
The Winter Den

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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 13th 2011, 12:17 pm

Mahina jumped backwards when Silver smacked into her. Her brown fur was fluffed up in surprise, and she looked more like a scared cat than a wolf. It took her a good 2 seconds too long to realized what had happened, and she let her fur lie flat. "Nah it's fine, just startled me." She gave a small smile and took up her place next to her friend once more, ensuring to place a paw down as a barrier between herself and the white wolfess.


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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 13th 2011, 12:32 pm

Akera plopped to the ground as soon as he gestured. Instant warmth was her reward. She sighed in relief. Everyone but her didn't seem to be having trouble. When she realized Insomnia asked her a question, she answered. "It's terrible. This is only my second winter, being rather young and all, but I never did have a big fluffy coat like yours. Where I came from, it was warmer in winter and so a thick fluffy coat was not needed. But now I definitely wish I had one." Turning her head to glance at the male, she threw all emotion into her eyes and said, "Thank you." She wanted to make sure he knew how appreciative she was for him to share his heat with an almost total stranger. She chuckled a bit, laying her head down. "I'm not sure if I would have lasted without heat much longer." Finally feeling the male's heat start to melt her ice cold bones, she pressed closer, finding heat, and closed her eyes.

Last edited by 100 Acre Woods on July 13th 2011, 3:16 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 13th 2011, 2:52 pm

"I would love to stick with you. Keeping an eye on you might be difficult, but I think I can do it," she replied with a wide smile.

"So, what would you call this.... pair?" she asked, hoping that he was indeed asking what she thought he was.

Altair thought for a moment as he listened to her. He wasn't sure what to say even if Elysia was asleep. This conversation would have to be continued later, in private where no one could hear anything. It was only right.

"Well, I um should go and find one of the Alphas quickly to see if I can be accepted into the pack." He said as he stood and shook the snow from what was left of his pelt. "I'll talk to you later, okay?"

Dipping his head as a sign of goodbye, he turned and trotted off back to the den. The snow bit his skin viciously and Altair had to close his eyes as he moved. It was obvious that the storm had truly just begun. He hoped that Elysia and Taru would return to the den so he wouldn't have to worry about either of them freezing in the cold. They were his friends after all.

The den's entrance came into view rather quickly while he was off in his own world, thinking. All the warmth of the den surrounded him as he padded in slowly. Mahina had moved further into the cave and appeared dejected though he did not know why. With another quick shake, he turned and sat down near the entrance of the den. Snow flakes still hit his body but he could not bring himself to go in deeper. For once in his life, Altair wished he could be alone.

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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota July 13th 2011, 3:03 pm

Taru awoke when the sunlight of a new, better day flickered through her eyelids. The colors were bright, enough so that they made her brain begin to rise. Pale yellow eyes opening slowly, the female found that Elysia was still next to her. Altair was a small distance away, he had just spoken just a few minutes ago. Had she fallen asleep while talking to Altair? Maybe she hadn't fallen asleep for so long, just dozed off for a few minutes while waiting on him. The conversation that they had was faint in her mind. Almost like a dream, or so, thats how it felt to Taru. She nudged her rabbit buddy gently, wondering if she was asleep. The snow around them was completely useless to the heat of the three wolves. Eyes scanning the sky, the ebony scout realized the weather was much better. Her tail flicked in the calmness of the scene. Taru then pressed herself closer to Ely, wondering if her friend had been awake for the conversation. Even if she had truly been asleep, which Taru honestly doubted because of how well she knew Ely, Taru wouldn't hesitate to tell her about it later. Right now, she was tired and rather confused.

Tired eyes finding that Altair had left, Taru tried to put together his last words in her mind. He still hadn't been accepted? That was no big deal to her at the moment. She searched for his scent among the air, wondering if she would see him again later. The female closed her eyes, waiting for Elysia to respond.

