
The Winter Den

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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 11:59 am

Akera looked to Insomnia, seeing him wrinkle his nose. This confused her. Then she understood. 'He doesn't like the smell of blood....' Turning her head, she watched the events in front of her. The first wolf she ever met was frozen and the second was bleeding. But Elysia was getting taken care of. And Taru...She seemed to be resisting treatment.

The guilt hit her. Akera felt utterly terrible for not getting up to help. She really did try. But her muscles aren't cooperating with her in this frigid temperature. She should be laying over there, giving what little body heat she had to Elysia. Here she was, complaining in her head about the cold and about how much it sucks, and that whole time, Elysia had been freezing to death. Guilt once again washed over Akera. She put her head on the ground, giving a low whimper of an apology to no one in particularly.


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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 12:58 pm

He placed a lean leg lined with sinewy muscles over his charcoal nose. Attempting to block out the smell of the blood. It seemed to leak through the space which he couldn't fill, and no matter what he did. It found a way into his nose and made him writhe on the floor in utmost digust towards it. Suddenly pressing his nose into the fur of Akera, not only because she whimpered in a sorry tone when she had nothing to be worried about. But because her scent blocked out the scent of the red fluid.


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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 1:09 pm

Suddenly she felt something wet and cold press into her side. Very curious, she turned her head and saw Insomnia pressing his nose deeply into her fur. For a moment her guilt left her as she stifled a laugh. It was just a very funny sight. "Hello there. Are you alright?," she whispered with one eyebrow raised.


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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 1:40 pm

((Catching up))

Mahina stood up to help Taru carry Elysia to the den, but there was not much she could do in her weakened state except gently grab the brown female's scruff and bring some weight off of Taru. She didn't walk into the den with the two, and stayed outside for a few moments, her fur being coated with ice and her fur still whipping in the harsh wind. It was only when she could no longer feel her flank did she force herself upwards and into the den, her teeth chattering and her body shaking violently with her shivering.


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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira July 14th 2011, 1:45 pm

The ebony female watched silently as Taru lay down on the opposite side of Elysia. Despite her repeated refusals of help, at least now she wouldn't be as cold. She stretched her forepaws out, her claws lightly scraping the den's floor.

Elysia laid her head down, looking up at Kira with shame and sorrow. "I, I'm sorry."

Kira's gaze flitted to Elysia as she spoke. "We can discuss things later. For now you must rest" she said softly, flattening her ears. The ebony female resisted the urge to pull away as the burning sensation fluctuated in intensity.

"If I'm too close, just let me know." He said quietly as he lay his head on his paws.

"Ok" she said, laying her own head on her paws. Her eyes blinked slowly as she looked out into the snowy mess, a happy smile spread across her muzzle as Mahina made her way back inside. Despite being cold, her friend seemed to have recieved no injuries, unlike Taru.

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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver July 14th 2011, 2:05 pm

Silver's eyes opened, as she slipped away from her slumber. She had not dreamed, for she had been too tired. She stood, assuming that Falco was asleep as well, and walked her fron paws forward and stretched with a yawn. Benefits of being an arctic wolf? Well, since she was dry, she was now warm once again. She heard the howling of wind and snow outside of the den, as it whipped the rocks and sprayed it's white powder in puffs into the den.

She walked forward, placing her head out of the den to look around. Everywhere was ghostly white, the snow was so thick, only the faint forms of trees could be made out. The warm air billowed from her nostrils like steam, as she simply watched, the clouds above and the snow below them dancing the dance of storms. She studied it, sitting just outside the den and seeming to by hypnotized by such things. Her white coat was now hardly touched with grey, as it had been bleached finally in preparation for the winter.

Her pale green eyes sparkled, as she thought. She was made for these sorts of storms, why not go out and watch it closer? But, no, it was not only the cold but the wind if hard enough could blow snow in her eyes, and she would then not be able to find her way back into the den. Her ears pinned as a gust of the tempest's fury seemed to roar upon her, sending white snowflakes flying into the den. Once the cold finally reached and made her begin to cool, she stepped back in, shaking her coat and ridding it of snow, though ice still remained.

If some were able to bear the cold, they would be able to see the beauty of a tempest as well. Silver thought, feeling slight sorrow. It was, not only strong and sometimes rather frightening, but a terrible beauty that could be compared by no other.

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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 2:16 pm

Mahina sat down on the dirt floor of the den. Her numb flank didn't allow her to move unless she dragged herself, and she still shivered even with the sudden change in temperature from the den and outside. The brown female lay herself down, still shivering though not as bad as before. She moved her tail so it wrapped around her side. Her eyes closed slightly as the shadow of sleep started to loom over her.



