
The Winter Den

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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 4th 2011, 12:11 am

Elysia stayed at Kira's side, offering her moral and physica support - if not her vocal support. Her eyes roamed, though her ears twitched as she picked up the various voices. She heard Kira accept Akera, then begin speaking to another dark colored female that Elysia had yet to meet. Taru had approached as well. It appeared that Kira would be holding a whole new judgement day - who entered the pack and who did not. Elysia was glad to see the pack becoming so prosperous. Her lips twitched into a smile, though her eyes were sad.

Seeing all these hopefuls, well for some reason it depressed her. They were all so excited, so ready to become one with the Banishing Winds Pack. They had so much anticipation. Elysia recalled her own acceptance. It had gone hand in hand with the news of her beloved sister's death. She cant say she had been excited, only lonely and afraid. She was still lonely. Elysia glanced at Taru and smiled slightly. Well not all of the time. Elysia looked back to Kira.

She wasn't sure what to say, or if she should even say anything at all. She knew Kira was busy, but for some reason there were questions burning at the tip of her tongue. Elysia shifted her paws for a few moments, holding her tongue until she couldn't anymore. She looked to Kira, speaking quietly. "Where are you from?"


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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira July 4th 2011, 12:34 am

"Where are you from?"

The question reach Kira's ears and she looked to Elysia somewhat suprised. "Far away" she said with a slight laugh, while her words were true she couldn't help but laugh at how indirectly she had answered Elysia's question. She flicked her gaze between Elysia and TreeSong as she waited for a reply from the two females

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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Rune July 4th 2011, 1:10 am

Rune rolled onto his back and allowed his blackened lids to close over his eyes. Sleep was what he desired the most, but the growling of his empty stomach seemed to keep him wide-awake. “Why can’t you just let me sleep?” He questioned his tone warm as a chuckle escaped through his muzzle and he heaved himself off the snowy ground.

(? I have no idea what this is, but yeah here is my post! XD)

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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 4th 2011, 1:11 am

"Far away."

Elysia tilted her head slightly to one side. How was that even an answer? Everyone came from "far away". Kira was avoiding the question, or being difficult. Considering that Elysia didnt really know the Beta Female, it could really be either option. Maybe she was really guarded about her history, like Elysia. Or maybe she was just mean and liked to be annoying. Or maybe she was teasing. Or maybe even testing her. Elysia just wasnt sure. She mulled over her thoughts for a moment before speaking.

"Did you ever meet my sister?" There, Elysia said it. Kira couldnt avoid this question, and it was sure to intrigue her. Elysia's conversation with Taru had taught her a lot. It had taught her to trust and to move past her sorrows. Sorrows left in silence festered, secrets were not meant to be kept shut away in the dark places where they stewed in our subconcious. So here was Elysia, baring herself for Kira and waiting to see what would become of it.

In the meantime, Elysia wondered just what she had gotten herself into. What if Kira had never even met Pallatsera? What if Kira hated Pallatsera? Oh goodness gracious! What if Kira had secretly killed Pallatsera! Wait, no that last one might be slightly ridiculous, but it was still an option to be considered. Elysia was driving herself mad waiting for a reply.


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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 4th 2011, 1:22 am

Looking around everyone seemed very busy. Everyone had someone to talk to expect two brute males and I think I heard their names were Insomnia and Jacob. I saw Taru left Insomnia to go to Kira and Jacob sat alone. I though why not go make a friend. I had to decided which male I would go to. In the end I decided I would make my way over to Insomnia because he has been in the pack longer. Standing up and shaking off the snow I walked over to him. I bowed at him to show I am no threat. My icy blue eyes looking up at his made me nervous. Hello, if I am not mistaken you are Insomnia. I am Soske.


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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira July 4th 2011, 1:35 am

"Did you ever meet my sister?"

That was it, the question she knew was coming but never knew how to answer. Her shock, yet un-shocked emotion lay spread upon her features for all to see. "Of course" she said, the words flowing from her mouth without a second thought, she focused her gaze upon the sky, slightly zoned out of the current situation as memories flooded into her mind.

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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 4th 2011, 2:12 am

"Hello Soske, you are correct. My calling is Insomnia." His teal eyes flicked downwards sharply to meet her gaze. Taking in her scent which unlike most others, was not the scent of the pack. "You're new her correct ?"

(Lame x.x)


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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 4th 2011, 2:35 am

I am new to the pack, well that is if I am accepted into the pack While Soske spoke she put her eyes down kind of ashamed that she was not in the pack yet. To Insomnia she was just another loner wolf wanting to be accepted by a pack, which must have been annoying to him with all the other loners trying to join. This made Soske feel so small and timid. She tried hard not to let Insomnia see this side but she not sure if she covered it up well. She looked back up at him with the most sincere eyes and ask How long have you been in the pack?


