
The Winter Den

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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 18th 2011, 10:11 pm

Derek awoke from his nap beneath his favorite tree. He mind, a little fuzzy, did not immediately recognize the voice that drifted to his ears. Could it be? Dakota? He quickly if clumsily scrambled to his feet. One of his first friends within the pack he could not believe she was here. What was she doing here? He moved towards the voice his mind now snapping to attention when he saw her. Though the situation was tense he could not help teasing her. "Well ain't you a sight for sore eyes." He said he hoped to help defuse the situation.


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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 18th 2011, 10:18 pm

The sight of Derek and the sound of his voice was enough to make Dakota's fur flatten. She turned, smiling wildly at the male. "I'm always a sore sight," she replied, her tail instinctively wagging. The female had only fond memories of this wolf. He had been beside her before she had departed from the pack. Derek had supported her after Incendiu left her. She was suprised he was not upset with her for leaving without telling him.

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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 18th 2011, 10:24 pm

She pulled her head back slightly. "Don't kill me...."

Altair started when he heard the voice of Mahina. He had not expected to see the fae until after he returned to the clearing. He turned until he was facing her and immediately his heart went out to her. She was afraid that they would hurt her, even kill her and that caused him grief. Never should a fae be that afraid of others. Especially those who belong in her pack.

Taking slow pawsteps, he walked to her until he was standing just a nose length away from her. Lowering his head, he looked into her eyes.

"I would never cause you harm," he whispered hoping that his approach had not scared her even more. He looked towards Silver. "If you plan on going back I'll stay out here with her, if she'd like. I'm a good listener."

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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 18th 2011, 10:29 pm

As Altair approached her, the female took a small step back, still shaking terribly.

"I would never cause you harm,"

The female gave in. There she went again, putting her life in someone's paws so quickly, she couldn't help herself. She needed her friends now more than ever. This male, whom she didn't even know would be one of those friends. She stepped forward and dug her face in the male's shoulder, though she was still shaking, she hoped the comfort he and her friends gave her would be enough, be enough just to save her from drowning. Sure, they might not be able to pull her out and stand her back on her feet, but maybe they would bring her close enough and leave some angel of mercy to push Mahina along. Just maybe she could escape with her life.


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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 18th 2011, 10:44 pm

Altair was startled for a moment when Mahina moved to him, her face pressing into his shoulder. The shock only lasted for a second before he rested his head on hers. Sadness and heart wrenching grief was being emanated from her; he felt a stone lodge itself in his heart. The aura of pain was enough to make him hurt, therefore she must be dying inside. Oh how he wished she didn't have to feel like this! No fae should ever have to deal with such pain.

"Everything will work out," he said and his tone suggested that he was feeling her pain. "You just have to wait and hold on."

He realized that she did not know his name and yet she was trusting him enough to bury herself in his fur. "I am Altair."

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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 18th 2011, 10:50 pm

"Everything will work out," he said and his tone suggested that he was feeling her pain. "You just have to wait and hold on."

He realized that she did not know his name and yet she was trusting him enough to bury herself in his fur. "I am Altair."

Through his fur Mahina doubted he could hear her, but she realized he didn't know her name either. "I'm Mahina." She choked on her words, but they managed to come out in a crackly voice. Altair was right, if her goal was to try and feel happy again, she would have to hold on. She would have to cling to the ledge of life she had fallen off of until someone helped her enough so that she could pull herself to safety. Maybe Kanae was right, maybe she would find someone else, one that truly loved her.


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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 18th 2011, 10:57 pm

"I'm Mahina." She choked on her words, but they managed to come out in a crackly voice.

"It's good to meet you, Mahina. Though I wish the timing had been better." Altair responded in a soothing, quiet voice.

He moved his dark ginger tail until the tip of it rested on Mahina's fore paws. Pale amber eyes opened once again as he looked straight ahead. Mahina's breath felt warm on his chest and he made his breaths come out slow and deep. His heart beat in a powerful rhythm that he became hyper aware of just like how he'd become super aware of Mahina's presence.

