
The Winter Den

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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 11th 2011, 11:19 pm

Elysia perked her ears, though nothing that Rune said was new to her. It was the same thing everyone told her. She was loyal or a great member or a loved one. But that didnt describe who she had been. It said what she had been. Of course Elysia appreciated all the kind things her new packmates had to say of her deceased sister, but Elysia had been hoping for something more. Honestly, she had expected more of Rune. She thought he, who had chosen Pallatsera as a successor and had her by his side, might have something more to say, some insight.

All Elysia wanted was to understand. Why had Pallatsera never spoken of her family? Why was Elysia so alone? Why was it only now that Elysia was beginning to realize she had never known her sister at all? She had thought Rune might have the answers for her, but he had the same praise - praise that was quickly becoming empty to Elysia's searching mind. Her dissapointment was clear in her eyes as she looked away from Rune. Her shoulders sagged and she spoke quietly.

"You all say the same thing, as if anything else would be stepping too far. I just want to know her, or at least who she was." Elysia stared at the ground, shifting her paws. Perhaps it would be better if she just left, not the pack but this conversation. She shouldn't bring up Pallatsera again, it was obviously a matter better left unspoken.


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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 12th 2011, 1:25 am

Following closely behind Sliver, Soske knew to stay really close to her and not get lost through the wind and snow. Soske was happy and grateful of Sliver for doing this for Soske. She knew she have to repay her in some way. Maybe they could even become friends why Soske really did not have friends in the pack yet. If Sliver was nice enough to bring me to the Den than maybe she be nice enough to become my friend.


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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Kaiana July 12th 2011, 1:38 am

Kanae quickly noticed that Insomnia and Akera were leaving to go to the den. Shuffling her paws, the she-wolf had the strangest sensation of loneliness prickling on her heart. She picked a quick, brisk trot as she caught up with the two wolves.

"I hope you two don't mind my intrusion." She said with a smile. "And to answer your previous question, I am doing very well. Thank you for asking, Insomnia. It's a very great pleasure to meet you, Akera."

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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Rune July 12th 2011, 2:37 am

“Perhaps we all say the same thing because every word we speak was what to us made up Pallatsera.” Rune added after he had caught the disappointment in her eyes and listened to her words. “Beyond that I don’t know what else I can say exactly. Besides that, all I can share with you are memories of the time I spent with around her. Although I will say that, your sister was of a different sort…and I remember this one time when she gave me this whole speech about love. Now that I think about it at times I think she considered herself the pack matchmaker.” Rune continued as he let a small chuckle escape through his muzzle. Although it soon quieted as the memory of Pallatsera’s “speech” to him about love surfaced. “Your sister was chosen to lead this pack with me because at the time she had the necessary skills. She was wise, kind, compassionate, at times silly, and when needed fierce. Even until the very end when her life was taken away.”

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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 12th 2011, 4:48 am

The sky was becoming a dark grey when Altair limped from the den. All the sickness that held onto his emiciated body was slowly disappearing. His ginger pelt clung to his body but his pale amber eyes were more alive than they had been since the illness set it. A scar from the cougar's jaws was barely visible anymore due to his long fur growing. Even with his inability to move, Altair's body managed to grow its fur even though he was ill.

No one was near him but it did not bother him much. Why? Altair may have been eager to see his companions but he was not sure if he was in the clear for his sickness. At least Silver's better. He thought as his pictured the Master Scholar fondly. Elysia, Mahina, Kira and Taru. The brute thought of each of his friends fondly before a wind cut through his fur. He shivered but did not retreat back into the den. A sudden desire to at least see his friends was more dominant than the instinct to return to the warmth.

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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Bear July 12th 2011, 8:18 am

(dunno where i was so.. Ima start from random Razz)

Falco trudged along in the snow, his sheeny tinted white coat protecting him from all its coolness. He faltered slightly as he shook whilst on the run. He was headed for the den, he wanted to talk to Silver, it felt like he hadn't seen her in ages. His long, steady legs carried him up the mountainside with little effort, and no way near enough to send him into a flutter of panting. As he neared to the top, he stopped and stretched his legs, the muscles felt a little tense, and were cramping. This due to having run so much in the past few days. He hadn't eaten and had thinned out considerably, but his fur hid all that, for now, It wouldn't be long before he was to loose that coat, and summer days to take their toll on him. He rolled in the snow finding its coolness refreshing, before once again shaking it all out. He scented the air and couldn't find where his mate was. He sniffed again, about in all directions, his heart starting to race. His mind trying to keep calm saying that she was okay and that she was near. Though something didn't seem right and he paced back and forth.

Falco lifted his head and howled for Silver. He sensed the storm coming and wished that he were tucked away in the den already, but he wasn't going to, not until Silver came back.

(really lame..)

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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 12th 2011, 10:12 am

Elysia immediately felt ashamed of her words. She knew she had gone too far. No one had said anything but positive things of Pallatsera and it wasn't Elysia's place to request their memories. Her ears folded back against her head submissively and her shoulders sagged sheepishly. She peered up at Rune, listening with fascination as he spoke. A matchmaker? She gave speeches about love? Elysia's saddness melted away. Rune held her enraptured.

