout for your pack." The female had heard, although she couldn't remember where, someone talk of being a scout. It seemed like it would fit her skills, so thats what Taru had decided on quickly. She smiled again, her head light from holding her breath. The small female needed to find a different way of making herself look bigger, one that did not involve causing her to become blurred and aphyxiated. She tried to puff out her chest once again, without holding her breath, but found it quite difficult. "I'm really good with running lond distances at fast paces," Taru added, trying to talk herself up.

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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira June 20th 2011, 11:19 pm

Kira sensed his uneasiness, deciding it may make him feel better to spill a tad of her own past. "I am not what I appear to be on the outside. Nor, I am not the strong beta everyone thinks." she said softly, the chilly air creating a cloud around her muzzle as she spoke. She flattened her ears, letting the crisp air consume her words, looking to her paws. Why had she suddenly confided in the male who still had yet to even be accepted? Most thought she had been over everything that occured in the previous years. The heartwretching truth that Bayne chose Silver, helping Silver raise pups that she felt should have been hers when Bayne left, or even the most recent, trying to prove that she could be the Beta Female.

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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 20th 2011, 11:27 pm

"I am not what I appear to be on the outside. Nor, I am not the strong beta everyone thinks." she said softly, the chilly air creating a cloud around her muzzle as she spoke.

Altair listened to Kira's words and he, too, could sense her unease. Was she unsure of why she had told him such a personal thing? That seemed to be the most likely answer. His pale eyes sought hers and a small, sad smile coloured his features. Slowly, he reached his paw over and lightly touched hers. He looked at the snow again as he searched for the right words to say. When he found the five words, he hoped that they would do.

"One day you could be."

There were layers upon layers of meaning on those simple words. One just had to have the mind to disect them and look beneath what the initial meaning could be. However to do so, one would have to be very open minded.

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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira June 20th 2011, 11:42 pm

Kira looked over to him and smiled weakly, "Thank you" she said softly before realizing something. "Don't tell Silver or anyone about this. They believe nothing is wrong anymore, and I want to keep it that way." she said, her gaze flicking to the sleeping pile across the small forest gap and then back to him. She sat upright solemnly, curling her tail around her paws.

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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 20th 2011, 11:46 pm

"Thank you" she said softly before realizing something. "Don't tell Silver or anyone about this. They believe nothing is wrong anymore, and I want to keep it that way."

"I won't, I can promise you that." Altair replied as he pulled his paw back and rested his head on it.

His stomach growled again though it was quieter and Altair sighed lightly. Running with Roo and Elysia had worked up quite an appetite. His tail curled over to his frame and ended up near his flank.

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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira June 21st 2011, 12:20 am

Kira nodded, "Good" she said softly, smiling in thanks. She got to her paws, shaking out her coat before looking back towards the densite. "Im going to head back, Maiara or Rune may need me" she said, padding past him before slipping into the snow coated treeline. She walked for several moments before her gaze settled on the faint images of Maiara and Taru. She kept walking, stopping along the edge of the trees and laying down once more. She had yet to say hello to Taru, and decided that she should after the fae was done speaking with the alphess.

((lame, but Im tired DX))

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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 21st 2011, 12:29 am

Altair dipped his head to the disappearing Beta Female. Once she was gone, he yawned loudly. He wasn't tired, he was just bored. After running through the woods with Taru and Elysia he became antsy and desired to run again. His tail twitched a few times before he commanded it to cease all movement.

His pale amber eyes looked at everyone in the small glade. Mahina and Silver were still curled up together and a group had gathered around Falco. Lazily, he looked down at the snow and observed all the various colours that were hidden to most.