Altair may have been a smooth talker and good with faes but he never had anyone come this close. It would have normally unnerved him but he wouldn't risk moving. Not while she needed him.

She needs anyone. Not just you. He chided himself.

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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira June 18th 2011, 11:28 pm

Kira whined softly seeing her friend hurt like this, her ears flattened and she walked over. "Mahina, you will be fine. Trust me, there are others" she said softly. "Im sure you can handle this... After all, I finally am ok with what happened ages ago, and you are way better than me at dealing with emotions" she smiled weakly, trying to cheer her friend up as she refused to speak the name, Bayne. She paused, waiting for a reaction from the brave female she had grown to be good friends with.

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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 18th 2011, 11:45 pm

Mahina pulled her head away from Altair. She remained where she was next to him as she looked towards Kira. She was also right. Mahina had dealt with something far worse than this, something she never forgot, but never showed. The death of her parents. She had felt far worse then. Utter despair, bitter hatred, uncontrollable rage. A rage so uncontrollable she had attacked the culprit behind her parent's death in a cold blood. She had killed Lithium in her rage. How it had taken her over then. If she could remember, but live with something so great, she could pull through this, though it would take a great amount of time. She gave a smile to Kira, it was a hurt smile, but for the first time this day she smiled, and this time it was a real smile, not one just to hide her shattered life. She could find no words to give Kira, but she felt she had given her enough.


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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 18th 2011, 11:58 pm

Altair sensed that something passed between Kira and Mahina but he wasn't going to ask. If they wished to share their pasts with him, they would do it at their own time. He shuffled his white paws due to the snow getting inbetween his pads.

His vision began to grow fuzzy but he held onto his slipping consciousness. There must be more blood lost than I thought. His wound had stopped bleeding; he was not in danger of passing on. The large brute closed his eyes for a second before opening them again. His vision was still slightly blurry but he should be able to hold on until night fall.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked, his voice slightly softer than it had been previously.

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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 19th 2011, 12:05 am

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked, his voice slightly softer than it had been previously.

Mahina turned back to Altair. Something about him was off, as if he was slowly starting to pass out. "I'm feeling a lot better. Thanks." Her gaze drifted down to her paws for a second. "Are you okay? You look a little light headed..." Mahina was prepared to let go of her own problems and drag Silver to help her gather herbs if Altair was injured, though it was probably going to end with her getting herbs for the male despite what he said.


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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 19th 2011, 12:22 am

"I'm feeling a lot better. Thanks." Her gaze drifted down to her paws for a second. "Are you okay? You look a little light headed..."

Altair shrugged, his shoulder burning with the pain of the slashes on his flank. He made sure the wound was out of Mahina's vision by shifting slightly to the right. Despite him being against hiding his emotions, the sensation of pain was well hidden behind a mask of indifference.

"I'm fine." He spoke in a slightly stronger voice. He needed to hide this. Mahina was the central focal point right now. She needed others to care for her. He would not take the much needed attention from her.

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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 19th 2011, 12:28 am

"I'm fine." He spoke in a slightly stronger voice. He needed to hide this. Mahina was the central focal point right now. She needed others to care for her. He would not take the much needed attention from her.

Mahina tilted her head. "Really, I know where a patch of herbs is, it's only a minute away." She sighed slightly. There was no point in arguing. The herbs would have to wait this time. She lowered herself to the snow. Her eyes dropped with tiredness, though it was only to be expected, it had been a hard day, the beginning of many others that she would have to struggle through. Mahina shivered slightly, but as her eyes started to close, she did her best to ignore it.


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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 19th 2011, 12:38 am

"Really, I know where a patch of herbs is, it's only a minute away." She sighed slightly.

Mahina shivered slightly, but as her eyes started to close, she did her best to ignore it.

Altair noticed the slight shiver that Mahina had ignored. Slowly, he stood and walked a little closer to the injured fae. Once he was right beside her, he let himself lay next to her until his flank was against hers. He was slightly cool due to the blood loss, but he was still warm enough to warm her. If she wanted to move, she could.

