
The Winter Den

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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Spirit July 13th 2011, 10:03 pm

Spirit's jaws parted as a yawn escaped from her; huddled next the the tree trunk with her tail curled neatly around her side, acting as a barrier to the wind. One of her dark gray ears flicked as she heard conversation drift towards her, sparking her interest. Rising slowly to her paws, her limbs stiff with cold, Spirit peeked her head out from between the low hanging branches to spot Mahina and Taru out in the open - Taru trying to get Mahina to come with her to Elysia. The thought of company warmed Spirit, but she didn't think she would join them. After all she still was unsure of how things were between her and Mahina stood. Shaking her fur Spirit pushed through the branches and began to make her way to the den. While the crowded place put her on edge it was better to be warm and with others than cold and alone.

As soon as she entered the den the warmth hit Spirit immediately, bringing a smile to her face. The heat made the snow that had settled on her fur melt, making her fur damp. Spirit trudged over to a small corner in the back of the den, seeing as Rune was busy talking to Soran and she would hate to barge in on their conversation. Curling her tail around her body Spirit rested her head down on her paws, letting out a sigh of contentment as warmth slowly crept back into her.

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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Soran July 13th 2011, 11:02 pm

Soran’s chuckled died away as his brother approached and settled beside him, though the smile still lingered on his face. “Indeed,” He replied, cuffing Rune lightly on the ear jokingly. “Things have died down, for me it seems.” He finished, wondering if Rune had heard anything about the fight between Dakota, Mahina, Spirit and himself. Shifting himself to a more comfortable stance, the male gazed towards the entrance to the den where more wolves seemed to be gathering despite the bitter cold of Winter. “How have things been going for you?” He asked, returning his gaze to the opposite side of the den.

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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota July 13th 2011, 11:11 pm

Taru kept guiding the other female with multiple pushes of her head. The snow seemed to wrap tighter around her paws with every step. Her legs shook with the unwanted cold. However much she distasted the weather right now, the ebony scout couldn't help but still consider the winter her favorite season. It treated her so bad sometimes, but the pressure and pain only made her have more respect for it. She broke a smile, probably something crazy, as the howling wind began to suck the moisture out of her open jaw as if collecting it to make more snow.

Mahina's words that reached her ears next made her mouth drop wider. She wasn't the only one! Taru didn't like crowds either, this confession from Mina made her feel ten times better. "Don't worry," the female hid her excitment, "I feel the same way," she replied. Her pale yellow eyes brightened as she saw Elysia still curled among the snow. She bounded over to her, pressing herself tightly to her. The wamrth was welcomed. Taru barked to tell Mahina that they could use another body.

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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 13th 2011, 11:16 pm

Elysia had not been asleep to start with, but now she was. But this wasn't the good type of restful sleep. Laying beside Taru, as the snow fell and the storm started in earnest - Elysia's body temperature had dropped like a stone. Taru's words fell on deaf ears. Snow was falling fast, quickly covering Elysia's small body. Her head lolled to one side and her breathing began to slow. Her blood was moving lethargically as the biting cold began to knaw at her extremities.

Elysia shivered violently, though subconcioulsy. Conciously, she was trapped far within her own mind. She couldnt struggle into wakefullness. She knew something was wrong, but was unable to fix it. The snow piled up on her, soaking into her fur and against her skin. Her thin pelt was soon plastered to her body. The snow piled around her legs, slowly but surely burying her until there was not much left to see.

Though she was unaware of it, Elysia was slowly being taken by the snow as she watied for Taru to return or not to return. The snow continued to fall and Elysia vanished from sight completely, nothing more than a subtle mound underneath one of hundreds of trees in the forest.


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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Rune July 13th 2011, 11:25 pm

Rune pulled his head away just after Soran managed to cuff him on the ear. Although as his brother began to respond to his question Rune’s head returned to its previous position and he continued to stare straight ahead. Soran's words had certainly raised his curiosity and Rune could easily guess a story could be found if he pressed further. However, his reply was only that of a simple "I see." And as Soran took his turn to ask a question, Rune paused for a moment before he decided to answer. "Fine I suppose, but I'm sure you are aware that Derek is gone by now correct?" He asked, as he waited for an obvious answer.

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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 13th 2011, 11:32 pm

Mahina walked forward, laying beside Elysia, or at least where she though the wolfess was. The brown female had vanished from view, the snow covering her. "Elysia?" She barked, but found no response. She looked to Taru with worried eyes and quickly started pushing the snow off the female, nudging her the whole while. "Elysia, wake up!" She barked again, pushing the snow covered scout with her paw. Mahina pressed against Elysia, trying to keep her warm while also trying to wake her up.