Her eyes were wide, her full attention focused excitedly on Rune. She drank in his words, her own bubbling to the surface excitedly. "Who did she get together? Did she know everything about love?" Her tail thumped the ground. The image of her sister doing anything related to love was so foreign to Elysia. Pallatsera was more the type to let love come to her, not to work for it. But apparently she had been a matchmaker. Elysia grinned. This tidbit of information had brightened her life. It was something new, all she had wanted since she arrived and learned of her sister's departure.

And Rune had given it to her. She looked to the alpha male with adoration. It wasn't romantic adoration, just plain adoration. She was young and in her mind, from that moment, she swore a much more personal oath of loyalty to the alpha male. She would be there for anything he needed, to fetch another member or maybe even something to eat. Nothing would ever touch him, because he bestowed gifts of memory.


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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Silver July 12th 2011, 10:51 am

"The den is right here, for future reference. " Silver said to Soske, as she walked through a thickened forest that opened up to a large den before the two wolves. She stopped, turning to the side, and looked at Soske. A small smile played at the edges of her lips, and she then continued inside, her claws clacking on the stone.
{Not much to say... xD}

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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 12th 2011, 11:48 am

Akera looked at the female, who was almost invisible in the snow storm. She didn't want Kanae thinking she wasn't invited along. Akera just needed to get to the den fast! "I don't mind at all! Sorry to leave without you. I didn't mean to. I just need to get to the den as quickly as possible. I don't do well in winter. But I'm so glad you are coming with us!" Akera liked the female and had a good feeling about her. She looked to Insomnia too. 'So many new friends today. I am grateful.' She was glad he was leading the way to shelter. She would lost without him, so she kept an eye on him and followed closely. She definitely didn't want to get lost in this.


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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota July 12th 2011, 12:25 pm

A small lard of snow, a mini hill of sorts, jutted up from the earth. Its placement was strange, something odd among the surrounding flatlands. Suddenly, two ears errupted from beneath the snow. Their ebony color made it obvious that Taru was indeed this small lard in the snow. She stood, causing the snow that had covered her to crack and shudder in many places. Eventually, the wolfess was free of her prison that was the weather's doing. Taru had fallen asleep for just a few hours, kept warm by the collecting snow. The thought of her sleeping beneath so much snow made her shiver suddenly, it was pleasent in truth but rather unsettling in her mind. She yawned, stretching her long legs to awaken herself. Black nose twitching to intake a few scents, Taru found another unsettling idea. All the scents were drowned in the snow, faint and almost as if they weren't there.

Taru figured most wolves had gone to shelter in nearby dens, movements shrouded in snowfall. Considering most somewhere the female didn't know, she figured it would be best to go where she knew someone was. Altair was still sick, wasn't he? How long had she been asleep? The thought of him made her blood run cold, perhaps he had fallen to the sickness. She set off in his direction in a run, sending up little flurries of snow with every step. Taru's pale yellow eyes caught sight of the den where Altair was resting. She slowed her pace, straining her neck to see if her friend was alright.

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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 12th 2011, 12:36 pm

Altair was licking some snow off of his paws when he caught a familiar scent. One that he could never misplace. Instantly, his great ginger-and-white head snapped up and his pale eyed scanned through the trees. A dark shape loomed a little ways away and was slowly growing closer. That shape was the source of the scent.


The brute's tail began to wag slowly as the fae approached. He was able to make out some of her features even despite the snow that had started to fall. Her small size was the first thing he recalled other than her scent. The shape of her ears came next and the colour of her eyes soon followed. He was most glad to see her again.

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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota July 12th 2011, 12:45 pm

When Taru saw movement, a sense of relief washed over her. A wide grin broke across her face. She let her paws carry her across the snow a few more feet. Leaning down, the female looked into the den. "Your not dead yet?" she asked with a playful laugh, "Maybe you'll live after all." Lowering herself to the ground, Taru settled down outside the den. She wondered if she could still catch the illness, but highly doubted it. If she hadn't caught it already, it wasn't going to happen. Her tail flicked in happiness, for Altair seemed to be much healthier. This was a good sign, most definatly. Seeing as Silver was already over her illness, she assumed this brute would be over it soon as well. "How are you feeling?" Taru asked, moving slightly as more snow seemed to fall onto her pelt. The weather was growing worse it seemed, something that meant Taru would probably be covered in snow eventaully.

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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 12th 2011, 12:53 pm

"You can come in, you know." Altair said with a light chuckle as he noticed that Taru remained outside. "The illness is gone. The snow made sure of that."

He shifted until he was laying down again. Even though he was feeling better, his normal amount of stamina had not returned yet. There was no doubt in the large brute's mind that he would soon regain his strength.

"How are you feeling?" Taru asked, moving slightly as more snow seemed to fall onto her pelt.

"I'm doing pretty well." He replied as he looked at her. "How about yourself?"

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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 12th 2011, 1:00 pm

((I forgot where I put Mahina, so I'll just have her pop in somewhere))

Mahina stood from the snow, her fur fluffed up as a defense against the cold. She walked with slow steps, aiming towards something she doubted would be there anymore. Well, what a surprise it was for the female, for she heard voices, one of them belonging to the one she thought she had lost. Perking her ears, she padded into the den, stopping beside Altair. "Am I dreaming, or are you really alive?"


