
The Winter Den

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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Rune July 5th 2011, 12:13 am

Rune was about to cast his nose towards the sky so that he could pick out the location of his next meal. Although, before he could a small female with her head lowered respectfully soon placed herself beside him and drew his attention elsewhere. Her appearance seemed somewhat familiar, but Rune couldn’t exactly recall meeting this female. Perhaps it was before the journey and recollection of such memories was now beyond him.

Of course whether he had met her already or not didn’t honestly matter for if he hadn’t he was now and so really, there was no problem. With that now in his mind Rune adjusted his head and dipped it towards the female as he offered his greetings. “Hello” was his only response made of words however, but even so, he made sure his tone was rather cheerful.

(He completely missed your teasing there Sea Birds.) XD

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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 5th 2011, 12:21 am

Elysia's smile faltered for a brief moment. He had obviously missed her joke, or maybe he ignored it on purpose. Elysia wasnt sure. Her grin returned just as normal. What did it matter anyways? She was chatting with the alpha male. She wrapped her bushy bracken tail around her paws. She looked to Rune, tilting her head. She had the same brown muzzle stripe as Pallatsera, the same petite size, the same even tranquil gaze. Yet it didnt seem to affect Rune at all. Elysia wasnt sure whether to be happy, or dissapointed. Her fears and misgivings mixed in with her guilt and grief.

She had always wanted nothing more than to be just like Pallatsera. But she also feared never being able to measure up to her sister. Elysia's ears twitched. Pallatsera had ruled this pack, alongside this male. Elysia wondered if Pallatsera had ever had feelings for Rune, before Derek of course. It was an interesting thought to have. If she had, Elysia could understand. Rune had a handsome figure, a sort of wisdom and charm that drew people in. Elysia was well aware of the love between Rune and Maiara. She wasnt falling for Rune, simply observing facts how they were.

No, when Elysia looked to Rune, she didnt see a potential mate. She saw him more like a brother. She wasn't sure why. He felt like the type of character that she could pad up to, sit next to, and share her troubles. It was comforting. Elysia's lips split into a grin and her tail thumped the snowy ground. She spoke quietly. "I dont think we met formally, I'm Elysia." She had that same formal even tone Pallatsera had always spoken in.


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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kaiana July 5th 2011, 5:57 am

(Wows! So many new people. Welcome to the pack! :D Rome is just as amazing as the movies say! I'll post pictures when I get back!)

Kanae wandered around on the edges of the forest near the den. She was nervous since there were so many new wolves that appeared out of no where. With all of these new wolves, Kanae knew that there would be more of a chance for her shutting down sequence to activate. This tiny fact alone sent her spiralling over the edge and into a large chasm of fear.

There was a strange scent that hung in the stagnant air. Sickness? The skin on her muzzle folded up to small hills as she tried to block out the repulsive and most foul stench from reaching her delicate nostrils. Moving away from the scent, Kanae looked at her packmates who were milling around the densite. Everyone seemed engaged in something; the white coloured female felt unsure of herself. What should she do? Making herself useful would probably be the best but she wasn't sure how to do so. She wasn't a high ranking wolf; she could not accept anyone into the pack and since she was super shy, making friends was definitely out of the equation.

Feeling sad and without anything to do, Kanae settled her body down around a blueberry bush. Even though there weren't any berries on the bush due to the winter's cold, biting air, the she-wolf could tell from how the branches were that it was of the blueberry species. Tilting her head so the right side of her face was turned towards the den, she watched the activity that was happening.

(I probably won't be able to reply again any time soon since this was one of the rare times that I actually had access to the internet and my computer. :/ I'll reply as soon as possible though!)

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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 5th 2011, 3:32 pm

"A month or so." He replied, his keen eyes studieing her position carefully. "But there suddenly seems to be a boom in loners." The male carefully choose his words as not to offend the female, "Not that there is anything wrong with that."


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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 5th 2011, 4:20 pm

Seeing that Elysia had gone, Akera gave a brief nod to Jacob before looking around. She saw a russet female and a light colored male in conversation. Deciding she better make some friends, she put on her best friendly face. She knew that the female was a very new member as well, but the male had seemed to have been here for a while. Akera trotted up to them carefully. "Sorry if I'm interrupting. I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Akera, a very new hunter here." She smiled at the both of them.


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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 5th 2011, 4:32 pm

Shadow sighed, wondering what she should do. Now that everyone had left her she felt bored. She watched a raven land nearby. It gave a loud croak and then flew off. Shadow sighed.


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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 5th 2011, 4:54 pm

Jacob looked around,wolves were leaving left and right.He sighed and layed down in the middle of the clearing boredly.He rolled over on his back started to watched the clouds,the big,puffy things were grey and somewhat drab,was it going to rain later?