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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota July 13th 2011, 11:40 pm

Taru's eyes flashed with worry. She had been gone for only a moment. The scout dove forward, digging endlessly at Elysia's side. Her nails scarped the frozen ground with desperate strikes, moving piles of snow from around her best friend. "Ely," Taru whispered, whining with anxiety. "Say something, you fat lard!" another stressed whine escaped her clenched jaws. Her nose swept across her rabbit buddy's pelt, brushing off snow. Inahling a few flakes of snow caused the female to sneeze, blowing off more snow from her friend. She would have laughed, had her throat not been closed from the idea of losing her best friend.

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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 13th 2011, 11:52 pm

"As do I... Though, I am sure she will find Taru or Elysia, which settles my worry slightly" she said, turning her gaze to the entrance as she noted his had as well.

"That is the only thing we can hope for." Altair thought of the faes.

They would most likely curl up together and share their warmth. At least none of them would freeze to death which was a huge relief. But to have them return to the den would be even better since he would know what state they were in.

"I promise" she said softly, she would have appeared to be merely a shadow had her ebony coat not been lit up by the white mess outside.

"Thank you. I really wouldn't want to worry about that I could lose you too." He yawned as soon as he finished.

His dark ginger ears flattened slightly but not so much that anyone could notice. Why had he said that? He knew why but that was a secret he and his mind would share alone.

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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Soran July 13th 2011, 11:52 pm

Soran nodded solemnly as Rune questioned him on Derek’s departing. “It will not be something easily forgotten,” He replied, even if a simple ‘yes’ would have sufficed. The sudden change of topic seemed to throw him off a little, though he didn’t feel the need to ask his brother the reason. The male curled his tail around his body to warm the sudden drop in temperature that seemed to sweep into the den with the slightest of breezes. When he was done speaking, perhaps he would head out to the Hunting Grounds with whoever wished to accompany him.


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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 13th 2011, 11:53 pm

Elysia made no response, her eyelids remained shut. Her body simply rolled when touched. Her body was stiff and cold to the touch. Her heartbeat was present, but slow and weakening. To Taru, it had seemed as if only moments had elapsed. But it had taken minutes for her to find Mahina, speak with her, and then lead her back to Elysia. In that time, Elysia had not moved. She had already been cold from lying in the snow pretending to sleep, but she had quickly frozen without Taru. The worsening storm had simply sped the process.

Elysia's mind wandered within her frozen stupor. At times she felt like she could hear voices calling her name. She wanted to reach for them, but she felt paralyzed. She settled for stillness, waiting for the voices to come to her instead.

(LAME sorry)


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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota July 14th 2011, 12:17 am

Taru whimpered sorrowfully, unable to awaken her friend. Her mind raced, searching for anything that could maybe bring her friend to open her eyes. She had lived in this kind of weather before, the female should know of some kinda of trick that would help her in this situation. Taru thought back to when she had watched over her aunt's litter of pups. Once, on a particularly cold spring morning, a pup had suddenly stopped moving. For circulation and warmth, her aunt had licked her pup. It's mothers tongue had circulated blood and heat throughout it, saving its life. Would that work now? If anything, licking Elysia would normally make her mad. Perhaps, mad enough, that she would wake up?

The depserate scout began to slowly lick her friend's cold face. They were gentle, has though she was grooming her face. It almsot made her laugh, but again, the laugh was muffled by stress. Once satisfied with covering her friend's face with slobbery, warm spit, Taru sat back on her haunches. It was the only thing she could do at the moment, wait.

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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 12:26 am

Elysia felt like she was sinking further and further away from...well what she was sinking from she wasnt quite sure. All she knew was that she couldnt quite bring herself to care either way. She sank, or she didnt sink. Did it matter either way? Perhaps both roads led to the same destination. Elysia was content with that logic, content to slip away into the clutches of comfort and oblivion.

However, she began to feel herself being pulled from this oblivion. It started in a place she later identified as her nose. It felt...she didnt know how to describe it. Then it stretched over her face. Though she couldnt bring herself to conciousness, Elysia moved. Her face scruntched up, away from the strange sensation. As she was brought closer to conciousness by Taru's healing slobber - she was also brought to the pain. Her paws felt like fire, screaming in pain from the cold. Her whole body was frozen.

She began to shiver violently, her eyes snapped open and she cried out. Her eyelids fluttered and she looked to Taru. Her teeth were chattering almost too loudly for her words to be made out. They were nearly drowned in her whimpers of pain. "You...ff-ff-at...lard..."


