
The Winter Den

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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye June 23rd 2011, 10:43 pm

Altair watched Mahina's retreating form until she vanished completely from view. The scent of blood and meat made his mouth salivate but he knew that he would not be able to eat anything like that for a while. His tail tip flicked once before settling back on the ground. Right now, he felt useless to the pack. He wouldn't be able to guard the pack from any dangers while he was sick. Also, he still hadn't seen Rune or Maiara about his joining. Maybe they would cast him out since he was a loner plagued with an illness.

"If I have to leave, promise me you'll keep an eye on Mahina." His pale amber eyes looked into Elysia's chocolate hues. "And Taru, please watch over Elysia."

Slowly, he forced himself up to a standing position. His legs shook violently and threatened to collapse but he managed to hold his weight. Though he could only do so for a few seconds before he was forced to his haunches again. His eyes went to Taru and he wagged his tail weakly. He was glad to have met Mahina, Silver, Elysia and Taru. The four of them would always be his closest companions.

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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Spirit June 23rd 2011, 11:44 pm

Spirit rolled back over onto her stomach as her laughter began to die down. She pushed up on her forepaws, rising to sit up. Her stony grey ears flicked as she heard Falco's howl calling the pack to eat, she swiveled her head in the direction the howl came from. Spirit flicked her tail behind her; she would've made her way towards the kill had she not already had something to eat earlier and she didn't want to eat meat that others may want or need more than she did.

Tearing her gaze from the distant sound Spirit turned back to the tree where she had spied Soran, hearing his own burst of laughter on the other side. A warm smile spread across her muzzle as she rose to her paws and padded forward, making her way around the thick trunk, spying Soran close by near the base of another tree. She trotted over to him, her tail flicking behind her. "You gave me quite the start." She said, plopping down beside him.

[ lame ]

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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 24th 2011, 2:12 am

He rolled onto his belly and hauled himself up off the ground. The feeling of not being able to breath had passed, and he gave a little smile "We wouldn't be so good without a great leader hunter to follow." With that little remark, Insomnia lowered back into a sitting position, and waited paciently for the others to come and eat. So that he may have some in a while.


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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 24th 2011, 2:34 pm

Shadow was starting to get hungry but she waited just a little while longer. Her golden eyes scanned the sky. Storm clouds darkened the horizon. Shadow sniffed the air. Was there a blizzard on the way? Perhaps the wind would blow the dark clouds away.


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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 24th 2011, 4:09 pm

Elysia knew she should eat. She knew she needed to leave Altair, but she almost couldnt bring herself to move away from him. Her eyes were panicked as they flicked between Altair and Taru. Taru's voice was soft, comforting and inviting. Elysia slowly stood, realizing her legs had grown stiff from her time spent curled at Altair's side. She nodded mutely to Taru, going to the other female's side. She felt so small, so vulnerable and helpless. Like when she had first arrived. She had been powerless to prevent Pallatsera's loss, as she might be powerless to save Altair. The only difference was that this time, she had to watch.

Her tail flicked as she moved towards the entrance of the den. She blinked her eyes to Altair. She had heard his words and shook her head defiantly, her voice was quiet but strong - sounding similar to how Pallatsera always had. "I dont need anyone watching over me because I know that when I come back - you'll still be here. I know that everyday I come back, you'll still be here." She smiled, it was stronger than she felt inside. She nodded and turned to Taru. Elysia slipped out of the den, giving Taru a moment alone with Altair. Elysia was immediately greeted by the cold shock of the snow. Curled around Altair, all she had felt was warmth. But now, the cold began to seep through her skin once more.

She shivered, taking a seat and wrapping her tail around her paws. She looked to Taru, blinking her eyes. Their stories were different, but also similar. Each was alone, by accident or misplaced blame. Each had been too late, had lost a sibling - two for Elysia. Perhaps there was something to this whole friendship thing after all.


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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 25th 2011, 2:03 am

"Shadow?" he watched the darkly hued female look at the sky. It intriged (Sp ?) him how many could do that and not become bored. Insomnia lowered back onto his haunches, wondering he was allowed to eat, or should he wait a few more minutes.


