
The Winter Den

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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 9th 2011, 11:00 pm

A crack ringing through the forest made Mahina's head snap up in an instant. Her ears perked forward, searching for the sound, or what the sound was. She stood up from the snow she lay on, having long been used to the cold she had hid herself in. The female lurched forward, dashing through the tree's with her tail streaming out behind her. Low branches smacked her in the face and cut her up badly, but she only pressed harder to get to the one that was in trouble.

Coming upon the stream, Mahina looked all around, seeing the white pelt of Silver sink below the surface of the water. "Silver!" She leaped forward and onto the ice, sliding across it some ways before gaining a footing. She gained a strange sense of deja vu but shook it off. Now was not the time to think of that, it was her best friend she needed to think about.

Mahina lowered her body to the ice, crawling forward towards the hole where she saw Silver. As her friends head broke the surface she reached forward and grabbed her scruff. Silver was light, but not light enough. Through a mouthful of fur, Mahina spoke while trying not to slip into the ice. "You'll have to help me out here Silver." She motioned a forepaw towards the ice in front of Silver in an indication for the female to place her paw there.


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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver July 9th 2011, 11:11 pm

Silver kicked with all the strength the female could muster, her breath coming in shallow gasps from both shock and effort. Her pale green eyes were wide, and she desperately put her paw on the ice, only for the area, thin as her claws, cracked. It felt like a shallow pit of doom had opened in her chest, trying to suck herself inside of it like a black hole. Then, she felt Mahina's grip loose on her, her coat soaked and slippery. She slid down and exhaustion ate at her. Her determination faded, and she disappeared underneath the water. It was when water ate at her lungs that her eyes snapped open. a fire, though underwater, seemed and felt to fill them. She felt the bottom of the river beneath her paws. She could kick off.

The muscles on her legs rippled as they seemed to magnetize to the bottom, bubbles of air rising to the surface. Above, it seemed that all was over. But below, it was all but. With a jerk, tendons tightened and her entire form seemed to still and tense. Then, like a bullet, the female shot up through the water, front legs tucked and head pointing to the sky.

She lurched from the water, her front edge crashing down on a thick piece of ice. Her back feet thundered through the water and she was then out, laying and panting madly. She coughed hard, her lungs hurt even worse now, they had been sore from the pneumonia. Now they burned like hot coals.

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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 9th 2011, 11:22 pm

Mahina slipped forward as the ice beneath her began to give way. She stumbled backwards, her expression showing total shock for the moment. Her eyes closed, but snapped back open when Silver lurched out of the water and landed next to her. She stood up, slipping on the ice, but still managing to press her nose into Silver's fur. The female lost her footing and fell to her belly, which could be guessed as a good thing, for she could keep her friend warm.


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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver July 9th 2011, 11:29 pm

Silver stood slowly, shivering wildly. She walked off the ice, and gave the river a deathly stare, before turning to the forest and shaking her coat. She tried her best to dry herself as much as possible, and then looked to Mahina.

"Den. Now. There is a tempest coming, and I am not going to live if I am trapped in it. " She said, before bolting into the forest. The more she moved, the better. The warmer she would be. her coat moved like waves as she plunged through the snow, her pale green eyes fixed before her as if she were in some sort of trance. Soon, the damp wolf entered the den, shaking once more for good measure, and then plopped in a small, wet furry ball in the back of the den.

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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 9th 2011, 11:33 pm

Mahina rose to her paws and followed Silver at a slightly slower pace. Her ears flicked back and forth, listening to the sounds of the forest. The female entered the den after Silver, plopping down next to her.



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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 10th 2011, 3:06 am

A crack shattered the peacefullness of the realm, suddenly perking and turning his head towards it. Before turning back towards her. Unsure of what could have caused it. But he was interested, a longing to know if anyone got hurt burned inside of him. But his newly made friend may not have the same idea's. Maybe she would rather get in the den. The wind had been picking up but luckly for him, he was an arctic wolf and could survive storms like the one that seemed to be brewing.


