
The Winter Den

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver June 18th 2011, 7:13 pm

Silver turned, smelling something that caused her heart to leap almost out of her throat. Quickly composing herself, the female turned and walked the opposite way. Looking at the larger loner in the clearing, she whispered something almost inaudible to him as she passed.

"If you want to help and for pack members to like you more, follow me. I need help, my mind tells me something IS attracted to the blood. " She said, not even looking at him as she pretended not to do anything. She then disappeared into the trees.

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 18th 2011, 7:16 pm

"Ren! Ren you are alive!" cried a familiar voice.

Ren turned around to see his sister. "Shadow! Of course I'm alive!" replied Ren.

"I can't belive you survived the fire! I thought you were dead." said Shadow.

"I was rescued by a human." replied Ren, wondering what Shadow's reaction would be.

"A human? So that explains the collar around your neck. A-are you going to stay here?" asked Shadow quickly.

"No... I want to find the rest of the family. Don't worry I will come back, and I'll bring back the others." said Ren quickly.

"Oh... ok. I have to stay here, Ren. I'm in a pack now, I have a job to do. And I'm afraid I have been failing." explained Shadow, "Come back soon, Ren."

"I will." said Ren as he darted off into the forest.



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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 18th 2011, 7:16 pm

When a snarl hit Mahina's ears, she instinctively let her ears pin flat against her skull. She stared at Soran as a stranger male put himself between the delta and herself. Her lips curled back in a snarl of fear. Mahina never would have thought Soran would display such hatred towards her, just like she never thought she would display fear towards him. She didn't fear Soran, she never had, for there had been no reason to, but facing him now, though no signs of attack seemed to show, she was utterly terrified of the male. Her muscles tensed, if Soran did attack she would meet it. She hoped it wouldn't come to that, but doubt gripped her belly.

"You must have had a reason,"

"I was stupid." She didn't take her eyes off Soran. The snarl of fear on her face turned into a real snarl. Through clenched teeth she spoke to Maiara. "I came back thinking he would forgive me for leaving. Guess I was wrong." Once again anger towards Soran and Spirit coursed through her, and it took ever fiber of the female's being to not push past the strange male and attack.


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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Maiara June 18th 2011, 7:22 pm

Maiara nodded as Silver urged the loner away, it was best that he didn't further impose himself on the pack while it was in this state.

"I was stupid." She didn't take her eyes off Soran. The snarl of fear on her face turned into a real snarl. Through clenched teeth she spoke to Maiara. "I came back thinking he would forgive me for leaving. Guess I was wrong."

Noting the females agression, Maiara took a step forward, not quite a boundary between Mahina and Soran as the loner was, but showing that she would become so if it was needed.
"You left him. You left Dakota's pups and I'll bet you haven't even told him why yet. What reason does he have to forgive you?" her words came out bitter, moreso than she'd intended, but this was something that everyone, especially Dakota, needed to know.

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Soran June 18th 2011, 7:25 pm

Soran stared at loner with an unamused, bitter expression. The attempt at imitation was unsuccessful, even if the male was only a few centimeters larger then him, especially since the delta was sprawled on the ground from his injured shoulder. Dismissing his words, he bared only an inch his ivories, stained a slight crimson from cleaning his wound; but Mahina's words directed his anger differently. Had the adrenaline from earlier not still coursed through his bloodstream, he never would have been able to rise to his paws like he did just then.

The male staggered forward and pushed passed the loner, leaving a spot of vermillion to dry on his fur. "You can't just leave without a word expecting to return and have things as they were before." He started, his words directed towards Mahina, resentment staining his voice like the blood in the snow. His eyes flickered to Maiara as she voiced what he had was about to say. "Yes, what of Dakota's pups? What of her wish? I promised her we would take care of Atita, Cherokee, and Faylon, the both of us to provide support." He finished, his voice shaking in anger.

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 18th 2011, 7:25 pm

"If you want to help and for pack members to like you more, follow me. I need help, my mind tells me something IS attracted to the blood. " She said, not even looking at him as she pretended not to do anything. She then disappeared into the trees.

Altair looked at the fae and watched as she disappeared into the surrounding forest. He looked at the brown brute once more before lashing his long, dark ginger tail before following the fae who had spoken to him.