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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Maiara June 19th 2011, 12:49 am

Maiara watched as Dakota took in her words and grasped how truly mixed up she had gotten, and as Mahina ran off, afraid to face the mess that lay in place of her single mistake. She would have to talk to Mahina later, but she could not blame Dakota too harshly for how she reacted. She had simply lashed out for the assumed mistreatment of her pups. If the pack was threatened, Maiara contemplated, would she not have done the same? Her posture slacked slightly, returning to normal, and she felt her fur lay flat on her back again. A soft sigh issued from her mouth. It occured to her to follow Mahina, but decided that it was best that she didn't. A while back, maybe it would have been acceptable, but she supposed that they wouldn't be on the best of terms at the moment.
"She'll calm down eventually. It's for the best," she reassured Soran, hoping that she was right. As she said so, she felt exhaustion begin to sweep over her limbs, the tension and adrenaline beginning to take their toll. But she looked over to Soran and Spirit first. Thoroughly lacerated and gory, the two were far from at their bests. "How are the both of you? I can get someone to fetch Silver if you need herbs, I don't know much about that sort of thing," she said, feeling utterly useless, and casting the two a pitying look. "Congratulations by the way," she added slightly grimly with an attempt at a smile, which was somewhat shaky. She had maintained a steady mindset throughout most of the ordeal, and now that it was over she couldn't even wait to walk away before breaking down slightly. Certainly she had to be entitled to some weakness. Conflict within the pack, her best friend unnaturally bloodied and torn in front of her, and still a choice of her own to make, and still she was expected to stay strong. Maiara took a breath, restoring some of her stability. If she could get everything else cleared up, and everyone cleaned up, then she could collapse in a corner and be tired. And after all, she reminded herself, she was not the one who got half her ear torn off. Her needs could not be more important than those standing in front of her.

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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 19th 2011, 12:52 am

When Altair lay next to her Mahina's shivering ceased to just the knowing presence of the chill. The presence of her friends around her comforted Mahina in a way she thought she would never find in this pack. Silently, she thanked them all, not just for being there for her in a time of need, but also just for being her friends. She addressed each of them as sleep washed over her, and a slight smile played along her features as her dreams took her away from her shattered world.


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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kaiana June 19th 2011, 12:56 am

"I can help with the herbs," Kanae said quietly, fearful to speak up. "I know a lot about them."

She looked at the ground as she spoke, her ears flattened against her skull. Her eyes flickered up to Maiara's.

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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 19th 2011, 1:05 am

Altair lowered his head until they rested on his paws. Mahina's muzzle was rather close to his own but he was too tired to move. The loss was getting to him. He closed his pale amber eyes and breathed in and out deeply. He was not used to being so close to another wolf, he had not shared warmth since the passing of his parents.

His heart was still beating strongly; he knew he would survive the cold winter night. Altair let his guard down as he hovered near unconsciouness. He knew that his wounded flank was showing to the wolves on his right side since Mahina was on his left but he did not let it bother him.

"Are we going to be staying out here all night?" He asked to no one in particular. "Because I don't want to leave her here alone."

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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira June 19th 2011, 1:29 am

Kira perked her ears at his question, "I think we might as well stay. Im not ready to confront that mess again, and I doubt Silver, Mahina, or Amethyst are either." she said softly. She padded quietly past Mahina and Altair, to a bush a mere 5 feet away from the two before letting her hind quarters sink into the snow, the rest of her coal figure following. She curled her tail against her side and her icy gaze stuck to the trees, her eyes glowing in the darkness. Never seizing to close her eyes for more than a few seconds, she scanned the forest searching for any dangers.

((lame DX))

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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Soran June 19th 2011, 1:49 am

Soran felt his limbs shaking with the strain of holding himself upright on his injured shoulder. All the adrenaline that seemed to have flowed through him earlier had burned out, leaving nothing more then an exhausted male with all the argument melting away. His ears flickered for a moment as he heard Derek approaching, seemingly oblivious to what had just happened. Since Dakota seemed to have already engaged in conversation with the Beta, he realized their unfinished discussion would have to be settled later.