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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota July 14th 2011, 3:14 pm

The ebony female awoke the next morning, finding that her body was warm. It was refreshing. Having fallen asleep, Taru awoke only because of the silence. No howling winds filled the presence of the den. No trees moaned with the stress of snow and powerful air. Pale yellow eyes opened just a crack, searching for the cause of the silence. She opened her eyes fully, finding that the snowstorm outside had ceased. Warm sunlight trickled through the entrance, lighting the dark den. Some of the entrance to the den was blocked off by levels of snow, but the outside was still visible. This sight of sunlight and the sound of water droplets that meant melting snow caused pure happiness. Taru's face lit up with a bright smile. She turned to Ely, who was still recovering, whispering quietly, "The storm is gone." Taru wanted her friend to know, even if she wasn't awake to see it. The thing that had brought them so much pain, was gone. Her pale yellow eyes drifted to look at the other wolves in the den. Altair and Kira were asleep next to one another. The happiness of the storm passing was enough to make her anger of the night before melt away. She felt she owed Altair an apology. Shifting to look at Mahina, Taru found she was alone. This caused a pang of sorrow to stab her heart. With a low sigh, she lay her head down, near Elysia's shoulder.

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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 3:35 pm

"Can't you smell the blood lingering.?" He asked, muffled by her fur as he kept his muzzle pressed against her side. Keeping it buried in her fur, before wiggling it slightly.

(Lame x.x)


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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 3:54 pm

Akera swallowed a chuckle as his voice was all muffled. She had to let a giggle out however when he wiggled his nose in her fur. It tickled! "Yeah I can, but I guess it doesn't bother me that much. It really bothers you though, doesn't it?" She watched him with question in her eyes. He was a rather unique wolf, not in a bad way. Just interesting to her.


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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 4:08 pm

"Yeah." He replied simply, still muffled. He noticed she laughed when he wiggled his nose, and did it once more just to get the same reaction. Before snapping his head away from her fur, the smell was less domainant in the air now.


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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 4:10 pm

Mahina opened her eyes when sunlight filtered through the den and warmed her still damp fur. The female blinked once, overhearing Taru say that the storm had passed. She lifted her head to look outside, and found Tar was right. She was about to go outside and enjoy the sunlight, but she found that she couldn't. When she tried to stand she only found that her flank that had numbed during the storm was still causing her troubles in her ability to move, and Mahina felt like she had been hit by an oncoming truck. The fae shook, clenching her teeth. The storm had weakened her to the point where she couldn't even stand up. She rolled to her side, testing just what range of movement she had.


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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 4:16 pm

Akera gave a fake glare as he wiggled his nose again, but broke it with another fit of giggles. "Hey! That tickles!" She swatted at the male, bopping him on the nose with her small paw. She watched him move his head up. She could smell the blood, but it was very faint now.

Looking to the entryway, Akera saw the sun shining. She smiled hugely and looked at Insomnia. "Look outside!," she exclaimed, her tail thumping the ground, an expression of childish joy on her face. Until she saw the two wolves hunched up in the corner. And now a third, lying on her side. Akera put her head down on the ground and threw her paws over her eyes. She didn't want to look. She felt guilty, like she could have helped in some way.


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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 4:20 pm

He noticed the way her joyfull-ness of the storm being over was soon forgotten as she noticed the wolves laying around injured. He gently nipped her ear, and pulled it lightly. As he rose off the ground, he hated to see his friend sad and wanted to get her out the den so she could push them to the back of her mind. He would help but he had never learnt what to do when it comes to wounds, plus the betess and that male were taking care of them.


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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 4:26 pm

She gave a small smile as the white male tugged on her ear. She was glad for the gesture. Looking up at the taller wolf as he rose, she gave him an inquisitive look, then stood up as well. She looked around the den at the other wolves, carefully adverting her eyes from the three who made her heart twinge. She looked up to the entrance, squinting in the sun.


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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 4:31 pm

The light didn't bother him, as he moved swiftly forward to the entrance. Taking in gulps of the fresh air, before bounding lightly across the turf. Before turning on his heels and bowing in a playful position, waiting for her to come on out.


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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 4:35 pm

Akera watched as the male bounded out of the den. She thought he was leaving, but then she saw him turn around a bow low at her. Smiling widely, she couldn't wait to get out of the den. It reminded her too much of injury and the cold. She ran out after him, going in for a tackle, but missed by an inch and rolled through the snow. As her body skidded to a stop, she started giggling at her own stupidity, but didn't make any move to change the silly position she was in.