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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kaiana July 10th 2011, 4:31 am

Kanae was a patient wolf but she could see that Elysia and Rune would be conversing for a while yet; the white scout picked herself up and walked away. Her paws ached slightly from the sheer cold but at least her body remained nice and warm. The fluffy, long coat that covered her entire frame kept her temperature moderated no matter the weather. It was nice to be part Arctic wolf.

She stopped when she saw Insomnia speaking to another who was unfamiliar to her. A smile crossed her features as she noted that the she-wolf was new and seemed to be getting alone with the white male. Never had she spoken to Insomnia and therefore she did not know anything about him. Back on the journey to the winter den, Kanae had noticed that he had spoken to an elite guard known as Aceline.

Her chocolate orbs turned back to the unknown wolf. She was a dark russet colour on her back and partially down her flank before fading to a light cream. The she-wolf's fur was sleek and smooth but not fluffy; Kanae wondered if the wolf got cold as easily as Elysia did. Another smile graced the scout's features as she remembered laying alongside her friend. That memory alone allowed Kanae to get some courage and walk to the two wolves.

"Hi, Insomnia." She greeted him with a tone that held as much warmth as she could muster. It was difficult for her to keep her head high and her ears from falling onto the back of her skull. Being slightly anti-social made this encounter a challenge. She decided to introduce herself to the other she-wolf. "Hello, I'm Kanae a scout."

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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 10th 2011, 11:19 am

Akera lifted her head to a loud snap. 'That's something you don't hear every day.' She looked at Insomnia questioningly. But the wind started to pick up, whipping around her sleek fur. Akera shivered heavily as the cold seeped right to her bones. Her smooth coat was wonderful in the summer, but in the winter, the female had a hard time. Akera looked at the light male enviously. His coat was very thick and fluffy, probably arctic wolf. He would probably have no problem with the cold that was starting to make her bones scream. This was only her second winter, but the first on her own. She was glad she found the pack. Otherwise, she'd still be wandering through the forest and it seemed like a storm was coming.

Akera turned her head as a completely white wolf approached them. As she introduced herself, Akera could to do nothing but stare at how perfectly white her long coat was. Looking up at her chocolate eyes, she spoke. "Hi. I'm Akera, a new hunter as of today." She wagged her tail a bit at the thought. "Nice to meet you." Her teeth chattered a bit as she said this.


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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Spirit July 10th 2011, 12:55 pm

Spirit let go of Soran's ear as she laughed. "Yes... I guess we wouldn't want that happening now would we?" Spirit said, trying to dodge Soran's paw. She pushed against the rock's surface with her forepaws, moving up into a sitting position. "But you know... I could always sit on you instead. You know, because with all this lard I could surely crush you with ease." Spirit's grey tail glided across the rock behind her as a smile graced her muzzle. She knew sitting on Soran wouldn't make much of a difference in the matter. She was rather small compared to him as it was - he could probably just throw her off easily.

[ Meh. ]

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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota July 10th 2011, 1:13 pm

Taru felt lost. Her yellow gaze shifted endlessly, watching as the others seemed to drift away from the den area. She began to look for Elysia. A low whine escape her muzzle as she realized she had left too. The little female looked towards the sky. A storm was coming, but why had everyone suddenly left? Taru had seen many storms, but never actually taken shelter for one. Her paws shifted as the awkard situation seemed to sink in. Letting herself sink to the ground, the wolfess settled down among the snow. She would wait it out alone.

Seeing Soran and Spirit still playing brought a sense of calm to her mind, they didn't seem bothered by the storm either. A small tail wag proved her happiness and she then lowered her head to her paws. Closing her eyes, Taru started to sleep.