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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira July 13th 2011, 3:15 pm

Kira lifted her head once more as Altair returned, happy to see that he had returned out of the cold. Though, she sensed something off. The male always seemed to enjoy being around others, yet he sat alone at the entrance of the den several feet away from the others at this moment. She began to worry slightly before she realized that she had been sitting alone too. Perhaps it was simply because he, like her, wanted to ensure everyone made their way back to the warmth of the den safely? With a sigh she scooted closer to the wall, pressing her back against it. Flattening her ears as she continued looking out into the white blinding mess, waiting anxiously to see Taru and Elysia walk in.

(lame Dx)

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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 13th 2011, 3:30 pm

Altair sat like a statue, his pale eyes troubled. Only those who knew him extremely well could see that the spark was currently gone from his eyes even though he held himself like he usually did. His mind wandered as he stared out into the storm. Right now, he was in quite a predicament and he wasn't sure how to get out of it.

He felt eyes on him and he looked back to see whose they were. Kira's icy blue eyes were only on him for an instant before she moved them to look out into the blinding snow. She must have been waiting to see the other members of the pack return.

A shiver found its way to his spine; he quivered for a moment. It was far too cold to be sitting right there. If he continued to, he could become sick again. He did not want that. Standing up, he quickly found a space between Kira and a wolf he did not recognize.

"Who is still out there?" He asked Kira.

His belly met the ground as he lay down. The brute's massive head settled on his large paws. He was very tired.

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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 13th 2011, 3:33 pm

Mahina lifted her head when Altair walked into the den. She blinked slightly, noticing Altair made no move to make his place among the other wolves. Her ears flicked slightly, but she made no move to get up and walk over to the male. She turned her head away and stared at the wall of the den, making out the very faint outline of something she had drawn some time ago. Each and every time she drew two wolves, and the faded one on the wall was no different, except that it was two wolves falling, one trying to grab the other. Is that what she hoped for? Someone would save her? Or did she have to save herself? Would she be left to figure things out on her own this time around?


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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira July 13th 2011, 4:04 pm

A smile twitched at the ebony female's muzzle as Altair made his way back into the den and away from the freezing entrance.

"Who is still out there?"

"I assume Rune and Maiara have things covered, so Taru and Elysia." she said softly. "Have you seen them?" she asked as she looked back at him. She had one ear towards Altair as she listened for his reply and one flattened as to hear for an approaching Taru or Elysia.

(again, oober lame :c I guess today is just not my rp day :/)

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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 13th 2011, 4:15 pm

"I assume Rune and Maiara have things covered, so Taru and Elysia." she said softly. "Have you seen them?" she asked as she looked back at him.

"They're out there in a dip, keeping one another warm. They will watch out for one another," Altair replied as he turned his head slightly. His pale amber eyes caught her icy blue ones. "And if they want to, they'll return."

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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira July 13th 2011, 4:30 pm

"They're out there in a dip, keeping one another warm. They will watch out for one another," . "And if they want to, they'll return."

Kira nodded, her expression relaxing slightly. "I suppose you are right" she said, looking at the ground. Taru and Elysia would know when things grew too bad, right? But what if they didn't? Then it would be her fault for not bringing them back. The questions and thoughts pounded through her skull as she stared at the den floor aimlessly.

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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 13th 2011, 4:38 pm

"I suppose you are right" she said, looking at the ground.

Altair could sense that Kira was uneasy. Since she was the Beta female he had a feeling that it had to do with bringing Elysia and Taru back and what would happen if they were lost.

"If it gets too bad, I could help you go and get them." He offered with a warm smile. It was the least the brute could do.

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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira July 13th 2011, 4:57 pm

"If it gets too bad, I could help you go and get them."

Kira lifted her gaze as he said this. "Thank you" she said, smiling. The worry melted slightly, at least she wouldn't be aimlessly looking for the two females alone, if it came to that. "Hopefully they will come here soon though, it's only getting worse." she said, watching the snow flakes sweep by with the bone chilling wind pushing it faster.

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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 13th 2011, 5:12 pm

"Aye.. it be my second winter as well." His tail curled slightly and flickered open his eyes. He couldn't sleep now since he would feel bad. "You're welcome. I don't mind sharing my fur." The male laughed lightly, as his eyes closed again. Just resting.