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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Bear June 21st 2011, 1:37 am

Falco smiled at the approaching Shadow, it seemed that it would be the two of them for now. His white velvet like ears twitched to the muttering that came from his fellow hunter. He smiled and responded "We are most certainly going to hunt Shadow, the pack will be hungry after such a trip... C'mon let's go get us some elk" the sooted male grinned and flicked his tail, letting out a final howl for anyone who wanted to join in the hunt. Then with another sharp flick of his tail, Falco broke into a brisk trot. He covered the ground with ease, his light stride allowed for his easy movement over the think snow.

The lead hunter sniffed around for any signs, or tracks of any prey for now, where one was they all would be, huddled together for the coldness of the winter. Falco's pink tongue lolled from the side of his mouth as he became excited over the thrill of the hunt. The chase would be on, there really was no other feeling like that of a hunt and catching prey. Chills where sent down Falco's spine over the thought of the hunt. He looked around and gave a bark looking for Shadow, to catch him up.

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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kaiana June 21st 2011, 1:56 am

Kanae looked towards Soran and Spirit and quickly realized that they probably didn't want to be disturbed. She went away from the new couple and padded into the woods. As a scout, she caught the scent of the new male wolf. Mahina's scent mixed with it as did Elysia's, Silver's, Kira's, and Taru's.

He seems to be a favourite of the ladies, she mused. She couldn't help but wonder what he was like. After all, he seemed nice enough since he did stand up for Mahina against Maiara and Soran. Never would she have thought that a wolf would stand up for another that he did not know.

"I wonder what they're doing?" Kanae said out loud. I wonder if he has his eyes on Mahina since he stood up for her? Or maybe he likes someone else? She shook her head and headed back to the clearing.

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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 21st 2011, 2:11 am

He looked up as he started to find water and saw Shadow and Falco. 'I haven't done my job yet' The male recalled to himself and trotted gracefully over towards them, his white coating dancing as he moved swiftly. "Hi" Insomnia bowed his head slightly towards the lead hunter "May I join the hunt?"


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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Bear June 21st 2011, 8:19 am

Falco lifted his head from the intoxicating scents of the herd of prey. It was Insomnia and was asking if he could join the hunt, Falco smiled friendly "Of course you can Insomnia, you are a hunter after all! Come we have picked up some tracks, and we need a big prey, its a big pack we have to feed now!" Falco was all hyped up over the hunt. He was truly excited and was in a happy and careless mood. Nothing negative could affect him in any way in this state. He looked to Insomnia as he keep following the herd tracks. "Well are you coming or not? The both of you?" he looked back to his two fellow hunters and swished his tail in a friendly matter, eager to get the game on.

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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 21st 2011, 8:45 am

Elysia did indeed quickly catch up to Taru. She padded slightly in front of her, leading her towards where Maiara was lying. She gave a nod to Taru and then stepped back. Elysia could escort, but she held no sway among the pack. If Taru was to be accepted, it would have to be by her own merits. Elysia stepped slightly behind Taru, taking a seat and curling her tail around her paws lightly. She kept her head high. She was in no danger of appearing larger than the alphess. Elysia was, by far, the smallest member of the pack. She wasn't very threatening in appearance, or actions.

Elysia watched as Taru placed the rabbit at Maiara's paws. Maiara awoke, gracing them with one of her dazzling smiles. It was easy to see why Rune loved her so dearly, she was a natural beauty. Elysia subtly watched Maiara. She had soft creamy fur and gentle eyes. She had a grace so natural. Elysia envied her and her beauty. Not enough to be hostile or any such thing. Elysia was completely loyal to Maiara, would never say a word against her, but that didnt mean Elysia couldnt wish to be like her. Pallatsera, had she and Maiara been close? Pallatsera had been an alphess, like Maiara. Elysia couldnt help but wonder if Pallatsera had been as well loved, as majestic as Maiara. Did Elysia's appearance and presence now affect Maiara? She hoped not, and if so, then not too much.

Elysia listened as Taru requested the position of a scout. Her lips curved into a smile. Elysia too was a scout and if Taru was accepted, then the two could spend more time together out roaming the territory. Now that Elysia had found a friend in Taru, she found herself more at peace within the pack as a whole.