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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 10th 2011, 1:24 pm

Treesong darted once again into the clearing, her fur bristling as she too had heard the rather loud crack. Her eyes shifted towards the den where she scented the smell of bitter cold water and wet wolf. Her eyes recognized that things seemed to be under control.

She lifted her head towards the sky, scenting a storm coming. Her ears flattened against her head. Storms meant getting dirty, and that just would not do. With a heaving, exasperated sigh, Treesong settled down next to a tree. Her eyes remained downcast as her fur ruffled a little from the breeze.

She rested her head on her paws, watching the other wolves as well as keeping her ears pricked.


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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Soran July 10th 2011, 3:17 pm

Soran shook his head quickly, a mock pleading tone creeping into his voice; “No, anything but that.” He replied, pretending to scuttle away despite the minimal space of the rock. “If you sit on me, I’ll be crushed for sure under all that lard.” As his claws scraped the rock to pull himself upright, the male was caught off-guard by a blast of icy wind that seemed too strong to be the usual dry breeze. Scanning the sky, he noted the dark clouds that had begun to swirl and churn out what little sun light came through, turning the forest dark. There would be more than just light flurries to this storm, any wolf that would be caught out alone in the open would be buried. Even with a thick winter coat, warmth would be sucked from the body without second thought.


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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Spirit July 10th 2011, 3:37 pm

Spirit laughed, rising to her paws. "So you have been warned." She said, putting on a sly grin. The she-wolf teetered slightly as an unexpected gust of icy wind burst through the trees, rushing past her. Her grin faded slightly as she turned to look up at the sky, concern coming over her features. The clouds seemed to be gathering and they all looked a dark and threatening gray. It was a storm no doubt and there wouldn't be just little flurries coming from it. Spirit shook her fur; at times like this it was nice to be an arctic wolf - the cold didn't get to her... too much. Her small stature allowed cold to reach her easily despite her fluffy fur. Turning back to Soran Spirit flicked her tail behind her. "It seems we have a storm coming." She laughed lightly. "How delightful, more snow."

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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 10th 2011, 4:04 pm

"Hello..." He paused for a second before re-calling the female's name. "Kanae." He hadn't spoken to her before, but it was a time for everything and he enjoyed making friends. Even if he would never admit it to anyone, "How are you this fine evening?"


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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 10th 2011, 8:25 pm

Akera looked up at the darkening clouds. A storm was definitely coming; she could feel it in her bones. Something small moving caught the female wolf's emerald eye. It was a single snowflake, falling gracefully to the ground. It seemed the blizzard would be coming soon. Her body gave a preemptive shiver. She would have to start sotring up that body heat now. God knows she'd need it very soon. But her small size and sleeker, less fluffy coat prevented her from building up much. There were tough hours ahead and she knew it. Looking at the two light wolves next to her, she knew that they would soon be hard to see in the snow. But she didn't know where to go. So she waited, paws shaking a bit in the deep, leftover snow of the last storm.


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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 10th 2011, 10:10 pm

Soske knew she had to get somewhere warm and fast. Not being a arctic wolf she was now shivering badly. Soske problem was not knowing where to go. She waited for the other wolves to head to shelter but none seem to do so. Maybe if Soske started to move maybe the others would follow and give guidance while she was new and didn't know the woods to well. Soske stood up and started to shake off the wetness from sitting in the snow when she saw it. She saw some snow flakes beginning to fall. Great exactly what we need, snow. Soske started heading out of the clearing hoping she was going some what of the right way. How could the non arctic wolves just be sitting around talking; aren't they cold too. Soske was beginning to shiver even more. Being very tiny did not help her in the winter.


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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 11th 2011, 2:47 am

His eyes flickered to Akera. He could tell that he was starting to seep into the snow and started to talk. She was shivering and might need help to get to the den. "There's a den close by." He pointed with his muzzle, glad that the weather doesn't affect him.