Once again, he was in the cover of the trees. The towering pines were like sentinels that guarded the wolves from prying eyes. When he looked ahead he noticed that the fae who had addressed him earlier was flitting in and out of sight just ahead.

He broke into a steady lope until he caught up with her. His paced slowed until it matched hers and he kept a careful distance between the two of them. He did not trust having any wolf too close to him yet.

"What do you smell?" He asked. His pale amber eyes widened as he realized he was being rude to her. He had not even offered his name! "I am Altair."

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 18th 2011, 7:28 pm

"You left him. You left Dakota's pups and I'll bet you haven't even told him why yet. What reason does he have to forgive you?"

Mahina's head snapped towards Maiara, the gaze her eyes held was a mixture of hate and heartbreak. Her tail flicked angrily. "He's been ignoring me the whole time I've been here!" Her paws twitched and her body shook. "How can I tell him why I left if he won't even note my existence!" her gaze darted from Soran to Maiara, to Spirit and back to Maiara.


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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver June 18th 2011, 7:38 pm

"If I'm right and we're unlucky, mountain lion, but I hope not. I am Silver; Silver Moonlight. I'm a Master Scholar in this pack." Silver replied, looking at him curiously with her pale green eyes. She smelled the air once again and stopped dead, tensing. Her ears strained, and the paw steps of a larger predator caught her concentration. Then, her fangs bared, and a low warning snarl erupted form her teeth. Watching the dark and shaded forest, a dim form appeared, walking towards them.

"Why in the world are you SNARLING at me Silver?!"
Silver heard Amethyst say, and Silver laughed in spite of herself. Relief washed over her.

"Beware, Altair and behold of the mighty and frightening Amethyst. Now, Amethyst; I have a question for you. WHY DO YOU SMELL LIKE A BLOODY MOUNTAIN LION?!" She barked, and her orange sister appeared and walked straight up to her.

"You're imagining things! I do not smell like a-" Amethyst cut off, staring into the distance in horror. Silver turned, slowly, to see a female mountain lion stalking towards the den. The mountain lion turned, and then snarled at the trio of wolves, crouching in the snow.

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 18th 2011, 7:46 pm

Altair stiffened the second he heard the snarl. His eyes flashed towards the tawny cat. He could see the glint of black claws on the mountain lion's massive paws. It was obvious that the she-cat had seen the band of them and was now going to them.

Stiffening his legs completely, Altair let loose a loud snarl. His ginger-and-white coat bristled until he looked much larger than he already was. His father had told him that cougars would not attack wolves unless they were desperate. This one looked desperate.

The she-cats ribs were sticking out of her tan pelt like puckered sores. She looked like she had been beaten by another animal, a wolverine was the most likely culprit. Her fur was heavily matted; he had a feeling that she was so hungry that she didn't bother to take care of herself.

(I hope you don't mind me adding that description about the cougar/mountain lion/puma!)

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Maiara June 18th 2011, 7:49 pm

"He's been ignoring me the whole time I've been here!" Her paws twitched and her body shook. "How can I tell him why I left if he won't even note my existence!"

"But how can you expect him to note your existance when you won't even note his?" she asked rheutorically. Perhaps Soran had been ignoring her, but only because like so many others in life, he had been afraid to make a choice. Perhaps he should have been. "It's hard to conduct a conversation when each party won't aknowledge the other." she noted, her blood still boiling but her voice cooling. In order to be able to mediate the situation properly, it was important everyone communicate with each other clearly.

She saw the hatred in Mahina's eyes, but swept that to the edge of her thoughts. The least of her problems was that the former delta felt cornered. The female remembered how once, she and Mahina had been so close. But so much had happened since then, and at the moment, Maiara was unsure how exactly she thought of her. She knew that Mahina was confused, and hurt, and still in a very dangerous state of mind because of all the pain she was feeling. The alphess would not allow any feelings of whatever friendship she and Mahina had once had interfere with how she dealt with the complexly tangled problem before her.