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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 4th 2011, 11:12 am

TreeSong wrote:Treesong blinked slowly once again in thought.

"I have been a loner for quite some time." She glanced away for a millisecond. "I was...chased off from my birth pack."

Treesong felt she should be honest. She knew that giving the information of her randomly being chased off from her birth pack may lower her acceptance chances. But she'd rather not live in a new pack with secrets. Though she was being honest, her voice became bitter with the words of 'birth pack' slipping from her tongue. The wolf suddenly looked like she wished to spat like a feline onto the snow. Instead, she continued.

"However, I seek to join another pack for preservation. I cannot survive on my own for the rest of my days. I am inadequately equipt for that."

(lol that was my reply to you Kira. ^^)


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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 4th 2011, 11:24 am

Elysia twitched her ears, now slightly irritated at this point. She shifted her paws. In her own opinion, she was doing her absolute best to be friendly and sociable. She didn't know Kira, but she wanted to know Kira. Why was she so stubborn? Elysia realized that she wasn't as much annoyed with Kira, as she was dissapointed and hurt. She stood, shaking off a light layer of snow. Perhaps Kira just wasnt in the mood for conversation. Elysia's eyes flicked around, landing on Rune who had emerged from a snowy nap.

Elysia turned back to Kira, dipping her head respectfully. "I see you're busy, so I'll leave you in peace." She wanted to be clear that she wasn't angry, and certainly didnt intend to be rude. Elysia found she had a sudden need or desire to know about Pallatsera as she had been. With Derek gone, there had been no one to tell her. Her gaze flicked back to Rune. Perhaps he could shed some light on the sister she was beginning to think she had never known. She padded slowly towards the alpha male, her head respectfully lowered as she approached him.

She took a seat at his side, immediately curling her tail around her paws. She rolled her shoulders back, dipping her head to Rune. "Good morning?" she couldn't resist teasing him just a little about his recent nap. A smile spread on her lips as she waited for a reply. She hoped he would be more informative than Kira had been. All Elysia wanted was some closure, just to know what she had missed.


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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 4th 2011, 1:12 pm

Jacob sprawled out lazily on the ground,the bulky brute was bored.Nothing to do could really kll socialiazation,it really could.He sighed and put his head on his paws,then rolled over and looked at the sky.


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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira July 4th 2011, 2:05 pm

"I have been a loner for quite some time." She glanced away for a millisecond. "I was...chased off from my birth pack."

"However, I seek to join another pack for preservation. I cannot survive on my own for the rest of my days. I am inadequately equipt for that."

The female flattened her ears slightly, "May I ask why you were chased off ?" she asked, her eyes sparked with curiosity. Seeing Elysia leave and comment on how busy she had been she made a mental note to talk to her later. Her tail curled against her side again, covering her paws from the chilly wind as it blew lightly.

((Sorry I missed it Embarassed and sorry my post is so lame Razz))

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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 4th 2011, 2:26 pm

Treesong's golden gaze hardened. She should have known this question would be asked some time.

"I challenged my mother for position as alpha viciously." Treesong murmured. "After that disaster, I was chased off by the rest of the pack."

Treesong knew there was more to the story, but she could feel her heart becoming rowdy by the second. She hoped desperately that that explanation was enough. Treesong turned her gaze away.

"I hope I can begin a new start here."


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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 4th 2011, 2:31 pm

"I am now a new hunter, too!" Akera said proudly, "I have to say hunting is my calling. But you'll have to teach me how things work around this pack." Looking around, she saw many other wolves around. Akera felt at peace seeing how well the others got along. She was so glad to be here. (Lame)


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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 4th 2011, 3:25 pm

Jacob looked at a she-wolf,she seemed happy,he rolled back and got up and walked up to her and said "Why are you so happy?" His voice was somewhat...funny.Not mean or distrbive.He smiled somewhat and sat down.


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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira July 4th 2011, 5:30 pm

Kira cringed slightly as she pictured the female attacking Maiara for her position as alpha. Perhaps she was exagerating things, but it didn't cease to cross her mind. "A new start would be wonderful for you. But, keep your rank in this pack at the front of your mind, a repetition of your past would not be pleasant for you" she pointed out, her voice remaining calm as she spoke in modesty. She had a gut feeling that this female wouldn't pull anything, but it couldn't hurt to make the point across. "What rank do you feel would suit you best?" she asked.

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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 4th 2011, 5:55 pm

TreeSong watched the other female as she spoke and nodded when she finished.

