
The Winter Den

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 21st 2011, 10:56 pm

Altair watched as Mahina disappeared into the forest. He opened his maw and let loose a huge yawn that seemed to have built for a while. Despite all the sleep that he had had Altair still found himself extremely exhausted. Part of it must have had to do racing with Taru, the other part he was unsure of. The blood that he had lost to the cougar must have been restored thanks to the rest; what was making him so darn tired? He decided not to dwell on it. Perhaps after another night of rest would do him good.

A blue jay sat high in a tree, it beady black eyes on the snowy ground. It's blue feathers were puffed up due to the cold; Altair found himself wondering why the creature didn't leave. Then, he remebered what his father had told him. Blue jays often found themselves too busy to bother with the long, tedious flight to the south; they often remained in the cold, constantly searching for food to hold them over until the winter days ended.

His pale amber eyes left the bird for he did not find it entrancing like he did the snow. With the faint light from the rising sun, there wasn't much that the frozen water could offer him either. Altair's breathing however brought his attention to the area in front of his muzzle.

At the moment, he was breathing in semi-deeply and releasing the air that filled his lungs. The mist swirled upwards and made complex patterns before vanishing into the sky. With this discovery he tired many different techniques in breathing to see what patterns he could create.

Soon, he lost interest and turned his eyes back to the snow. Tilting his head at a quirky angle he continued to stare.

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Spirit June 21st 2011, 11:12 pm

Spirit blinked her eyes sleepily as she woke from her peaceful slumber. She raised her head from where it had rested upon her paws, parting her jaws as a yawn escaped. A smile spread across her muzzle as her gaze fell upon the hare that had been set next to her. "Thank you." She said, her eyes darting briefly to Soran's wound. "How's your shoulder?" Had she been awake she would've preferred going to catch a morning meal for them but she wouldn't bother worrying about it. Spirit flicked her tail behind her as she took a bite of the hare.

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Soran June 21st 2011, 11:52 pm

Soran shook his fur out in an attempt to create a warm barrier against the early morning chill that had swept through the territory, carrying flakes of snow along with it. “Sure thing Socks,” He replied, taking a bite out of his own hare. “Time is the best medicine; that and a little exercise at the Hunting Grounds. I’m sure it will be just as fine as it was before...” His tone was a little unconvincing. The damage inflicted was most likely much deeper then he had expected, but he had suffered worse. “What about you?” He questioned; more to take his mind off of his shoulder then anything else.

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Spirit June 22nd 2011, 12:04 am

Spirit licked the blood from her muzzle as she finished her hare. She listened to Soran's words and as he finished took a moment to think about her own wounds. Her neck was sore though it was more or less expected but with her ear she was already beginning to notice a slight difference she'd never knew was there before; her hearing seemed off. While she could clearly hear out of it, with a great chunk of it gone now she couldn't hear as well. The realization made her frown slightly, as a scout hearing was an important part of her job. Spirit sighed. "Well... my neck is still sore which is bothersome but my ear..." Spirit's voice trailed off. "It's kind of hard to hear to be honest." She pushed herself up from the ground to a sit, wrapping her tail around her paws.

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Bear June 22nd 2011, 6:14 am

Falco's head found its way back to the ground and his sensitive nose back on the trails of the elk. As he scoured his way forth his long tail curled up over his back as he remained alert and in a brisk trot soon came across the prey. Standing behind some bushes and looking down in the valley he studied the herd silently and looked around for his fellow hunters who didn't seem to be around at the moment.

"Shadow, Insomnia, here!" he whispered, but loud enough for them to hear him if they were somewhat close. He continued to watch the herd and managed to see a slightly injured bull, it seemed to be limping and had blood dribbling down its leg. 'Must of been attacked by something else' he thought briefly and looked back over his shoulder for his two hunters. 'Where were they?'

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver June 22nd 2011, 9:45 am

Silver strode from the den, her flank stained slightly green from the various herbs she had used. Her cut was clean, but mildly disgusting because all of the scabs that had developed had cracked off once she moved. She trotted, her pace slightly off, into the forest.