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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 25th 2011, 10:19 am

The wind whipped in the cold of winter, the pine trees dancing to its rhythm. The forest seemed rather still. But there were wolves there. Akera could sense it. Freshly-fallen snow made a pristine, white blanket on the earth. But something disrupted the perfect blanket. A slender russet and cream colored fae wandered through a clearing, padding slowly through the snow, breaking the smooth, untouched white with her dark paws.

Akera struggled through a very deep patch, head still high in the air. She could sense the wolves, a pack, with her nose. She had a knack for sensing things, whether with sight, sound, or smell. Throughout her many travels, Akera had only come across one other pack, not a very welcoming one at that. She hoped to avoid a fight this time around.

Even though she wanted to leave her pack and she liked the peace and quiet, things sometimes got a bit lonely for Akera. She missed hunting in a group and running through the forest together. She missed the unity of family and the feeling of belonging somewhere. Despite a half a year of travelling, she still hadn't found what she needed. Akera hadn't found that little piece to make her life make sense.

A thought strayed across her mind, 'Maybe they will like me....maybe they are just what I've been looking for...' She didn't want to get her hopes up. But either way, whether on purpose or not, her paws led her to the edge of the pack's territory line.


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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 25th 2011, 2:54 pm

"Insomnia..." said Shadow, "I think there might be a blizzard on the way. The winds might blow the clouds away though." Shadow grew hungryer every minute, but she waited a while longer. The air was cold and Shadow was pretty sure that a storm was on the way.


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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 25th 2011, 3:51 pm

Taru felt a sudden relief as Ely agreed to go eat, slipping outside the den to wait for her. The female flicked her tail slightly, drawing a few cold breaths from the outside's winter. A few flutters of snow entered the den and she realized Altair would probably enjoy the air outside, with his fever so high. Her pale yellow eyes held pity, something she rarely gave to anyone because of her stature and personality. "Get well soon," she spoke quickly, hunger drawing her out of the den much faster than she desired. Her body shifted, and Taru nodded slightly to the male before turning to exit the den.

When the open air swallowed her presence, and instictive shiver ran down Taru's small form. She loved winter, but sometimes she forgot how cold it truly got. Her head turned slightly, looking towards Elysia. Reaching across the snow-covered earth, the ebony female was by her side in a few long strides. "Shall we go eat?" she asked, letting a smile split her face. Her tail wagged in a friendly gesture.

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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver June 25th 2011, 4:50 pm

Silver woke finally, the sounds of wind and snow picking up and howling through the den entrance touching her ears. She felt better, the medicine had kicked in and she could breathe. Her pale green eyes focused before her, and her stomach rumbled hungrily.

Couldn't hurt to go eat... She thought, her mind fuzzy. She stood, slightly shaky but otherwise normal, and padded out of the den, chewing on herbs as she progressed.

After a short walk, she came upon a bull elk laying dead in the snow, a thin layer of white flaked ice upon it's slightly torn hide. She then laid under a tree, camouflaged in the snows cool embrace.

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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 25th 2011, 5:40 pm

Akera hesitated at the edge of the pack lands. She didn't want to make the pack angry by trespassing. But no one seemed to be approaching her. She lifted her head up and turned all her senses on high. Akera could smell and hear the wolves rustling in the forest. She shivered a bit. Her slender frame and thinner coat didn't do too well in the winter. She did like winter though. Akera thought it was beautiful.

After waiting a minute or two, she decided she was too cold to stand still. She hesitantly wandered into the pack lands. Slowly padding through the snow, she kept her alert on high, just in case the wolves became alarmed. She didn't try to be too stealthy though, stepping on broken branches and fallen leaves along the way. 'I don't want to sneak up on them. They may think I'm a threat.' Akera kept trudging through the piling snow, waiting to be found.


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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 25th 2011, 7:27 pm

Elysia looked to Taru, a grin splitting her lips despite their recent troubles. She stood, shaking the thin layer of snow from her fur. She was a good deal smaller than Taru, though her size was closer to Taru than it was to any of the other packmembers. However, where Taru and the other members had thick winter coats - Elysia's winter coat was sadly thin. She had never had particularily thick fur and in the winters, she suffered miserably. She shook herself again, shifting her paws in an effort to keep warm. She looked to Taru, tossing her head towards the trees.