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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 21st 2011, 4:44 pm

He gave a small smile and followed the hunter towards the scents. Instantly lowering his body to the ground. They may not have been close enough to run from here but he had always done this. Placing one paw infront of the other to provide the grace needed to glide across the land. And his back legs tucked under to support the weight falling down from his lean form.


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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 21st 2011, 5:05 pm

Shadow was already ahead when she noticed Falco and the others behind her. She stopped and waited for them to catch up.


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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 21st 2011, 8:28 pm

Ninja watched all the hunters go with Falco to do something. He lied down and sighed, thinking of what to do next. His left leg reached up to relive an itch behind his ear and he felt more comfortable after that.

(Lame, felt like I needed to post something XD)


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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 21st 2011, 8:50 pm

The natural instinct to wake in the morning is what drew Mahina's eyes open. She looked at the snow around her, sparkling in what little sunlight shone through the pine branches. Her breath formed a cloud of steam around her. Another chilly day. The female stood on shaky legs, a yawn parting her jaws as she stretched herself out. Her black nose twitched as she sniffed the air, but nothing important came to her senses. With paws crunching in the hardened snow, Mahina walked into the forest, always alert of who was nearby. She was not ready to face the rest of the pack just yet, surely something bad awaited her outside of the cover of the tree's, whether it was a harsh beating or maybe a fight with Soran, the glimor of possibility of any of those happening was high in her head. Mahina wanted to stay with the one's she could trust, Silver, Altair and Kira, the ones she truly knew would not cause her harm.
As she padded further into the tree's, she realized something that always brought the best comfort. Being where no one could reach her. A large oak tree brought this thing she needed the most. Standing under the tree, Mahina wiggled her hips, and with the experience and strength from many years of jumping, the female was up in the tree, balancing on the thick branch. Above her, another branch invited her up. She stood on her hind legs and draped her legs over the next branch, heaving herself up after a small jump. Mahina looked at the world below her, a small smile playing along her features. She lay down on the branch, all four legs hanging down in mid air. She watched the sun rise in the distance, enjoying the pink and orange colored clouds.


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The Winter Den - Page 14 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Soran June 21st 2011, 10:46 pm

Soran’s eyes flickered open as sunlight began to stream through the nettles and into the territory, turning the snow a brilliant orange in the light. His jaws parted as a wide yawn escaped in his throat, ivories flashing brightly in the early morning sun. By the fresh snow prints in the snow, he assumed a few others had stirred from the slumber long before he had, and had begun to move about the territory.

Flexing his paws, the male rose to a slacking stance, careful to keep the wound on his shoulder from reopening; even as he looked at it now, it was an ugly reminder of the weight of distrust from the day before. A grimace crossed his face as his stomach reminded him he had little to eat the day before then a scrap of hare. With a quick glance at Spirit, he crossed into the forest, his nose alert for any prey that was out wandering for a source of food so early in the morning.

Soran’s eyes flashed brightly as he caught sight of a tail just whipping around the corner of a hollow log that must’ve long since met the end of its life. With a hunter’s tread, the male rounded the tree and caught the hare by surprise and sank his teeth into the animal’s leg before it could escape. With a snap of its neck, its brief life ended, though he felt no sympathy for it. Quickly after catching his first, the delta easily caught another that had practically run over his paws in its conquest for food. For a moment, his eyes flickered over to the hunting grounds as the sound of waking footsteps echoed through the air. His preference to hunt larger prey would have to wait until his injury had scarred over. Until then, it would be up to the hunters, as well as Falco to provide a food of sustenance during the bitter winter months.

With two caught, the male padded back to where he fallen asleep in the snow; the indent made by his body was still there, though the warmth was long gone. Soran dropped the hares into the snow with a soft thump and nudged one beside where the white she-wolf was laying before settling into the snow next to her, his chocolate brown fur brushing her snow white one.


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