At Maiara’s words, he nearly laughed. Congratulations sounded strange coming from especially now that everybody seemed to be against himself and Spirit. Shaking his head, the male replied with a grim smile; “I‘ll be fine. I don’t think Liver wants to help me anyway...” He replied, remembering the words she had last spoken to him. She looked exhausted, tense even though she had done nothing to make the situation worse.

As he turned away from the sandy-colored female, he noticed Spirit just a few yards away, watching his every move. Suddenly, he wanted nothing more then to feel the comfort of her beside him, despite the hatred brewing towards the both of them. Excusing himself from Maiara, he crossed to where Spirit had settled herself with slow excruciating footsteps. Carefully, he placed his chin directly on her ear in an attempt to staunch the trickle of blood from Dakota’s attack; settling himself into a sitting position in the snow. Words seemed stuck on his throat, but what was there to say at a time like this?


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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 19th 2011, 2:02 am

Altair opened his eyes as he heard Kira's pawsteps. The pretty jet-black fae walked past him and Mahina to end up near a prickly looking bush. He lifed his head as he followed her movements. She kept her eyes open, he could tell that by the rate of her breathing.

"Will you let yourself sleep tonight?" He wondered out loud. "If you do you can wake me and I'll take the next watch."

He kept his pale amber eyes on her form.

(If you have to go Kira, just have her wake him up and I'll post as the new watch. ^-^)

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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Spirit June 19th 2011, 2:07 am

Spirit couldn't help but allow a small smile tweak at her muzzle at Maiara's words. The words sounded funny to hear considering the situation the two of them were in. Her eyes brightened as she saw Soran excused himself and began walking over to her. Though the smile that had been on her face slowly turned to a concerned frown, worry showing on her features. He had been wounded badly and many things were going to be a tad more challenging than they had been before.

Despite her worries she couldn't have felt more relieved as he sat down beside her, his chin resting upon her ear to try and get the blood to stop forming from it. His company was always welcomed, it comforted her and made her feel safe. She sighed, her energy drained from her. It had been a long day... a hard one. She didn't know what to say to him, after such events... what was there she could say?

Spirit was baffled; her mind at a complete loss. Her thoughts kept coming back to Soran's wound. It was a nasty one and she worried for him. She knew she was beat up as well but half an ear wasn't too big a deal and though her neck wounds were deep they would heal. His would effect his hunting and running may even be a challenge at least for a while. "You okay?" She mustered. It wasn't what she really wanted to ask but she wanted to hear his voice; needed to hear something from him.

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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira June 19th 2011, 2:12 am

"Will you let yourself sleep tonight?"

Kira laughed slightly at his comment. "Beta, remember? It's kinda my job to, I dont know... protect the pack" she said, a hint of friendly sarcasm in her tone. "However, I will wake you up if I simply must sleep, if that puts your mind at ease" she laughed softly.

((Kay ^-^))

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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 19th 2011, 2:21 am

"Good," Altair grinned before he lowered his head again.

His pale eyes only stayed open for a few moments before closing them. This time, he allowed the darkness of his unconsciousness to sweep him away and carry him to the land of dreams.

(Super lame -___-)

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The Winter Den - Page 10 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Soran June 19th 2011, 2:34 am

Soran nodded solemnly, though his movements were slightly restricted by the position of his chin. The simple question, despite that it had been directed at his shoulder wound, felt much deeper then it actually was. “I’ll be alright. Wounds heal, with time.” He replied, shifting his shoulder to prevent the blood from staining Spirit’s white fur. With the day coming to a close, he felt exhausting creeping over again. Everything that had happened today, would still be there tomorrow, but perhaps with a different effect.

He needed to patch things up with Silver, and perhaps Kira as well. Mahina had already made it clear she wanted no part of him around her life, even when he tried to offer a new beginning. Despite what Dakota had said, Mahina had still given her the okay to attack Spirit, and guilt was far from creeping up on him. Shaking it off, he gave a deep sigh, releasing his breath into a vapor of steam in the air. Realizing he hadn’t addressed her own wounds, he repeated the question she had asked him only moments before. “Are you going to be alright?” He asked, his tail flicking away the snow that had begun to settle on it.


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