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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 4:39 pm

He whirled round when she rolled past him. A chuckle escaping his mouth, as he waddled over towards her to check she was alright. Upon seeing she was in a fit of giggles and he simply pawed at her muzzle.


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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 4:45 pm

She twisted so she was lying on her back and tried to paw him back. But her short legs couldn't reach. She wiggled her toes trying to get to him, but just ended up laughing. She closed her eyes while she laughed, feeling the warmth of the sun heat her chilly bones. Akera hadn't realized how much she had missed company. But now she was glad to have made a friend. The heaviness of the feelings in the den were lifted off her as she played with the male.


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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 4:49 pm

He laughed and rose his head higher then he normally holds it. Lowering back onto his rump and tossing his head down slightly. Shaking his thick fur before batting at her again. His legs much longer then hers.


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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 4:56 pm

She sat there, still, with her eyes closed. Then...pow! She reached up and got him right on the muzzle! She gave a faux-malicious laugh, then flipped over onto her stomach. But just as she moved, her stomach growled at her very loudly. Looking down to her cream colored underside, she said, "What do you want! You weren't in this conversation!" Looking back up to the male, laughter in her eyes, she spoke to him now. "Excuse my rude stomach. She butts into conversations once in a while" She stared into the male's eyes, trying to keep a straight face.


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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 14th 2011, 6:04 pm

Altair woke to the bright sunlight. He knew that the storm was over and he felt relief. No longer would any of his friends become lost to the blizzard that waged the day before. A stone appeared in his heart the second he looked over at Taru. The sharp words he said to her were still fresh in his mind and he felt guilty and angry. This anger was at himself for losing control so easily. He must have really been worried about her for such a leak of emotion to happen.

"At least the storm outside has stopped." He murmured to no one.

His side was still firmly pressed against Kira's which shocked him. He was surprised that he did not move or that she did not. The slow, gentle raise and fall of her black-and-grey flank told him that she was still asleep. A smile crossed his features before he lazily looked over to the entrance of the den. Mahina was still there, but something was wrong. Terribly, terribly wrong. She seemed to be having troubles standing.

The brute stood and quickly shook his fur. He glanced at the sleeping Kira once more before before going to Mahina's aid.

"Are you alright?" Altair dipped his head so he could assess her. He could not see any damage that he could fix.

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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver July 14th 2011, 7:39 pm

Silver's eyes shot open and fluttered for a minute as she seemed to jolt awake, jumping out of a dream and into the real world. It was like a strike of lightning, one second she was asleep and the other wide awake. Her eyes shimmered with joy as her ears picked up no sound, no howling of the wind nor beating of the snow and ice, nor the chattering teeth and vibrating bodies of packmates. Still dazed from waking up so fast, she stood awkwardly, a fresh bought of adrenaline taking over her actions. Joy fueled her then, like it had so much in her younger times in the pack, but it happened less often now. Her hind end sank as she plunged forward, only to meet an orange road-block walking past her.

"Agh!" She yelped as she flew over the male, Altair, and tumbled to the ground along with him, spinning and skidding because she was so horribly light and so bloody fast. She ended up laying on her side facing Mahina, her sides and head aching.

"Erm, Sorry, Altair." She mumbled, trying not to grin at her stupidity. She had to admit, her idiot moments tended to hurt but be kind of fun as well.

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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira July 14th 2011, 7:51 pm

Kira's gaze shot up quickly as she heard a yelp, which was soon identified as Silver. Her heart fluttered quickly in anxiety before she realized Silver was ok, her expression one of suprise. She stood to her paws gently, shaking out her pelt as she walked over awkwardly, her paws not cooperating with her sudden moving. Her ears lay flat as a yawn escaped her muzzle and she blinked several times to wake herself fully. "Way to scare me to death" she laughed, swatting at Silver playfully.

(lame, but everyone is waking up so Kirly can't be slacking off asleep Razz)

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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 14th 2011, 8:06 pm

Mahina looked up at Altair. She opened her mouth to speak but didn't get a chance to when Silver landed with a small thud next to her. The female was startled and instinct told her to leap back. She flinched away into a sitting position but not without a sharp yelp. Though her flank hurt she still burst out laughing. "Silver you clutz!" She commented, seeing the white female had also startled Kira into the waking world. When the pain in her flank forced her to her stomach, her laughter stopped and she looked to Altair to answer his question. "You tell me, I can't seem to stand up."


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The Winter Den - Page 34 Empty Re: The Winter Den

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