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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 13th 2011, 5:29 pm

Akera felt as though she was bothering the male. Feeling rather bad, but unwilling to part from the warmth, she spoke. "Sorry to interrupt your nap. You can sleep if you like. Now that I'm warm, I may take a catnap myself!" She smiled a radiant smile. She was so grateful for the white fuzzball she was resting on now. Lying her head against his side, she yawned widely then closed her emerald eyes, listening to all the sounds around her.


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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 13th 2011, 6:19 pm

"Thank you" she said, smiling.

"It's nothing, really." Altair replied as he looked away for a moment.

"Hopefully they will come here soon though, it's only getting worse." she said . . .

"Or hopefully they find another shelter if they can't get back here in time." He said with a shiver.

Even though he was further away from the entrance, the cold still have its grip on him. The illness forced most of his fur to grow thinner than usual; he hoped that he would recover soon as to keep himself warm in the winter. This storm just made him miss his thick pelt even more.

"Do you mind sharing some of your heat with me? I'm quite cold." He asked with a light chuckle.

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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Soran July 13th 2011, 7:33 pm

Soran nearly doubled over laughing as Rune spoke to a female he hardly recognized, but introduced herself as a scholar. Instead he managed a small chuckle as the Alpha reintroduced himself to the female properly. Something about the light humor raised the atmosphere inside the den, despite the howling winds that had been blowing from just outside. The male’s eyes flickered up as members began to pass in and out of the den and took places next to others; something important must have happened, although he had little knowledge of what had taken place just outside.

Flexing his claws, Soran shifted around his position in the den, attempting to regain the comfort he had felt just minutes earlier. He noticed fleetingly that Spirit had gone and left the den, though he decided to wait a few minutes before joining her incase she didn’t want company.


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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 13th 2011, 7:43 pm

Mahina stood up from Silver, her ears flicking back and forth. A sickly feeling washed over her as she started to pad out of the den, telling the female it was time to escape the crowd. Her pelt brushed Altair's as she walked past him and into the blinding snow. Her line of vision instantly deteriorated, and ensured that the female had to take careful steps to avoid walking into a large snow filled ditch or running into a tree. The female's brown pelt whipped in the wind as she sat down in what looked like the middle of nowhere. Mahina's ears were flat against the side of her head in a desperate attempt to keep warm.


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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira July 13th 2011, 7:56 pm

"Or hopefully they find another shelter if they can't get back here in time."

"Indeed" she said softly, the tip of her flicking against the den floor as she stole a quick glimpse at the den's entrance once more.

"Do you mind sharing some of your heat with me? I'm quite cold." He asked with a light chuckle.

"Sure" she laughed, getting to her paws and taking a step closer before laying down once more. Her side touched his lightly as she scooted her tail against her paws. Her gaze focused on the disappearing form of Mahina as she passed by and remaining on the den's entrance as the snow storm seemed to swallow her the moment she stepped a paw out the den.

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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 13th 2011, 8:15 pm

"Sure" she laughed, getting to her paws and taking a step closer before laying down once more.

"Thanks, Kira." Altair sighed as he felt the heat from her body. It stole away the cold and replaced it with much appreciated warmth.

His ears perked as he heard pawsteps coming from somewhere behind him. He knew it was Mahina before her pelt lightly brushed his as she passed. She appeared to be headed out into the storm; Altair felt worry stab his heart as the snow swallowed her up. What was she doing? Better yet, what was she thinking?

"I'm this close to going after her." He said quietly as her form was lost to the snow.

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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira July 13th 2011, 8:39 pm

"I'm this close to going after her." He said quietly as her form was lost to the snow.

Kira turned her head around as she heard his words. "Maybe she is going to find Taru and Elysia? Or maybe she needs a moment alone?" she asked, more of a statement than a question. Why would Mahina go blindly into the bone chilling storm? There was no way she was able to see, it made no sense for her to go out of the safety and warmth for no reason. If she was going to find Taru and Elysia, was it because she hadn't? Or if it was to be alone, why? The questions grew larger in her mind as her form disappeared completely.