She gazed away for a moment before looking back at Kira. "I have a talent for strength and agility. My large size only adds to this. It would not be easy to defeat me in a battle. Perhaps a guard would suit me just fine."

Much to TreeSong's irritation, she felt excitement and hope bubbling up inside of her. She was not used to such emotions. She was content with just feeling numb bitterness and indifference. The sudden burst of happiness was unsettling to the large wolf. But even so, she went on to assure Kira.

"An intruder would not escape my fangs should they pose a threat to this pack." She bowed her head solemnly. "You have my word."


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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota July 4th 2011, 6:43 pm

Taru couldn't help but give Treesong an admiring glance. She had challenged her own mother. The tiny female felt a sense of dread wash over her at the thought of her own mother. Taru would have never been able to challenge, let alone beat, her own mother. That was the reason of her easy departure from her territory, leaving behind the cruel woman who drove her from it. A hollow laugh was muffled inside her closed maw. She wouldn't say anything to Treesong about their complete opposites in the past, Kira was right. Keep looking ahead, that was the way to go. Taru instead, let out a quiet yawn, trying to stay calm as Treesong had blindly walked right in front of Taru to snatch Kira for the opportunity to join.

The small female sat back on her haunches, eyes combing the woods once again. If another loner wished to join, they would be after Taru. Such boldness was not normal for the petite wolfess, but she felt she had waited long enough. On top of that stress, Altair and Silver were still sick. The thought of both wolves still fighting the disease made her feel uneasy. Perhaps she would pay Silver a visit later, just to chat and get to know her better. Everyone seemed to like her, so Taru would too probably. Her pale eyes shifted towards Kira again, a patient, dull look clouding her gaze.

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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kira July 4th 2011, 8:09 pm

"I have a talent for strength and agility. My large size only adds to this. It would not be easy to defeat me in a battle. Perhaps a guard would suit me just fine."

"Well then I accept you into the pack as a guard" she said with a slight smile. The female's words has seemed modest, but would she hold true to it?, that was the question. Shaking the thought away her light blue gaze and attention landed on Taru and she smiled softly, she had seen the ebony female often, and the female seemed to have made several friends already.

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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 4th 2011, 8:20 pm

Treesong closed her eyes gently for a moment.

"Thank you." She replied.

Treesong lifted her head slightly looking off into the trees distractedly. She padded away from the other wolves, her tail whisking behind her. She had finally joined a pack after so long. Was it the right decision? Treesong had yet to find out. However, she would hold true to her word of protecting the pack. Perhaps having something to protect would ease her heart some.

And maybe...just maybe it would release her soul of some of the guilt.

With those thoughts, Treesong's bark-colored fur disappeared into the shadow of the trees, the only sign of her being there the large paw prints left by her massive paws and her odd scent.

Her stomach growled ravenously. But instead of searching for something to eat, she plopped her bottom down some way from the den. She lowered her head and closed her eyes once again.


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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 4th 2011, 9:18 pm

Akera's words snapped Shadow back to the present. She quickly thought of something to say. "I'm not a great hunter, I was trained to be a warrior.... but those days are over. Time to try something new, you know?" replied Shadow,"Well, I'm glad I'm making some new friends, I've never been good at that." She wagged her tail, feeling happier.


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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 4th 2011, 10:37 pm

"That happens to be a talent of mine, so I'm glad! I haven't been near wolves for months. Glad to see I still have social skills." Akera glanced to the side seeing a male wolf nearby. "I'm happy because I've just been accepted. For some reason I need this pack. I really do. It's what I've been looking for." She smiled proudly, "I'm Akera by the way."


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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 4th 2011, 10:43 pm

Jacob smirked "Nice to meet you Akera." He sat down and swayed his tail,smiling,then continued "What as?"
He wondered what the she-wolf was in the Pack,he was new to,so it would only help him.


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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 4th 2011, 11:02 pm

She looked to the dark male. "I'm a new hunter. I've always loved hunting." 'Even though hunting was what caused problems with my father....' Now that Akera was thinking of hunting, her stomach rumbled considerably.

Last edited by Akera on July 5th 2011, 1:07 am; edited 1 time in total


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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 4th 2011, 11:22 pm

Jacob shrugged,a Hunter like him.He trotted over to a tree,and clawed it,sharpening his dull,blunk claws a bit.He grinned and clawed the ground,and then looked at a hole that he had hit,he dug deeper until coming across a small,furry object,a goepher.Ge grabbed it with his jaws and shook it until it stopped struggling and began to eat the soft,yet tasteless meat.


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The Winter Den - Page 24 Empty Re: The Winter Den

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