
The Winter Den

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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 26th 2011, 5:56 pm

"Look to the horizon. It is darkened by storm clouds. And the wind smells like snow. If the winds pick up those clouds will be here soon." explained Shadow, "Not sure how big the storm will be, if there is one and I'm right." Shadow sniffed the air again. A raven flew above them and landed near the kill. It eyed the meat if a hungry intent.


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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Soran June 26th 2011, 9:11 pm

Soran’s body shuddered as another cold breeze swept through the territory, biting at his bare nose and eyes for seconds at a time. Fluffing up his winter coat, the male appreciated every bit of warmth it provided, the insulation it was made for. He closed his eyes for a brief moment as he took in the sounds and scents around him. The smallest crack of a branch, the distant laughter muffled by the snow, and the sense of wolves enjoying the winter months made the territory feel alive; proving the pack would continue to grow in the years to come.

His eyes snapped open as he heard the soft thump of play followed by muffled voices. Gazing around, the male noticed Elysia and Taru in the distance, as well as another wolf he hadn’t seen around the territory before. Soran’s tail flicked as he considered joining them, but he didn’t know how Elysia would react to him, seeing as how Silver and Mahina had begun to distance themselves from him. His eyes returned to his paws in thought once again and he curled his tail around his paws in an attempt to keep them warm.

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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Maiara June 26th 2011, 9:14 pm

(Catching up!)

As Taru leapt away, it occurred to Maiara that she should call after her or follow, but such thoughts were quickly muffled by her weariness. She leaned over and ate some of the hare, the deliriously warm, delicious flesh warming her slightly, and filling her empty stomach a little. But although she wasn‘t entirely full, she nudged the rest over to Rune, and let her heavy lids close. She rested her head on her paws, falling instantly into a deep, much needed sleep.

Dreams slipped by like fast, soft clouds. Segments of each stuck in her mind. Memories of hanging out with Mahina a year ago, loners falling fast into the densite from the sky like a form of precipitation, piling high as the pines, and Rune, there was something she needed to tell him, but she couldn’t remember what.

Hours passed and morning came and went. When the female’s eyes flickered open again, they were met with the glorious sight of dark grey clouds looming on the horizon. She took in a deep breath of the crisp midday’s air. Although she was still waking, no longer overcome by the desire for rest, she was ready to take on whatever the day could throw at her.

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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 26th 2011, 11:37 pm

Taru stopped moving for a moment, feeling unknown eyes on them. She made a funny face underneath Elysia, making fun of the she-wolf for talking so much. Elysia was all talk at the moment, compeltely boring the young female. Finally deciding enough was enough, Taru managed to kick off Elysia with a loud huff. She flopped over onto her side, pale yellow gaze finding the cause of her sudden feeling. The pair of unknown eyes she had felt earlier belonged to the male she had seen before in the middle of the fight and the one who had greeted her. Pulling herself to a sitting position, her tail wagged and she bowed playfully. A small bark called out to the male, the one she had heard was called Soran. It was now something Taru seemed to do a lot, inviting others to play with her small, but growing, group.

Deciding a bark probably wasn't going to be persuasive enough for the more mature male, Taru headed over to him. She ran, kicking up small flurries of snow with her dark paws. "Hello Soran!" the tiny female began to trot fast circles around him. "Remember me?" she asked, stopping to hold her breath and puff herself up. She could only hold the pose for a moment before bursting out into laughter. No feelings due to the fight leaked into her greeting, wondering if it was probably a breath of fresh air for the male not to be greeted with hate or distaste over the incident yesterday. Taru felt no reason to dislike him over finding another to love, it was something she thought as cute.

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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 27th 2011, 12:11 am