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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota July 12th 2011, 1:06 pm

Taru smiled warmly at his offer. It was nice of him, considering the weather was abnormal as of late. She moved forward, crawling into the den carefully. The ice that was on her pelt instantly melted with the new heat. Her fur absorbed it instantly. "Good thing I'm so little," she laughed quietly, shifting so that her head was towards the exit of the den. The cold breeze made her shudder, but the warmth slowly got to her. A relaxed yawn escaped her muzzle and she smiled. "I'm doing fine. Its great to see that you are feeling better. You had me scared for awhile," Taru replied. When Mina appeared, her tail instantly wagged, 'Hello Mina."

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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 12th 2011, 1:14 pm

"Good thing I'm so little," she laughed quietly, shifting so that her head was towards the exit of the den.

"Indeed, you tiny pipsqueak." Altair teased as he pawed at Taru playfully. This den was small and he was large; he could reach her.

"I'm doing fine. Its great to see that you are feeling better. You had me scared for awhile," Taru replied.

Altair grinned. "I worried you, did I? Well don't worry any longer kid, I'll be around for a long time yet to cause mischief."

His pale eyes flickered to Mahina as the pretty fae entered the den. She seemed astonished to see him; he was pleased that he had been missed. Back in his old home, no one was missed and therefore the large brute found it nice to know that others cared.

"Am I dreaming, or are you really alive?"

"I'm really alive, Mina." He said warmly. "I'm not going anywhere."

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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Dakota July 12th 2011, 1:24 pm

Taru couldn't hold back her laugh at his nicknames. Pipsqueak & Kid? They were definatly original. "How long did it take you to make those up?" she laughed, nudging him playfully in the shoulder with her nose. The female looked up towards Mahina. She hardly knew her, but understood that the situation with Spirit and Soran had been partially her fault. Taru wasn't the one to judge though, so quickly disregarded that thought. Mahina seemed truly nice.

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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 12th 2011, 1:35 pm

"How long did it take you to make those up?" she laughed, nudging him playfully in the shoulder with her nose.

Altair laughed with the fae. His eyes sparkled as he felt more at ease with his two companions. When Taru nudged him playfully with her nose, he quickly rolled over and swatted at her.

"I just made them up. Just now." He puffed out his chest in feigned pride.

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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 12th 2011, 1:48 pm

Mahina gave a small smile, giving Altair a friendly nuzzle on the cheek. "Well I'm glad." Her tail thumped against the ground, stirring up stay snow and dirt.

[Lame ._. ]


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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 12th 2011, 1:59 pm

"Well I'm glad."

"Thank you for worrying about me." Altair smiled. He was truly glad that he had friends such as these two. His tail wagged slowly again which showed his contentment. "You can lay down. The ground is warm."


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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 12th 2011, 3:29 pm

The den wasn't that far, and he quickly reached it. Standing infront of the entrance with his head craned round to watch the two female's approach. The thought suddenly popped into his head 'He hadn't made many male friends, all his new friends seemed to be female' He wondered if this was because of the male/female ratio or because many of the males didn't bound and they would rather keep to making female friends but it struck him as being weird.


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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 12th 2011, 4:22 pm

Akera slowed as they reached the den. She watched curiously as Insomnia watched her and Kanae. 'I wonder what he's thinking about...' She cocked her head a bit, but shook it off and took almost a diving leap into the den. Instant shelter from the wind was her reward. Still shaking, she rustled her fur, scattering loose snow and ice. Akera then curled up in a small ball, shivering. She willed herself to start making body heat, but it didn't seem that her body wanted to listen. She watched the other two, waiting for them to come into the den, if they wished. She hoped they did. Akera liked the two of them and loved the company.


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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 12th 2011, 4:29 pm

Altair yawned. All of a sudden, the brute felt tired. It was most likely caused by the sickness that had been in his body only a day before. He moved himself over if only to give Taru some room in the tiny den however, with even the littlest movement, he found himself pressed against Mahina. Her fur was soft to the touch but he didn't want to overheat her with his still warm body.

"Sorry." He mumbled as he moved again so he was inbetween the two faes.

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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Guest July 12th 2011, 4:34 pm

Mahina averted her gaze towards Altair. "Nah its fine, I don't mind being a pillow." She smiled and chuckled slightly, looking outside at the weather that only seem to go worse by the second. She was glad to be in the den where it was warm and she had the comfort of her friends around.


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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

Post by Skye July 12th 2011, 4:43 pm

"Nah its fine, I don't mind being a pillow."

"I wonder if Silver and Kira are okay." Altair voiced his worries rather than dwelling on the subject any longer.

He sincerely hoped that the Beta and Master Scholar were alright since they, like Taru and Mahina, were his friends. Unsettling pictures of the two wolves being swallowed up by the snow formed in his brain. A low whine escaped his muzzle as he thought of them. With the storm swifting approaching, he was growing distressed.

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The Winter Den - Page 28 Empty Re: The Winter Den

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