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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira July 14th 2011, 12:30 am

"Thank you. I really wouldn't want to worry about that I could lose you too." He yawned as soon as he finished.

The ebony female nodded, a slight smile touching her muzzle. She was happy that she had gained another friend, despite not knowing him for very long or very well, she found him easy to trust. She lay her head on her paws as she rested her eyes lightly, but no so much that any movement or sound wouldn't stir her. A yawn escaped her muzzle as she curled her tail around her paws, laying her head between her paws as she relaxed her ears. Warmth had radiated through her from her time spent in the den, the chilling cold had left no trace that it had ever existed through her.

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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota July 14th 2011, 1:26 am

Taru felt her throat close completely. She felt herself choking with happiness and sorrow. Her friend was awake, an incredible sign, but was whimpering in pain. A fear that the scout had never known set in. She couldn't lose Ely, not ever. "I'm sorry, but I..." Taru looked away, unable to watch the pain play on her friends face. Taru leaned down, pressing her nose to Elysia's stomach. With a swift motion, her tiny friend's body was drapped across Taru's weak neck. She couldn't carry her, no way could her weak muscles manage that. So instead, she was going to both drag and carry her. Most of her body was off the ground, elevated by Taru's neck and shoulders. Elysia's tail and the tips of her paws brushed the ground as her friend began to inch through the snow.

The ebony colored female was in a difficult situation. With her rabbit buddy's weight on her neck and shoulders, she couldn't raise her head from the ground. Taru's chin scraped the frozen ground as she pushed forward. Her neck ached with the stress and her chin split open on a cold patch of ice. She would not stop though, until she reached the den. Taru found her position terribly akward, as though she were stuck in a bowing position, while walking. Her nose was used to plow through the snow towards the den. Pale yellow eyes watching as they inched slowly on, the female looked down for only a moment. She noticed the scarlet liquid that stained the grey fur on her chin and left a trail in the snow. It hurt with every step, the feeling of the cold ice burning into her open wound. Taru knew it was only her chin, nothing she needed. It was worth saving Ely, her best friend. Her nails dug into the cold ice, screeching with resistance as they were pushed past their breaking point.

A low snap echoed among the howling wind, filling Taru's frozen ears. She felt pain in her left paw, realizing she had broken a nail. Warm blood spread across the ice that coated the ground beneath the snow, meaning she had probably cut her paws too. Her skin now tried to get a grip and push where her nail had failed, the sensetive surface rubbing raw and cutting open. The pain that came from many parts on her body was nothing to what Elysia's was probably feeling, thats what mattered to Taru. With one final lunge, she brought herself and Elysia into the den, scarmbling into its warmth as she collapsed from sheer exhaustion.

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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 14th 2011, 1:39 am

"If something exciting happens, I will wake you." Altair assured Kira.

The pretty fae had closed her icy blue eyes and rested her elegant head on her paws. She must have been exhausted, but where the tiredness came from, he was unsure. The cave was warm from all the bodies that occupied it but the brute still felt the chill of the outdoors. He shouldn't have left, but he had to.

Without thinking, he moved himself a bit closer to the beta female. Her flank was warm and that warmth was too good to pass up. It soothed Altair's muscles and warmed him to his core. His ginger-and-white pelt offered a slight and constant pressure that could assist with rest. Experience told him that most wolves fell asleep when surrounded by others, Kira may not be any different. His pale gaze looked at her as she breathed before he looked to where Taru had brought Elysia into the den.

"Taru!" He called softly as he carefully pried himself from Kira's warm, soft flank.

He quickly rushed over to where Taru was laying on the ground, exerted. She didn't seem hurt anywhere too bad though her chin was scratched. His breathing stopped when he noticed how still Elysia was. The scout was still alive, but her breathing was shallow and her body radiated cold. Carefully, he grasped Elysia's scruff and pulled her to where Kira was laying. Next, he returned for Taru.

"Can you walk or do I need to carry you again?" He asked as he stood over her. He tried to keep his voice light but concern and worry made it seem heavy.


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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 1:45 am

Akera's eyes flew open as soon as she smelled blood. Looking up, she saw the dark figure of Taru and the small female Elysia collapsed in the entrance of the den. Taru's chin was scraped and blood was coming from her paw, where it looked like a nail was broken. Elysia wasn't moving. Akera gasped and stood. But her weak legs failed her and she fell back to the ground. Biting her lip, she tried to think of how to help. Gathering all her strength she tried to pull herself from Insomnia's warmth. But her survival instinct told her not to. It locked her muscles, keeping her close to the warm fur of the light male. She looked anxiously at the two females. With all the wolves in the den, she figured someone who had been a pack member longer than herself would help them in an instant. Either way, Akera would be useless. She was a hunter, not a healer.