A bitter wind that blew through the territory made it's way through Mahina's thick winter coat, making her shiver violently. Being a dog had it's advantages and it's disadvantages, this was one of those disadvantages, Mahina wasn't as used to the cold as her packmates were. Still shivering violently, the female stood up, snow clinging to her belly. She payed no mind to it, as long at the snow didn't reach her skin, she was good. Mahina walked away from the clearing, her mind whirling. The shadow of her past loomed over her, recent events teamed up with it, and anger long bottled up rose so it was beneath her skin. She would have to hold her tongue, and be quick to do it. She didn't want to be in any more trouble than she was now. As the female padded through the forest, her paws twitched, her maw twitching into a silent snarl. When a hair ran right past her, Mahina leaped on top of it, grabbed it in her jaws, and shook it around, and still shook it long after it was dead. The only thing she could take out her anger on was something innocent, with no crimes associated with her. She dropped the hare in the snow, her whole muzzle stained with blood and her hazel eyes narrowed. Mahina didn't eat the hare, she simply turned tail and left it in the snow. She walked until she came upon a large tree, and a breathing white mound under it. She flicked her tail and lay next to Silver, her head resting on her paws. "I blew it. No, I blew it three years ago." Mahina closed her eyes. Sometimes she wished she had never been born. It'd be best for everyone, not having to deal with a worthless good for nothing dog, who's only fights she had been in were those best kept secret. With the one who killed her parents, and with others in the ring. She had never really proven anything, not to any wolf. The only wolf that she could prove anything to was the one she killed. Lithium. Mahina's teeth bared angrily, she did not want to think about that wretched wolf, just like she didn't want to think about the one's not so far away.


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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Soran June 27th 2011, 12:38 am

Soran couldn’t help but let out a small, breathy laugh as the dark female from earlier rushed up to where he had placed himself in the snow. Her greeting put him off edge slightly, as he hadn’t talked to anyone but Spirit since yesterdays events. “How could I forget you, Taru?” He asked, a playful grin spreading across his muzzle as the scout puffed herself up into a larger stance for a moment. “However, you seem much smaller then I remembered.” His tail flicked readily in the air as he turned to face her, even as his shoulder wound bit deeper as he moved. He would not be slowed down by such a simple cut, there were better things to do then just sit around waiting for it to heal.

Feeling the need to taunt further, seeing as how the female herself seemed to enjoy it, the delta drew a deep breath and puffed out his chest; “I wish to see the Alpha.” He barked, looking at some unknown spot in the distance.

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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 27th 2011, 1:09 am

Elysia tumbled to the ground with a yelp. Taru had thrown her farther than she had realized, probably not aware of really just how light and small Elysia was. Elysia landed in the snow with a thud, looking quite ridiculous. She picked herself up, shaking out her soaking fur. It stuck out awkwardly. She turned to chastise Taru, but the dark female had raced away and was now talking to Soran. Elysia swallowed - though she no longer had the same hero adoration for Soran (he was taken now wasnt he?), she still liked to look her best. She dragged her tongue through her fur, doing her best to flatten it normally.

She searched her mind for something witty or worthwhile to say if she went over. She glanced at Akera. She wanted to meet the alphas. Well the alphas werent around...but Soran was and he was pretty powerful right? A smile split Elysia's lips as she turned to Akera. Her eyes were bright. "I cant find the alphas right now, but Soran is here and he's like our second in command." She flicked her tail invitingly to Akera. "Follow me."

Elysia padded to Soran in time to see him teasing Taru. Elysia grinned, seeing an opportunity to both join in and get back at Taru for her embarassing fall. Elysia perked her ears, looking innocent. "She wanted to see the alphas? And here I thought she was trying to suffocate herself creativly." She winked at Soran, waiting for Akera to join them. She hoped to look responsible or...something, by bringing a new member to see him.


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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Soran June 27th 2011, 1:28 am

A grin tugged at Soran’s muzzle as Elysia followed suit and approached behind where Taru had come. Noticing she had gestured to the loner far behind her, he realized she was bringing her to him; though the reason puzzled him. With Rune and Maiara no where in sight, perhaps she was bringing the female over to chat, or ask where Kira or the others where. Shaking off the momentary confusion, the male turned his gaze to Elysia as he considered adding to the joke. “You don’t think she’s looking a bit blue, do you?” He asked, mock concern crossing his tone and face. The humor was a welcoming relief after the recent events, even the small jokes were enough to bring a light chuckle from some unknown place within him.


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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 27th 2011, 1:32 am

His jaws suddenly clicked together, barking towards the raven. He didn't like birds, to be honest, he didn't like many things. His head raised up, slowly and shook his pelt. "Oh, Where did you learn do read clouds like that?"


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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Bear June 27th 2011, 9:28 am

Falco looked around. He could smell Silver's scent on the air and thought that she must be in a thicket somewhere. He looked at Insomnia and Shadow who seemed to be growing hungrier by the minute. Falco howled again, calling those in the pack that where wanting to eat to come and do so now, as there where many hungry wolves here. Those being his fellow hunters and himself. Falco's own stomach grumbled angrily, and he wanted to consume the food already but managed to restrain himself from doing so. "If no-one comes within the next few minutes you may start eating, and then we drag the carcass back up to the new den, okay?" Falco ordered, with a small smile appearing on his face.