(Someone run into her please. xD)

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 22nd 2011, 9:54 am

((I'll take up that offer))

When a raven flew above her and came but 1 inch of hitting her, Mahina found herself scrabbling away, and falling off the branch. Her blunt claws helped her not in the least as she tried to grip to the branch, and all she left was scratch marks in the bark. Desperately she tried to grab the branch, but it was no use, Mahina fell towards the snow, and what she fell towards she tried to alert with a yelp. Maybe that didn't work, the female fell right on top of Silver with an oof. Mahina's amber eyes opened and she leaped onto her paws and off of Silver. "Great Lupus! I'm so sorry Silver!"


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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver June 22nd 2011, 10:12 am

Silver was interrupted in her mindless walking, when a furry mass, much bigger than her, came crashing to the ground and onto her. All she heard was a yelp, whether hers or the wolves she did not know, and then she was pressed to the ground and into the snow.

"Aaaagh!" She groaned as she collapsed, her side screaming at her as if it was her fault.

"Great lupus! I'm so sorry Silver!" She heard Mina say, and suddenly the weight was gone. She felt a slight wetness on her shoulder, and knew that her cut had been opened again. Wincing, she stood shakily, she wasn't used to that sort of weight being dropped on the small fae.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. "

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 22nd 2011, 12:04 pm

"Right here." said Shadow, who was a few feet away. Sometimes she felt invisible. She directed her attention to the herd of elk. Her gold eyes rested upon an injured bull. It's leg was bleeding and had a limp. Could it's attacker still be here? Shadow growled. She searched for ananswer and found one in the lingering scent of a mountain lion.


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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 22nd 2011, 12:20 pm

Shadow wrote:"Right here." said Shadow, who was a few feet away. Sometimes she felt invisible. She directed her attention to the herd of elk. Her gold eyes rested upon an injured bull. It's leg was bleeding and had a limp. Could it's attacker still be here? Shadow growled. She searched for ananswer and found one in the lingering scent of a mountain lion.

((I think the hunting of the elk belongs in the Hunting Grounds thread.))

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver June 22nd 2011, 12:42 pm

Taru wrote:
Shadow wrote:"Right here." said Shadow, who was a few feet away. Sometimes she felt invisible. She directed her attention to the herd of elk. Her gold eyes rested upon an injured bull. It's leg was bleeding and had a limp. Could it's attacker still be here? Shadow growled. She searched for ananswer and found one in the lingering scent of a mountain lion.

((I think the hunting of the elk belongs in the Hunting Grounds thread.))

((That topic is locked.))

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 22nd 2011, 12:59 pm

((Oh, then nevermind, unless someone wants to ask for someone to unlock it.))

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 22nd 2011, 2:57 pm

Altair's pale eyes flickered to Silver as she walked away. He noticed that her gait was off, but he did not move. Could not move. His legs just wouldn't work on the right side. Perhaps there was an infection? He believed so. There was a horrid stench that was centering around that area. Blasted thing had to set in now, he thought bitterly. Perhaps he could find himself a herb store. Maybe with his nose he could scent where Silver had gone and drag himself there. Otherwise, he could just remain here and hope that his body beat out the infection. The latter seemed the best since dragging himself to the herbs would just reopen the wound and allow more bacteria flow into his veins.

A yelp drew his attention back to the forest. Altair perked his ears and listened to the fading echoes of said sound. It was Mahina he was sure of it. He was about to force himself into standing for he held a fear for her, but then he heard a muffled sound that reminded him of someone crashing into another. Maybe she had fallen onto someone? Could it have been Silver? He was correct. Despite the distance he could hear the sound of Mahina's voice apologizing to Silver.

He flicked his tail tip and smiled briefly. At least Mahina would be able to check on Silver while he was not able. Turning his head, he began to lick at the wound before grimacing. There was indeed an infection. He could taste it.