Sure enough, a ginger colored male stood up and immediately helped them. But she still stared, forcing her heavy lids open, with concern in her emerald eyes. Akera would make sure they were alright before she would let herself drift to sleep with the warmth of Insomnia.


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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota July 14th 2011, 1:51 am

Taru's legs shook as she rose again. They screamed for her to stop, but she wanted to stand. A single droplet of blood dropped from her chin, hitting the den floor. She looked down at the small splatter on the ground. It made no difference to her. Her eyes then shifted, finding that Altair had taken Elysia from her. Whimpers from Elysia's earlier awakening still echoed in her ears, causing Taru pain. She had left Elysia, even for a moment, and this is what had happened. It was Taru's fault! Another droplet of blood dropped, the sound pulling her from her thoughts. "I'm fine right here," she replied in a lost voice, sinking to a sitting position.

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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 14th 2011, 1:53 am

"I'm fine right here," she replied in a lost voice, sinking to a sitting position.

"Don't be an idiot!" Altair snapped. He could tell that Taru felt bad about something. Did she think she did this? "You're not helping Elysia if you stay here and freeze to death."

He had intended to sound stern, but Altair's voice faltered when he got to the end of his sentence.

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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira July 14th 2011, 2:01 am

Kira lifted her head quickly as she heard Altair call Taru's name. Her icy eyes were intense with worry as she assessed the situation. She rose to her paws, quickly laying down next to a frozen Elysia, the contact creating a burning sensation on the ebony female's coat as the different body temperatures clashed. Even after being in the warm den for so long, as soon as she lay next to Elysia a chill shot through her spine. Kira curled her tail over the scout's paws as she lay down beside her, attempting to help the female regain the warmth her body needed.

"I'm fine right here," she replied in a lost voice, sinking to a sitting position.

Kira's gaze flickered from Elysia to Taru and Altair after hearing him snap at her. "Taru don't be silly, you need to warm up" she said, flattening her ears. As Beta was it not her job to protect the pack members? How did she let these things slip through the cracks? She knew it was a possibility, yet she left those thoughts be as she sat in the warm den keeping herself warm. But then again, was in not Taru and Elysia's decision to brave against to harsh weather? Whatever the case, the betess was dropping the thought for now. Questions to ask herself could be put off, what mattered now was helping them.

(lame DX
I feel bad for Ely and Aru :C)

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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota July 14th 2011, 2:09 am

"Don't be an idiot!" Altair snapped. He could tell that Taru felt bad about something. Did she think she did this? "You're not helping Elysia if you stay here and freeze to death."

Taru wasn't cold. She flinched slightly at Altair's words. Her ears twitched, turning to listen to Elysia's slow breathing. Pale, tired eyes shifted up to look at her other friend's face, a sense of dread washing of her. "I already was an idiot," Taru's voice was calm, collected, as though she knew he would say the words. "If I had stayed with her, been there, like I was supposed to, she wouldn't be like this! I should have thought more about it," the female explained, letting her black nails scraped through the small puddle of crimson blood that oozed from the wound where her paw was bleeding.

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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 2:39 am

His eyes flickered open to the iron scent of blood. Taru and Elysia seemed to be hurt, Ely was on the ground with a ginger male stood over her. And Taru was stood there bleeding as he could see the droplets on the ground as well as a puddle underneath her paw. He wrinkled his nose against the putrud smell, and closed his eyes. He could deal with any sort of blood that was not from a wolf. But what was weirder for him, was the fact Akera wasn't moving from his side, she seemed to be battling herself when she first stood up.


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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 14th 2011, 3:26 am

"I already was an idiot," Taru's voice was calm, collected, as though she knew he would say the words. "If I had stayed with her, been there, like I was supposed to, she wouldn't be like this! I should have thought more about it," the female explained, letting her black nails scraped through the small puddle of crimson blood that oozed from the wound where her paw was bleeding.

"You musn't blame yourself, Taru. That is the worst thing anyone can do." Altair said in a softer, gentler tone that suggested his brief anger had passed.

The pale amber hues of his eyes were mirrors full of concern and even a tad of shock could be seen. Out of all the things he had done, he never expected to snap especially at Taru. Shame flooded his body and caused the great brute to hang his head. Even with almost perfect control of his emotions, Altair had slipped up and exploded at one of the few wolves who meant everything to him.