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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver July 11th 2011, 9:47 am

Silver, still shivering slightly but not nearly as bad, rose to her feet inside the den. Her claws clacked loudly on the cold stone floor as she made her way out, her white and slightly grey head poking out seemingly random from the den. She then saw a brown and cream mixed fae, Soske, walking around and seemingly confused. She stepped out and strode to the female, standing before her, the tips of her long coat iced and the soft fur next to her skin still damp.

"Need help finding the den? You're getting warmer. " She said, pun intended.

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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 11th 2011, 9:51 am

She looked to the male. "And I'd be able to use it? Could you help me find it? Sorry but I'm really terrible in the cold." Her voice had started shaking. Akera shouldn't have stayed out this long. Her legs were becoming a bit weak, so she needed a den. She spoke to Kanae and Insomnia. "Could we move this whole conversation indoors, if it's not inconvenient?" She felt bad, but she knew that there was no way she'd find the den by herself and she liked talking to her newfound friends. She also, even though she didn't want to admit it, didn't want to be alone during the storm. She never liked blizzards much.


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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 11th 2011, 11:06 am

Treesong sat next to a tree, successfully blocking the wind and now flying snow. Her head was held low and her shoulders hunched. Her breath panted little puffs of fog into the air. She glanced toward the den before glancing away again. She watched as more wolves began to approach and as Silver offered her help to the others. Treesong stood aside watching in case others arrived and needed assistance too.


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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 11th 2011, 3:11 pm

"Come on then." He turned his large body on his heels and started to make his way to the den. He used to hang around the den quite a bit so he knew where it was. But it was harder to find in weather such as this.

(Lame x.x)


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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 11th 2011, 3:57 pm

Looking around Soske saw a female walking up to her. She knew should had to have some arctic wolf in her because she strode around casually. She was an almost completely white wolf which made Soske jealous. When she walked up to Soske, "Need help finding the den? You're getting warmer." Soske laughed at this joke and smiled at Sliver. When she looked back up at Sliver she saw how pretty her eyes were with the green eyes and tints of yellow, Soske became envious at the pretty wolf. Laughing and walking a bit further Soske said Am I getting any warmer?


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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver July 11th 2011, 4:36 pm

"A little off still. Here, follow me. " Silver said to the fae, laughing as well at the female continuing on her joke. She looked at her to see if she was following, then turned around, and strode through the thick snow that was settling on the ground. A hard wind began to blow then, and Silver shivered, shaking her coat and speeding up to a lope, or more a romp, through the snow towards the den.
{I apologize for my horrible post, I hardly slept last night. }

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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 11th 2011, 5:55 pm

Akera looked up watching the light colored male start to disappear in the flurries. She hurried after him, trying to get her muscles warmed up. Her legs weren't really working properly however. She had never been caught in a storm like this before. Shivering profusely, she stammered out a "Thank you." and kept following in silence, hoping the den was nearby. Her paws were about to freeze off and ice and snow covered her thin smooth coat.


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The Winter Den - Page 27 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Rune July 11th 2011, 9:09 pm

"I'm Pallatsera's little sister."

There is was the piece to the puzzle Rune had been waiting for had now surfaced. So she was Pallatsera’s little sister? The new information certainly seemed to peak Rune’s curiosity as he shuffled closer. She looked similar and acted similar and perhaps if Rune wasn’t certain of Pallatsera’s death then maybe he would have mistaken the two at one point. That is if the two had ever been in the pack together or near each other. “I see, well I suppose that would make sense considering you share a lot of similarities with her.” Rune said as he continued to look at Elysia.

Suddenly thoughts began to enter his mind and he began to wonder whether the sisters were close. He couldn’t ever recall Pallatsera mentioning she had a sister, but perhaps he had just missed it when she had.
Finally he pushed the thoughts out of the way for the time being as he focused now on the trees beyond Elysia. “You know” he began slowly as he cleared his throat for a moment. “It was an honor to have your sister lead this pack at my side. I doubt we would be where we are now without her…”he finished his words trailing off.

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