"Perhaps we could do our own hunting. We could bring back something for Altair and Silver, plus I wouldn't mind gettting some blood pumping through my veins." She waited for Taru's opinion, taking a moment to look around. All the hutners were off, being hunters she assumed. The rancid smell still wafted from the den where Silver and Altair were resting. Fresh worry rose in Elysia and she battled to keep it down. She instead turned her attention to Taru, really thinking about the she-wolf's words for the first time.

First her father, then the betrayal, then Silence. In a way, Elysia wondered what that had been like. She had lost Versitha and Pallatsera, but she had never been betrayed. She was never run out or hated. She was loved, she loved and lost. Sure, she had some self esteem issues at time, identity crisis here and there - but at least she always knew that her parents and siblings had loved her. What about Taru? Who loved her? Elysia blinked. Elysia could love her, be her sister perhaps. Perhaps they could begin to fill each other's holes of loss.


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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 25th 2011, 8:20 pm

Taru couldn't hold back a happy bark at the idea. She bowed playfully, swiping some snow towards Elysia's paws and jumping away. "I say, lets give it a try! Normally I'm no good at hunting, but perhaps a deer of sorts? Or were you thinking rabbits?" her words seemed endless until she stopped to breath and wait for Ely to answer. She had high hopes of the two and perhaps, hunting would be a better way to bond. Her rump sank to the ground and she thought of Ely's words for a moment or two. She had come looking for her sister, who died only a few months before she got here. Taru highly doubted that the news had made Ely have a happy mood for everyone to see when she first arrived. Imagine that! Greeting all kinds of new wolves after hearing of your long lost sister's death? Taru would have left upon hearing such words, consumed by sorrow and self-loathing for not reaching the pack soon enough. Her heart sank and the female opened her jaw in a wide, anxious yawn. This expressed her distress, but did not reveal the reason why. If Ely asked, how could she tell her she was feeling sorry for her? No, she owuld have to make up another excuse for the clumisly brought on yawn.

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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 25th 2011, 10:54 pm

Padding through the snowy forest, Akera sensed herself growing closer to a pair of wolves, females most likely. She creeped up closer and closer until she sighted them; A bracken colored fae and a pitch black one. (Ely and Taru) Even though she could see them, Akera was still rather far away from the two. She didn't want to startle them. 'Don't want to mess up a first impression!' Trying to shake the cold out of her, she walked slowly towards the two fae, hoping they'd notice her before she had to make the first move.



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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 25th 2011, 11:05 pm

Taru was busy waiting for Ely to answer her questions, still sitting. She slid to the ground in a lying position to turn on her back, beginning to paw at Ely's maw from below. A laugh escaped her jaws, Ely looked strange from upsidedown. Her pale gaze wandered from her friend towards the trees as she smelled a strange scent. Another loner, like her and Altair? Immediatly jolting upwards, her head smacked Ely's chest, making Taru yelp in suprise. She backed away, bowing in apology to Elysia with a shy smile. Her attention to the new female.

A welcoming smile lit her dark face, seeming like it was the right thing to do. With Taru still being a loner, she couldn't be protective over a territory that wasn't hers or pack members she didn't have. Only a small sense of kinship washed over her, they were both new to the pack lands. "Hello there, my name is Taru," the ebony female called out loudly, her stomach rumbling in response as it realized another conversation would lead to more time without food.

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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 25th 2011, 11:19 pm

Akera let out a small snort as she watched the dark female accidentally hit her friend's chest. When she realized the fae was talking to her, she sobered up and walked forward, trying to put a small smile on her face. She wasn't used to conversation. Akera's tail lobbed back and forth as she padded to Taru, already trusting the smile on her dark face.

"Hello," the russet fae spoke, "I'm Akera. I assume you are part of the pack that is nearby? Akera was actually a bit taken aback by how casually the dark female welcomed her. 'Maybe this is what I was looking for...' She had been surprised that no other wolves had found her before Taru had. 'Maybe this is a laidback pack?' (Rhyme! XD) But either way, Akera was sure not to let any emotion but happiness on her face. She didn't want to frighten her first encounter away.