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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota July 13th 2011, 8:42 pm

Taru's ears perked. A new sound was battling against the howling snow. She was pressed tightly to Elysia, shuddering in the intense cold. What was the noise she heard among the angry winter's calls? It sounded like a flag struggling in the wind, like fur being snapped in different directions. A new scent filled her nose. Mahina! She was outside? Alone, by the way her smell stood alone. It was faint among the wind and snow, but Taru was able to pinpoint a direction. The female stood, tearing herself from the warmth of her best friend. "I'll be right back," she called through the wind, hoping Ely wouldn't be too cold without her. Bolting with strong, tall legs, the scout did what she did best, run.

Sitting alone was Mahina in the middle of the snow. "What are you doing, Mina?!" she called, running over to press herself to the other female. "Come on, Elysia is over there," she gestured with a movement of her head. "Just come settle down with the two of us, so you don't freeze," Taru begged, pressing her side to Mahina's shoulder. She winced at the fierce cold against her once warm fur.

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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 13th 2011, 9:06 pm

"Maybe she is going to find Taru and Elysia? Or maybe she needs a moment alone?" she asked, more of a statement than a question.

"Maybe. Though I wish she'd stay in the den rather than go and wander out in the cold on her own." Altair's dark ginger tail thumped on the ground once.

His kept his gaze on the the den's entrance, hoping that someone would come through that snow. He dreaded it as well since it could be a sign that another was ready to pass on. Vivid thoughts swirled in his mind and choked him in their depths.

"Promise me you won't leave this cave. I really don't want to have to worry about you too." He looked at Kira, his gaze completely serious. "If you must, please let me go with you."

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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira July 13th 2011, 9:35 pm

"Maybe. Though I wish she'd stay in the den rather than go and wander out in the cold on her own." Altair's dark ginger tail thumped on the ground once.

"As do I... Though, I am sure she will find Taru or Elysia, which settles my worry slightly" she said, turning her gaze to the entrance as she noted his had as well. She clung onto the hope that one of the 3 females would have emerged in the entrance way when she blinked. But, of course, to her dismay she saw nothing but whirling winds of snow.

"Promise me you won't leave this cave. I really don't want to have to worry about you too." He looked at Kira, his gaze completely serious. "If you must, please let me go with you."

Kira turned her gaze back to him as he spoke. It shocked her that he said he would be concerned, yeah they had shared a secret or two, but she wasn't as close to the male as Mahina or Taru. "I promise" she said softly, she would have appeared to be merely a shadow had her ebony coat not been lit up by the white mess outside.

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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Rune July 13th 2011, 9:48 pm

“Well, I’m glad there are no hard feelings Soske and I really do hope you enjoy your time here with us all.” Rune smiled as he looked at Soske smiling face a sign that she held no harbored no hard feelings. As his ears twitched, he caught the sound of a familiar chuckle and caught site of his brother Soran. With a dip of his head, Rune pushed himself to his feet once more. “If you please excuse me I believe I shall now go speak with my brother.” Rune added softly just before he made his way toward Soran.

With a warm smile, Rune poked his paw playfully against Soran’s side. “Long time no talk huh brother?” Rune began his voice loud and playful as he shook out his fur and then settled down. “How have things been?” He asked his eyes straight forward and his tone now calm as he regained his normal composure.


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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 13th 2011, 10:01 pm

"What are you doing, Mina?!"

Mahina had no chance to answer before the black female was next to her, and she had to strain to hear her over the howling wind.

"Come on, Elysia is over there," she gestured with a movement of her head. "Just come settle down with the two of us, so you don't freeze,"

Without saying anything, Mahina stood up and walked with Taru towards where Elysia was. Her paws had numbed quickly, and she was walking slightly funny through the snow. Oh how she wished it was summer as she lay beside Elysia and Taru. She missed the green grass, the song birds, and she missed the warm summer breeze. She turned to Taru to answer her question. "The crowd got to me." She said, shaking her head to clear it of the snow.


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The Winter Den - Page 32 Empty Re: The Winter Den

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