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 22nd 2011, 3:28 pm

((Lost my post to automatic updates. -_-))

Mahina winced as she realized Silver's wound had reopened. She didn't give her friend a word. Instead, she just dashed into the forest. She knew where some cobwebs were. In a hollowed out trunk of a fallen tree. She found the trunk, and crawled inside of it. It was warm inside, and there were plenty of webs hanging all around inside. She twisted some around her forepaws, and on three legs, she made her way back over to Silver. "I am so sorry." Mahina said again as she placed the cobwebs on her wound.

((Thank you Warrior Cats. lol))


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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 22nd 2011, 3:33 pm

He paced forward and stood low to the ground beside Shadow, his blue eyes locked on the herd in his vision. He flicked his tail up then down for a random reason and waited for Falco to give commands. Shuffling into a more comfortable spot, the large white male looked towards the blackened female. He had never conversed with her and now might seen a bad time, but he should at least say hi to be polite. Whispering under a hushed breath "Hello, I'm Insomnia"


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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Bear June 22nd 2011, 6:12 pm

Falco heard his fellow hunters approach the whispers of Insomnia broke the silence for now, but it didn't remain loud enough for the herd to hear them. Falco crept forth lowering his belly to the ground starting his attack on the elk. This was just the calm before the storm. His well-furred belly slithered along the crisp white snow. He flicked his head back over his shoulder and whispered to Insomnia and Shadow "I am sure you have seen it, our target is that injured bull, it will be plenty for a hungry pack" he winked at them and continued his persuit forth down the small valley side. Falco's steps did not faulter and he would soon stop and await at the small rocks and bushes at the bottom which would hide him, Shadow and Insomnia well. Fal knew this would be a good hunt at the least. He crouched behind the rocks, his sooted grey back matched him with the rock and snow below it.

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 22nd 2011, 6:19 pm

Shadow ran behind Falco, she felt like the wind. A wind that would soon bring a bull to it's knees. She came to a stop next to him, making herself disapear in the shadows.


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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Bear June 22nd 2011, 6:32 pm

Falco gave a silent nod to Shadow as he started to creep forth slowly, the herd wasnt too far away now, however their target managed to mingle itself in amongst other elk and Falco had lost sight of it. However he wouldn't lose the prey that quickly, he scented the air and his sensitive nose managed to pin-point the injured bull for him.

Fal moved forth, he was in amoungst the herd somewhat, he had managed to crawl past a number of elk seemingly unnoticed, he started on the bull elk, he wanted it separated from the herd. For one, If it decided to run, having it separated would see Falco trampled to dust and secondly having it seperated allowed for his fellow hunters to attack more easily. He soon found his way to the injured elk and it's intoxicating blood scent was all over the snow sending Falco's senses hay-wire. He cautiously crept forth and nipped the bull quickly on it's heels sending it into a run. It foolishly headed to where Shadow and Insomnia's direction. After it broke in it's gait Fal barked at it loudly forcing it to drive moreso to Shadow. He managed to scare it to them, maybe this would be an easy hunt afterall.

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 22nd 2011, 6:40 pm

Shadow sprang from the shadows, snarling. The bull elk was only a few feet away. It had no chance. The elk stopped. Right when it was about to turn around Shadow bit it's leg hard. With two wounded legs it would have no chance. She let go. Shadow had never been a good hunter. But that wasn't about to stop her from killing that beast. The elk used it's antlers as protection, swinging it's head. Shadow dodged a few times then leapt out of the away, planning on attacking from a diffrent angle.


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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 22nd 2011, 9:00 pm

The ebony female stared blankly at the alphess. Perhaps she had a lot on her mind? Taru grinned once more, then quietly spoke, "You can think about it if you wish." Feeling scared and awkward, the wolfess turned away to head back into the woods. Her nostrils flared on instinct, smelling the air as she walked. A sour, poignant smell stung her nose and made her cringe. She stopped for a moment, identifying where and what the smell was. Rotting flesh, the terrible smell of a festering wound was coming from the right of her. She turned, heading in the direction. Her pale eyes saddened as they found Altair. Tail limp between her legs, her ears threatened to pull back as she spoke, "You said you had a wound."