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver June 18th 2011, 7:52 pm

(Not at all! Anyways, just chase her off, I don't feel like having Silver deal with a dead mountain lion at the current time. )

Silver darted sideways, taking a detour through the trees around to the back of the mountain lion. Slowing to a silent stalk, she came up behind it, obviously Amethyst had the same idea, as she found the female next to her. Silver lurched forward, her small arctic wolf form suited to the snow as she gained speed. The mountain lion let out a snarl as she leapt onto it's hind end, sinking her teeth into it's flank.

Amethyst nipped at it's heels only to be kicked, raked and slammed away by it. It began to buck in a sort, attempting to get at the small fae upon it.

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 18th 2011, 7:59 pm

Altair moved forth, his paws seeming to skim over the snow covered ground. He nipped at various points on the cougar's flanks and neck. He did not intend to kill her, he was not that wolf. Only the blood thirsty side would kill something without thinking.

Rational thought showed that if the three worked together and did just enough damage, the cougar would retreat due to the need of the conservation of energy. Out here, energy was everything. Captivity had been different.

He growled when he saw that the cougar began to kick out. She obviously wished for the disappearance of the added weight. He darted in again and nipped at the cougar's fore paws. The big cat cut his right flank with her powerful claws but he didn't flinch.

"We need a way to get her out of here. Maybe if we all stand side-by-side on the side that the territory is we can intimidate her enough to scare here." He offered as he pulled back. His amber eyes assessing the situation.

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver June 18th 2011, 8:06 pm

We need a loud, frightening noise... Silver thought, and she jumped backwards, sliding across the snow and fighting to regain her footing. The mountain lion turned, looked at her for a moment with uttermost loathing, before delivering a powerful rake that sent her sprawling into the snow. It charged at it's new-found prey, her, knocking Amethyst out of the way though her sister attempted to intervene. Silver shook shakily, snarling, and as the mountain lion came on top of her she rammed her injured side into the tree near her with as much force as she could muster. She groaned, along with the tree, as her side screamed. The branches above her rumbled, and a huge amount of snow fell onto the mountain lion. It's head came up, spitting and hissing, and it hissed with hatred at her. She snarled, her eyes like fire and then it turned and ran.

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 18th 2011, 8:17 pm

Altair rushed over to Silver's side, his nose lightly touching spots that would most likely be sore. He was very careful and made sure that he was extremely gentle.

"I don't think you've broken anything," he breathed out slowly. "That was very brave of you. Not many wolves can say that they single handedly sent a cougar packing."

He sat on his haunches. It was obvious that Silver would probably be sore; he would wait until she was ready to go back, if she wanted to go back so soon. The scent of cougar was still strong but it would fade with its creator's departure. Altair turned his massive head upwards, his nose pointed towards the sky.

The clouds were still there but sunlight was beginning to break through the thick cover. Trees made it difficult to discern where the sky was but he didn't mind. The snow sparkled beautifully.

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira June 18th 2011, 8:28 pm

Kira perked her ears as she heard the screech of a mountain lion, worry clouding her mind as she tore through the trees until she saw in the faint distance Silver's snowy white coat. She slowed her pace as she neared, "Am I late again?" she barked to her friend with a slight laugh. Her gaze traveled to Altair and she tilted her head slightly in confusion before looking back to Silver.

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 18th 2011, 8:37 pm

"Am I late again?" she barked to her friend with a slight laugh.

Altair lowered his muzzle and looked at the new, jet-black fae. He, too, tilted his head in a quizzical angle at the new wolf. Her scent told him that she was a member of the Banishing Winds Pack; he didn't need to bristle. That and she was a fae.

"Hello," he greeted her with a warm tone. "I'm Altair. Amethyst, Silver and I just had a run in with a cougar."

He stretched his fore legs and his mouth gaped in a huge yawn. A warm fluid travelled from his right flank and crashed onto the ground. The scent of blood would most likely attract more predators; he instantly felt guilty. If any other wolf became injured he would blame himself.

"Could you check Silver's wounds? She's bleeding on her flank from a nasty looking scratch."

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver June 18th 2011, 8:39 pm

"Just a tad!" Silver said, smiling at her friend. She ignored the stinging of her shoulder, the wound was shallow but it bled profusely. She turned to Altair, following Kira's gaze.

"That wasn't bravery, even a coward would sacrifice their life for their pack. Especially when the pack is the very one that took me in as a pup. Altair, meet Kira, my best friend and the beta female of Banishing Winds. " Silver said, holding her right leg up. It seemed to help, as it bled less when she held it since it was being slightly pinched.