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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 25th 2011, 11:27 pm

Taru let out a laugh, beginning to prance a cirlce around her. "Then, Akera, you assume wrong," with those words, she leapt at the loner and nipped at her feet. Would she dance? It made Taru laugh at the thought, before bounding away. She wanted to play, it was causing her paws to itch. With the drama of Altair's illness, she needed to release the stress somehow. A few feet away, Taru stopped, turning back to look at the loner. Would she accept the dark female's invitation to play? Most likely not, but it didn't hurt to try when Ely was zoned out a little.

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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 25th 2011, 11:46 pm

Akera watched the playful wolf thoughtfully. 'She isn't part of the pack?' She watched as Taru started nip at her feet. Then she ran off a bit, looking back at her. It was an invitation. After an internal conflict for only a second, Akera bounded after her, tackling Taru lightly to the ground. She hadn't played in almost a year. It felt very nice to let go. And Akera just enjoyed the company of another wolf. But she did feel like a bit on edge, not knowing where the rest of the pack was.


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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 25th 2011, 11:51 pm

Taru couldn't hold back a loud laugh as she was tackled. The female squirmed away from Akera, bounding off the 'hide' behind a tree. 'Hiding' was probably not the best term, for even though she was small, the tree was smaller. Her rump stuck out past the width of the tree, her head on the other side, looking at Akera as though she couldn't see her. A bright smile was one her face, snow still coating her fur where she had hit the ground. Taru's tail wagged, and for a moment, her gaze turned to look at Elysia, hoping she would join in.

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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 26th 2011, 6:10 am

"How can you tell?" His voice came out much sharper then he planned, and shook his head. Muttering a "sorry" for his tone. The white that whipped up snow from the ground, sent shivers down his spine. It also caused his thick coating to become wind-torn, and flecked with grey debris. Flicking his eyes up to follow Shadow's gaze, he stared up at the sky. Unsure what he was searching for.


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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 26th 2011, 1:33 pm

Elysia stumbled back as Taru slammed into her chest. She picked herself up, sending an amused glare at Taru. The other she-wolf had padded to the bushes and now was having an animated conversation with a completely stranger. Elysia rolled her eyes. It was just so...Taru. She shook snow from her fur, moving silently around so she was behind Taru. She stuck her head around Taru's outline, winking at the new female and hoping she would stay silent. She thought she heard Taru call her Akera. Elysia crept closer. There were many things Elysia did not enjoy, and many that she did. One was revenge, it would be hers and it would be sweet.

She sank into a crouch, waggling her hind quarters gently as she shifted her paws. With a swift silence due to her small size, Elysia launched herself at Taru. She hit her friend, taking her down into the snow in a wet cold heap. Elysia raised her head, shaking flakes from her bracken fur. She grinned down at Taru, glancing at Akera and winking. "No one messes with a rabbit buddy. Even another rabbit buddy." She sat down triumphantly, tilting her head at Akera.

"I'm Elysia, a scout in this pack." She flicked her tail towards Taru, grinning teasingly. "That bundle of lard isn't even a full pack member. She's like my trainee. She really looks up to me, you know? She hopes someday to be as brilliant, strong and beautiful as me." Her words were completely in the spirit of fun, meant nothing at all. She turned her head, shooting another grin at Taru.


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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 26th 2011, 2:12 pm

Taru gave a playful yelp as Elysia took her down right after Akera had. She grinned, straining her neck upwards to try and lick Elysia's face when she looked down at her. The female snorted as her mission failed, unable to give her friend a slobbery lick. Taru started to squirm slightly, then stopped as Ely spoke again.

"I'm Elysia, a scout in this pack." She flicked her tail towards Taru, grinning teasingly. "That bundle of lard isn't even a full pack member. She's like my trainee. She really looks up to me, you know? She hopes someday to be as brilliant, strong and beautiful as me."