Taru's blood came to his keen nose on a stray breeze, thus causing Altair's head to snap up at an alarming speed. His eyes were wild with fright as he looked for the source of the blood again. No wounds coloured the perfection of her upper or lower coats and that gave him a good enough lead to look even lower yet.

The floor of the cave was stained with some of the crimson liquid that oozed slowly from a cut or scrape on Taru's paw. Carefully, as to not harm the fae before him any more, Altair began to lick at the wound. He was fullly aware that infection could set in if she was not careful and therefore, Altair made sure that she would at least have her injury cleaned. Luckily, it was just a cut. It was nearly as deep as it was long. Assuming that she was careful with what she did for a while, he could not see it become infected.

"Taru don't be silly, you need to warm up" she said, flattening her ears.

Altair offered the pretty betaess his silent thanks as she voiced her thoughts. He wasn't sure that he alone would have been able to convince Taru to abandon her post near the entrance of the den and in turn, the blizzard that was waging outside.

"Go help and warm, Ely up. You'll feel better too, trust me." Altair said that with a warm smile on his face.

He turned his body just enough so Taru could get by him and he could look at Kira. His amber eyes appeared almost white because of the snow. Said eyes locked with the icy blues of Kira for several heartbeats before he commanded himself to look at Taru again. Altair motioned with his head for Taru to go and lay beside her best friend and keep her warm.

If Mahina's not back in a few minutes, you are to look for her. His mind reminded him. The Guard still was in the cold somewhere.

[Written (with love) by Nicole <3]

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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota July 14th 2011, 3:41 am

Taru pulled away her paw at the sting of Altair's tongue. She was in no mood to be helped or forgiven. The female was searching for something, anything, she could snap at Altair for, but found none. Her anger was her own, the female was mad at herself. A fleshy tongue swiped across her pearly teeth as she thought. With the small pool of blood forming below her chin, Taru decided it would be best to move. She stood shakily, putting a lot of weight on her injured paw, testing it. A silent wince caused her to lean akwardly for a moment, before she pulled herself together. Moving her tired body past Altair, Taru felt her injured paw squish with every step. The cut acted like ink for a stamp, leaving her single paw print in a trail towards Ely. She collapsed next to her frozen friend with a low sigh before curling inwards, away from Altair and Kira.

Silent spasms wrecked her small form, the stress of the day and exhaustion washing over her. Taru choked down a whimper, pressing herself closer to her rabbit buddy. She was cold, but warmer than she had been outside. This was calming enough to where Taru could begin to think of herself. Gingerly at first, her tongue grazed the opening of her wound. Lucky enough, the slice on her chin was close enough that she could lick it without too much trouble. In silence, Taru allowed herself to rest.

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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 14th 2011, 4:34 am

Altair noticed that Taru pulled away from his tongue and she curled herself away from Kira. He had never seen her act this way. Did his hesitance earlier make this happen? He shivered at the thought. Quietly, he picked his way back and lay on Kira's other side. He was pressed against the wall and against her side. Her warmth made him move even closer to her, seeking to warm himself up. Her fur was soft and he relaxed instantly.

"If I'm too close, just let me know." He said quietly as he lay his head on his paws.

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The Winter Den - Page 33 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 9:47 am

Elysia felt her body lifted from the ground. Her stomach was laid against the warmth of Taru's back. She nearly flinched away as her cold body came in contact with Taru's warm skin. She whimpered softly. She knew she should be helping, but none of her muscles would react. The tang of blood came to her and her stomach dropped. She had hurt Taru. Taru was bleeding all because Elysia had been stupid enough to fall asleep. What if Taru didnt make it, Elysia would die but worse than that - she would bring Taru down with her. It took a long time for Elysia to be able to form words, and by that time she had been dragged to the den.

There was so much chaos. First Altair rushing over and grabbing her scruff. He dragged her to the den where she was laid beside Kira. Kira pressed against Elysia and Elysia flinched away. The heat was both luxurious, and painful at the same time as it began to bring feeling back into her frozen body. Taru and Altair eventually returned, though there was a strained tension between them. Elysia's body was flooded with exhaustion and she wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep. But after her last sleep, she was afraid to close her eyes.

She looked to Kira at her side, sighing as a fluffy tail was wrapped around her paws. Elysia laid her head down, looking up at Kira with shame and sorrow. "I, I'm sorry." No matter who blamed who, it was Elysia who had been careless. Elysia went out in a storm. Elysia fell asleep. And now Elysia had caused them all worry. She buried her face beneath her front paws. Rune had said he saw many similarities between Elysia and Pallatsera, but that couldnt possibly be true. Pallatsera never would have done this. Elysia would never match her sister.


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