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 18th 2011, 8:57 pm

Not all, Altair thought. He nodded to Kira in a respectful way. His pale amber gaze travelled back upwards as a little bit of snow fell onto his muzzle. It was obvious that the entire load was going to fall; he stood and walked a few feet. The snow instantly fell and created a muffled thump sound effect.

"What are we doing next, Silver?" He asked as his gaze drifted up again.

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Spirit June 18th 2011, 9:09 pm

Spirit watched as Soran's rage grew. As he got up to walk over to Mahina she opened her jaws to protest, concerned for his injury but she quickly shut her mouth. Her ears flattened across her skull as she watched the arguing go on. She slowly made her way towards the group, leaving behind the bloody snow. Spirit made sure to keep off to the side, out of the way of the group though clearly insight. Things had taken a turn, this was now more between Soran and Mahina. Her eyes flicked back and forth between them as they spoke, trying to keep a calm air around her. She was clueless to what they spoke of: Dakota's pups, Mahina's departure... She knew something but most of it was unknown to her and left her puzzled. Spirit wrapped her tail around her paws and simply sat, silent and observing.

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 18th 2011, 9:29 pm

Shadow sighed, she needed to get back to her pack. She trotted through the snow, wich she loved, but even it didn't cheer her up. She growled, why should she be so sad? Others had it worse. But.... what did it matter? Shadow shook her head. She would think about that later. As she trotted through the snowy forest she heard angry voices. She quickened her pace. What she found was Soran and Mahina fighting about something. Spirit was there as well. Shadow trotted over to her and sat down. She didn't want to intrude but she thought that, maybe by being there, she could help them calm down.
(=( lame. but i couldn't think of anything to post, so here ya go.)


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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira June 18th 2011, 9:41 pm

Kira smiled warmly as he dipped his head in respect to her, her white paws blending in with the snow and beaming against her coal coat. "Where were you two headed?" she asked curiosity sparking in her icy eyes. She looked to Silver's wound and winced slightly but shook it off, I mean, if Silver can survive being attacked by a tree what could this do? Especially with Altair and herself there.

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 18th 2011, 9:44 pm

"No one tells me what to do. I didn't need Mahina's permission," Dakota snarled, not liking the way things were headed. She had attacked, it was her fault! The female stepped in front of Mahina protectively. Her jaws wrinkled with anger, ears erect in a pose of defense. The words that hit them caused her body to lack, "Wait, what? You left the pack while my pups were still with you?!" She turned to face Mahina. Sorrow clouded her eyes, making something that never happened with Dakota happen. The fae whimpered. "Soran stayed with them?" She asked, glancing towards Soran with eyes full of apology. "I attacked Soran and Spirit because I believed that Mina and Soran were still raising my pups together. Now, I realize it was my mistake," Dakota glanced towards Mahina. She had not known that Mina had left her pups with Soran alone. The fae owed Soran gratitude, not pain. "Soran..... I didn't know," she breathed, not able to look towards him or Spirit. Dakota took a step back from both Maiara and Mahina.

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kaiana June 18th 2011, 9:58 pm

Kanae stood near Spirit, her dark chocolate orbs blank. This was a matter that she would not voice. After all, she saw what had done to the handsome make with the ginger fur. Instead, she sat down and curled her tail around her paws.

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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 18th 2011, 10:03 pm

Mahina backed away from the group pressing in around her. Dakota, Maiara, Soran. The female shook in fear. She cowered away a few more steps, before spinning on her heels and fleeing the scene. "I'm sorry!" She called over her shoulder. She didn't know where she was going, but she couldn't stand to be questioned, yet at the same time she couldn't stand to be alone either. Mahina crashed through the forest, sliding to a stop when she saw the forms of Kira, Silver and Altair. She pulled her head back slightly. "Don't kill me...."


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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 18th 2011, 10:06 pm

Shadow saw Mahina flee the scene, and hoping to make her friend feel better she followed. She came to a stop next to Mahina as Kira, Silver, and a wolf she didn't recognize came into view.


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The Winter Den - Page 9 Empty Re: The Winter Den

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