"Trainee? How can I be your trainee if I'm already better than you? I run faster too ya know," Taru began to squirm with a few playful barks, for Elysia was still sitting on her. The female's pale yellow eyes followed Ely's tail, waiting for a chance to latch on with a gentle nip. This plan also failed, for it seemed that her rabbit buddy read her mind and kept her tail far from Taru's jaws. Instead of fighting her way out, the female decided to go from a different approach. "Oh yes," Taru began to kiss butt, hoping to get out from underneath the sitting Elysia, who suprisingly could keep her pinned with her small body. "Ely is the best scout in the pack, thats why I look up to her. And I am a bundle of lard," Taru snorted, puffing up a few streams of snow.

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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 26th 2011, 2:19 pm

Akera watched the two fae play. She laughed silently as the bracken colored wolf crept up behind Taru and pounced. She was glad to see wolves with such a good friendship. Akera watched the lighter wolf as she sat down in front of her, winking at her. The female introduced herself as Elysia and a scout of the pack. 'Good! A pack member. I must be friendly to her.' Akera cleared her throat and spoke, "I'm Akera. I've left my birth pack and have been wandering for a while. I smelled you guys a while back and decided to investigate. I haven't come across other wolves for months, so forgive me if my conversation skills aren't up to par." She let a smile spread across her face and sat down in front of Elysia, tail wagging like always. "What is the name of this pack, anyway? How many members are there? Do you get new wolves often? Are you in need of a new hunter? Are your leaders nice?" The questions poured out in a stream. Akera had let her enthusiasm get the better of her again. But she had a really good feeling about this. She already felt close to Taru and Ely.


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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 26th 2011, 2:23 pm

Elysia turned her head, looking at Taru beneath her. Elysia's ears twitched suspiciously, though a wide grin split her lips. She wiggled her bottom for emphasis, enjoying sitting on Taru. She kept her head high, puffing out her chest proudly. She looked to Taru. "I think of you like I think of a whale, nice and blubbery and very comfortable to sit on." She kept her tail curled tightly away from Taru's stealthy jaws. It seemed Taru would make no move, having admitted defeat to Elysia who was of course far superior. Elysia, having seen this, decided to launch into a mocking victorious speech.

"That's it Ol' Rabbit Buddy. You must humble yourself on the altar of modesty. I have no need to do this of course. I already know that I am modest and beautiful. In fact, I'm perfect. You can only dream of perfection like me..." Her speech went on like this. She didnt really belelive any of her own words, she was just continuing the joke between them. She carried on for quite some time - looking between the silent Akera and an annoyed Taru stuck under Elysia's small body.

It was funny. Elysia was as light as she was small. However, she gave the illusion of strength and weight through positioning. She was only barely able to keep Taru down. If Taru put any real power behind her struggles, she would more than likely send Elysia flying into the air and crashing into the snow. Elysia finished her small speech. "So, my dearest pet whale, perhaps if you can come to see the perfection that is me - I will help you lose some of your blubbery lard." She nodded to herself, sitting firmly on Taru for emphasis.

She would have continued, but a sudden stream of questions poured from Akera. Elysia tilted her head, clearing her throat. "Well, we're called Banishing Winds Pack. I'm not sure how many members, can I just say a lot? We get new members like we get rain, pouring down. Our leaders are fantastic, somewhat intimidating at first though. And as for hunters, well you'll have to ask them." Elysia hoped she had been helpful.


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The Winter Den - Page 18 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 26th 2011, 2:37 pm

Akera watched Elysia poke fun at the dark fae beneath her. She smiled, hoping to some day have a bond that great with another wolf. Akera then listened intently to the answers to her unending questions. 'Banishing Winds....seems perfect for me. I'm pretty sure I'm not welcome back at my old pack anyway. So in a way, I guess I was banished.' She thought things through in her head. Hearing about how many new members the pack gets, Akera hoped she wouldn't be forgotten in the masses. She was kind of afraid of the pack leaders, but hopefully, if they let her in, she'd be able to establish trust with them. And Akera couldn't imagine any rank but hunter. So she would ask them. She stopped her train of thought. 'Am I really thinking about what to do once I'm in the pack? I haven't even met the leaders. I haven't even decided whether to join...' But Akera felt as if it was already predetermined. She felt like she needed the Banishing Winds Pack and hopefully they needed her too.

"Would you be willing to take me to your alphas? I would be honored to join your pack."


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