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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 5th 2011, 6:37 pm

Treesong, finally, lifted her head to gaze at the sky. The sun reflected in her eyes, giving the golden gaze a melting honey shine. Shaking her head, she heaved a sigh.

She lifted herself from the ground and began to trot off in search of food. Her ears pricked, keeping herself completely aware of her surroundings. Her tail flicked behind her.


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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Rune July 5th 2011, 9:46 pm

Rune smiled widely and decided to take a seat upon the ground just as she had done. “It is a pleasure meeting you Elysia, and I hope that you are finding things to your liking here with the pack.” He added in just moments before his thoughts wandered off as they tried to determine why she still seemed so familiar if they had never met before. It was no longer just her appearance that caught Rune’s attention, but also her actions and the way she sat with her tail wrapped around her paws. Although, no matter how hard he seemed to think about it...nothing seemed to click.


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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 5th 2011, 11:28 pm

Elysia tilted her head slightly to one side. The way Rune was looking at her was puzzling. It was as if he was struggling to remember something, something on the tip of his tongue. Elysia looked at him quizzically for a few moments. She had been given many looks in her short life, but this was a new one. She suddenly wished she could read his mind. It seemed almost intrusive to just ask. She sat staring at him curiously for some time, the two of them in silence. It must have been amusing to outsiders. The massive alpha male and the petite scout staring intensely at each other.

Suddenly it dawned on Elysia. Rune recognized Pallatsera in her. Elysia blinked. She was surprised that he didnt already know. Elysia knew that Rune had been alpha alongside Pallatsera. She shifted her paws awkwardly. How did one break that sort of news. Her ears flicked and she looked away from him. She cleared her throat, unsure exactly what to say. She looked back to Rune, unable to quite meet his gaze. Where her eyes had been bright and excited earlier, she had calmed and had a more serious look to her.

Her voice was quiet when she finally spoke. "I'm Pallatsera's little sister." She looked at her paws. She had her tail curled tightly around her paws. Her amber eyes had hints of golden tinges. She had that same bracken muzzle stripe. Some saw it right away, others couldn't tell. Rune, well it just hadn't clicked for Rune. But it would click now.


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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 5th 2011, 11:42 pm

Hey Akera I am Soske! This female seemed very nice, her coat was so pretty and her smile was as big as ever being accepted into the pack. Soske will have to be accepted like her into the pack at some point of time but never knew when to approach the leaders. Soske though that she should move towards the leader to be accepted. Soske bowed her head at the other two wolves and moved forward. With her head held high she tripped right over Jacob. I am so sorry Jacob! Did I hurt you?


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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 6th 2011, 2:39 am

He looked at Soske as she tripped over the new male from before. "Are you alright ?" He asked the female, as she picked herself up. His eyes shifted to the male then back to the female.

(Lame x.x)


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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 6th 2011, 2:53 am

Akera watched as Soske tripped. She resisted an urge to laugh, as she thought about how she had done a face plant earlier. 'In front of the Alphess too...' She asked Soske, "Are you alright?", with a little concern in her voice. She didn't want to offend the female by laughing. Looking back to Insomnia, she watched as he asked her the same question. "I do hope she's not hurt." Akera said.



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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 6th 2011, 2:55 am

Soske looked at Insomnia very embarrassed My leg it hurts a little bit but I think I just have to walk it off. I don't know the woods very well so I might just walk around the perimeter. Soske really just wanted to ask Insomnia if he would show her around but she though that was way to much to ask from him while they just met.


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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 6th 2011, 1:32 pm

"If you're sure," He replied slowly, head tilted slightly "It might be better to stay here and rest while your leg heals." He suggested, trying to make it seem like he wasn't bothered to much but enough to be friendly. Turning towards the other female, "Hello Akera, I heard you were another Hunter."


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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 6th 2011, 1:39 pm

Akera looked to Insomnia proudly. "That I am! Just got accepted a little while ago. So you're a hunter too?" She smiled a bit trying to seem friendly. She was always a little shy in front of the male wolves. Because of her past, it's harder for her to trust them, but not by much. So Akera was only a tiny bit hesitant. She sat down in front of the light male, staring at his coat. She never had many light wolves in her old pack, so it was interesting to see. Not to seem like she was staring, she looked back at his eyes, waiting for his response.


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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 6th 2011, 3:19 pm

He felt like he had been stared at a lot today, wondering if he had something stuck in his fur. "I'm Insomnia and yes." He kept her gaze, playing his normal emotionless face although his eyes sparked with life. Shifting them slowly to the other wolves around him before back to her.


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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 6th 2011, 3:47 pm

Akera had many questions, but didn't want to disturb him too much. But she decided to ask one or two. "So how does the hunt work around here? It's a group hunt I assume? Do we have a lead hunter? What is it that you hunt here?" Akera shut her blabbering mouth. 'Ugh, have I gone too far?' She looked apologetically at Insomnia. "Sorry. Sometimes my mouth gets away from me." She smiled slightly.