(last howl for all those wanting to eat!)

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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 27th 2011, 10:53 am

If Elysia was human, she would have blushes. In any case, she felt embarassed heat rush to her face. True she no longer had a crush on Soran (the whole "Has-A-Mate" thing wasn't so attractive to her), she was still nervous around him simply because of his confidence. And he was still good looking, that played a part too. Elysia shifted her paws, looking behind her for Akera. She probably should have brought Akera to someone else, but Soran was the only one around. And who was she better off with? If it wasa choice between a newbie scout or the Delta Male of the pack, she was going with Delta Male.

Elysia sat, trying to be casual. She curled her tail around her paws - mimicking Pallatsera subconciously. She tilted her head to Soran, grinning. "You don't think she's looking a bit blue, do you?" She chuckled and looked to Taru with teasing concern and horror on her features. She sucked in a breath, turning to Soran. "You mean that isn't her natural coloring?" She nudged Taru with her nose, sniffing her friend with concern. She pressed her head against Taru's chest, a look of concentration on her face as she listened to her friend's heart.

She looked to Soran, her face serious. "We have a situation here Mr. Delta Male. Not only does she not seem to be breathing, but she's still alive. I have one or two possibilities, the foremost being that she may be a zombie." Elysia nodded in a businesslike manner, looking to Taru. "I have also included that she is similar to a bucket of lard, or a blubbery whale." She joked, brining their earlier conversation back.


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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 27th 2011, 12:54 pm

"From my mom, Silver Raven Fang." replied Sadow. She loved ravens. And most birds, the only thing she really hated was humans. Humans and the pack that killed her parents. Shadow sighed and decided to eat a little. Shadow nodded to Falco's words. The raven flapped over closer to the kill and cried hungerly. "I'm hungry too, raven." said SHadow with a laugh.

Last edited by Shadow on June 27th 2011, 1:05 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota June 27th 2011, 12:57 pm

Taru grinned, so Soran did remember her. In her mind, it was quite the accomplishment. The female snorted as Elysia continued to tease, now Soran joining along with her. "I'm a zombie, honest," Taru started with a professional, nose-to-the-air, snooty posture, then turned to Ely with a wicked grin, "Which means I eat brains." With those words, she was upon her friend, pinning her to the ground and drooling all over the small female's head while proceeding to gnaw on her skull. Her sharp teeth ran through Elysia's hair, barely gracing the skin with playful swipes. Finding her ears to be in the way, Taru began to chew on them as well.

Her eyes looked towards Soran, "Once I eat her brain, you can have her back," the female replied. She laughed loudly, then added, "And your next." Taru found great enjoyment in slobbering all over Elysia while Soran was watching. It was a great way to get her rabbit buddy back for all the whale comments and lard jokes

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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 27th 2011, 1:20 pm

Akera shook her head for a second, snapping out of her reverie. She realized that Elysia and Taru were no longer with her. They had run into a den with a male wolf, juding by the scent. She padded into the den. "Hopefully you won't eat my brain Taru! Sorry, zoned out over there for a moment." A smile spread across her face as she looked at the male. "Hi, I'm Akera. Just wandering and found this pack land. It definitely intrigues me." Akera stopped herself from pouring out words. She sat down near them all, tail wagging.

But Akera noticed she smelled something a bit strange. Sniffing a bit, she realized it was the smell of sickness. Looking down, she saw the male had injured himself. Concern showed up on her features, but she shook it off trying not to be rude.


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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira June 27th 2011, 1:23 pm

Kira's gaze floated to the silvery coat she recognized as Silver's, and got to her paws quickly as she saw her go into the trees alone, a small whine escaping her muzzle. Worry was upon her features instantly, her friend was sick, why would she be out in the snow alone? She bounded after her, the snow enveloping her paws as she kept going. She remained quiet, no sound in the small clearing other than the swish of the snow as she laid down across from her friend. "What do you think your doing?" she said, trying to sound stern, but ending up laughing at her failed attempt.

((lame :c))


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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 27th 2011, 1:28 pm

Elysia was not quite prepared for Taru's attack. Her rabbit buddy had been quiet for quite some time and Elysia was lulled into a false sense of security. She was feeling quite high and mighty. She was sitting here like a regular pack member. She was joking with the Delta Male, like friends. And he hadnt even looked at her askance, with that look she so hated and had become accustomed to. He didnt look at her like Pallatsera's Sister. It made Elysia feel good. Better than that, it made her feel wonderful.