Taru made her way over wearily, finding the smell a little unbearable. She leaned forward towards him, pale eyes finding the wound on his shoulder. They traced over the flesh wound, finding the dark edges that signified rotting. "You never got this checked out?" Taru asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

Last edited by Taru on June 22nd 2011, 9:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 22nd 2011, 9:12 pm

"You never got this checked out," Taru asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

Altair's eyes flashed open. He had been sleeping; a low growl had started to build in his throat until he caught Taru's scent. His pale amber gaze turned to rest on her and he shook his head. His brain was too muddled to preform coherent words; he needed actions to voice his thoughts. He wished that she would come a little closer and notice that he was over heating. Most likely due to a fever.

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 22nd 2011, 9:27 pm

Taru frowned. Had he not heard her? "Altair, I asked you a question," she breathed, moving closer to press her nose to his side. The difference between her cold, wet nose and his burning, hot fur was amazing, even to make her step back. Panic began to course through her viens, making her blood seem thick and loud in her ears. A fever was taking toll on her new friend. "Altair! Altair," she nudged him again, trying to get him to stand at the least, trying to learn how bad his fever was. Taru knew little of herbs or healing, but knew that any fever was dangerous. Of what to do about one, she knew not.

"Think Taru, think. Stay with him or go get help?" she began to talk to herself, pacing in anxiety. Sitting back on her haunches, the female let out a howl, calling anyone who knew of herbs or healing. She then rose, scanning the shrubbery that maybe held something that Altair needed. Which herb? Whats it called? What does it look like? Taru began to run, bolting forward and grabbing something she hoped was the herb known as borage. The leaves helped with fever. Placing them next to Altair's muzzle, the female layed down beside him, wondering when the healer arrive. She looked at the wound again. Maybe she could clean it? If it was already infected, would it make a difference? Swiping her tongue across the foul wound, Taru tried.

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver June 22nd 2011, 9:41 pm

Silver's ears perked to a desperate howl of distress not far off, her head snapping towards the eerie noise. Her legs tensed, paws digging into the snow and in only moments she was off, galloping swiftly to her new destination. Her tail struck the air behind her working perfectly to help her balance at the extended pace. Soon, she came up to Altair laying dazed in the snow, and a distressed onyx female beside him.

"What is wrong?" She asked, clearly concerned for hr new found friends health. She trotted up to him, poking his neck with her nose. He had a fever. The most common reason for that was a cold, but with out any further evidence she was not able to tell.

"Altair?" She said, and then it struck her. The mountain lion had been sick, and she was most likely infected with whatever he had as well. She just was different, a different kind of wolf, and for some reason she did not know, had not felt it yet.

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 22nd 2011, 9:54 pm

Altair yelped and flinched away from Taru`s tongue. It burned! Oh how this pain was eating him alive! It felt like fire coursed through his veins and that pain was ever present. He wouldn`t be surprised that if he looked to his side that he`d see his dead little brother sitting beside him. Through glazed eyes he noticed that Taru had placed herbs beside his muzzle but he could not bring himself to eat it let alone swallow.

All the pain was near the wound he had recieved on his shoulder. From where the wound came, he could not remember. His brain would not function well for the pain was too much. Dropping his head, he closed his eyes. He wished the pain would cease.

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 22nd 2011, 10:00 pm

Taru frowned as he pulled away, her expression brightening as Silver showed up. She stayed beside Altair, lifting her head towards the scholar. "I got some borage leaves over there," she spoke, knowing that they were good for feavers. The female then rose, leaving the feverishly hot side of her friend. "Silver, just tell me what to do," Taru said, looking towards the white female. She knew this female was good with herbs, a pack member had told her so. Her pale eyes shifted to look at Altair, who was struggling to stay awake.

((Sorry, short.))

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The Winter Den - Page 15 Empty Re: The Winter Den

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