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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 6th 2011, 3:55 pm

Listening to Insomnia Soske laid down hoping the snow would help with her leg. She looked back up at Akera and Insomnia and laughed. Soske knew she had to laugh at her incident. That was just a bit clumsy, but very hilarious.
Laughing at herself she still realized about Jacob. Soske was tinier than an average wolf but still her weight could hurt Jacob.


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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 6th 2011, 4:15 pm

"Yes its a group hunt, mostly elk and there is a lead hunter. His calling his Falco." The male's tail hung at his hocks as he stood. All his sentences being short and simple, as he wasn't a talkitive.

(Lame x.x)


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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Spirit July 6th 2011, 4:26 pm

( Might I just say you guys have posted a ton while I was away. Reading through it all was no easy task so I more or less just skimmed over it all; hope I don't forget anything important! )

Spirit flicked her ears as she hear the soft crunching of snow as Elysia approached her. The white she-wolf listened silently to the bracken she-wolf's words. Apologizing... she'd come to apologize? Spirit didn't know how to respond to such a thing; she had never meant to cause any kind of tiny scene. But before she could form a proper response Spirit found herself watching Elysia's small form disappear in the mix of bare trees and blinding snow.

Apology... Spirit turned her gaze back to the elk herd that still seemed to be moving through the field, though it seemed they were starting to move off to different areas. Her eyes squinted as she gazed at them, trying to ward off the snow as it glittered in the sun. After several silent moments Spirit let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, watching as the warm air met cold and the translucent mist drifted off. Whatever had occurred back there may be best to put behind her. It wasn't something to dwell on and nothing was intended to come out of it, really.

Rising to her paws Spirit kept her gaze firmly on the elk herd. While she shared no strong interest in bringing one of them down - she was far too small to do so alone as it is - that didn't mean she couldn't follow them and observe their behavior. It would keep her occupied and perhaps something could come to benefit her or the pack if she studied them a bit. It never hurt to try and learn a bit. Without a moments hesitation the white she-wolf trotted towards the herd, her gaze unwavering as she followed them closely, making sure to stay hidden with the snow.

( ha... rant. )

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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 6th 2011, 6:50 pm

Akera could sense that Insomnia didn't seem to be a talkative wolf. She hoped she wasn't scaring (for lack of a better word) him off. Trying to make the male more comfortable with the conversation, she wagged her tail a bit. "That sounds a bit like my old pack. We didn't always hunt elk though. More like small deer. Elk weren't always available." Akera was confident that she could someday get under the brute's shell. It was a talent of hers. But she didn't want to push him too much.


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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver July 6th 2011, 7:51 pm

Silver had been laying, almost motionless, in the den for seemingly hours on end, contemplating subject after subject with odd intensity as she felt the sickness subside from within her small, snowy form. Her pale green eyes were focused as she rested, yet she stared into space, as if soaring in the space of her thoughts.

What Mahina did to start such a fight, though days ago was quite despicable. I am not sure how to act around her, to think that anyone would try and cast such a fate upon two pack members with a former pack member is horrid. Just... Horrid. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around it. But, besides that point, I am healed and should leave the den now unless I wish to get reinfected as soon as I am clean of the sickness.

Her train of thought seemingly ended in a snap of her mind recoiling from her trance. She stood, and promptly strode out of the den and into the snow, curious of whom she would come upon first.

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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Spirit July 6th 2011, 8:06 pm

Spirit turned her attention away from the heard, turning her head to look in the direction of the den. The thought of going to it welcomed her; after all it would be warmer there and there'd always be company about. Leaving the elk to continue on their way Spirit trotted back to the den, gracefully bounding through the powdery snow.

As Spirit entered the densite she slowed her pace, gazing around at all the members that were socializing with one another. A smile came to her muzzle - it was a pleasant sight to see after recent events - but it quickly faded as the faint scent of illness washed over her. The white she-wolf's gaze fell on Silver as she left the den, the scent coming stronger from within it. Sighing, Spirit made her way to the pretty she-wolf, unsure of how to exactly act around her. "What's happened?" She asked, "Are you alright?"

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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver July 6th 2011, 8:35 pm

"Pneumonia" Silver said, the smell of illness was on her but in a sort not inside of her, it was vanishing downwind as she spoke. "It is a lung sickness. I am over it, however. " Silver finished, staring at the female before her. They looked quite alike, in coat color and in size, but Silver was slightly larger in comparison due to the fact that her father was half arctic, half grey wolf, and was large even so. She was curious of the female somewhat, as she had never spoken to her much and never developed much of a friendship with her. Though, she did hope that the female held nothing against her for her friends actions. After all, she did try and help to stop the skirmish.

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The Winter Den - Page 25 Empty Re: The Winter Den

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