Elysia yelped slightly at Taru knocked her over. She struggled in vain, Taru had her easily pinned to the ground. Elysia pulled a face, shifting and struggling under Taru's slimy jaws. She looked to Soran for assistance, grimacing as slobber ran down her face. "Get your drooling jaws away from my beautiful face you bucket of lard!" Her voice was high and shrill, her manner teasing. Taru began chewing on her skull and ears, tugging lightly. Elysia growled painfully.

"If you eat my brain, does that make me a zombie too? Because I'm totally going to do some revenge brain consumption." She pawed at Taru, poking her face and cheeks persistantly. Movement caught her eye and she looked to Taru's tail, so carelessly within reach. Elysia pawed at it, trapping Taru's tail on the ground and dragging it to her mouth. She stuck Taru's tail in, revenge slobbering over the dark female's tail with a satisfied smile. She chewed, looking up innocently at Taru.


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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver June 27th 2011, 1:33 pm

Silver tensed, her eyes popping open and turning to stare at Kira. She seemed intense and serious for a moment, her icy eyes seemed to bore into her making her feel small, but then her friend simply laughed. Silver couldn't help but join in on the chiming of her voice, laughing along with her. She then stood, shaking the snow from her pelt and her pale green eyes focusing on Kira.

"I was, erm, hungry. And the herbs kicked in, I'm feeling better by the second. " Silver said, and then her eyes focused on the dark grey clouds. Her ears pinned. "That doesn't look like a friendly storm, looks like a blizzard is coming. "

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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 27th 2011, 1:42 pm

Akera watched the two fae play. Once again it was refreshing to see. She hoped to one day have a friendship like that. She looked to, apparently, the Delta male. Maybe he could help her become a part of the pack. 'If we find the alphas, I need to make a good impression.' She immediatly started brushing down the wet fur that stuck up from her tackle with Taru.

(felt the need to say something XD kinda lameo)


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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 27th 2011, 1:45 pm

Jacob looked around,the large brute could smell wolves,but where...He snorted in fustration,flicking his tail in an furious way.He plopped down and lied down,and snorted once more and thought "How hard is it to find some wolves!?" He got up and kept on walking,he could hear a few voices,they were faint though.He swayed his tail vigorusly,and sighed once more.


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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira June 27th 2011, 1:52 pm

Kira smiled, her tail thumping against the ground rapidly, becoming covered in a light frost from the snow that rose. "Well that's good news then" she said, content with the fact that her friend was feeling better. Her gaze drifted to the dark clouds as Silver acknowledged them, inhaling deeply as the wind blew in their direction and ruffled her coat. "Indeed..." she trailed, finally pulling her gaze away from the clouds and back to her friend.

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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver June 27th 2011, 1:58 pm

"I'm an arctic wolf and could sit out in it easily, but many of the other pack members don't have a coat as thick as mine. It might be wise to gather in the den for safety. " Silver said, her pale green irises focused still on the clouds. Then, a bright flash came from the clouds and tapped the horizon, almost gently. But then, thunder echoed through the forest.

"Thundersnow. That's not common. " She mumbled.

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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 27th 2011, 2:00 pm

Jacob moved closer,he finally called out "Hello? Whos There?" He Walked Closer,He was FREEZING!!! His Coat Wasn't for This Cold Weather,It was too Sleek and Thin,The Brite Moved Closer,He Could See Some Blurs and Called Once More "Hello?"


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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira June 27th 2011, 2:08 pm

Kira nodded in agreement, "That would be wise" she said, her eyes on the distant clouds as they threatened to approach closer. She got the her paws, the wind ripping the light snow off of her coat easily as she looked to Silver.

(lame Dx)

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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 27th 2011, 2:10 pm

Jacob trotted closer and barked louder "Hello??" He was getting frustrated,he sighed and sat down and barked loudly.He flicked his ears as if wating for a response.


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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest June 27th 2011, 2:11 pm

When Shadow heard the thunder she ripped a leg from the carcass and trotted to the den, dragging the leg. Shadow growled, the leg was heavy. When the den came into view Shadow quickened her pace. When she reached it's enterance she set the leg down. "Hi Kira and Silver Moonlight." said Shadow, nodding her head.


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The Winter Den - Page 19 Empty Re: The Winter Den

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